- Title kind of covers it - LSS - 56 Paladin - Tanking experience from level 46-56 for the most part. Want to check build and see if I should just keep going or re-spec totally.
So long story - I leveled a paladin as retribution to 74, mainly solo and stumbling through the game, and then changed servers. After many characters, and servers, I'm leveling a dwarf paladin on borean tundra named Londono. Borean Tundra was a new server with the launch of Lich King, and I didn't realize people could transfer after 90 (or 180?) days, so thought it would be nice to ... re-level on a new server, since i knew so much more now... or so I though, and it was also a PvE server, which I had never played on.
Since starting all over, no help from friends with gold, etc, I've leveled a priest, rogue, paladin, and dk a good bit. Leveled up characters of other classes as well, but those are level 40 minimum.
I left the pally at 46/47 for a long time, just sitting there, while I got my priest to 44, and rogue to 43. Then the pally bug hit me again, and the LFG improvement had helped my priest level quickly, so i tried it.
Initially, I was queuing as DPS, and only tank if I really wanted to concentrate and try, since i was retribution through and through. Eventually, I decided to queue as tank, and was very successful, even as retribution spec.
I was curious what protection would offer, so tried a new prot build, trying mainly to up my stamina and see what kind of tricks prot had. After a couple builds, I came up with -
Should I be running blessing of sanctuary, or only take it for holy shield, and buff myself with kings/wis/might? Should I skip this whole branch?
I went far enough into retribution to get seal of command, and its really seemed to help my ability to hold aggro. Should I put everything into protection, or am i on the right track?
I have played this build for the last 4 levels, and it works, but I still feel drawn to a straight ret build.