From what I've learned from the mages who raid with me, Arcane is the flavour of the month, and people have been sighted speccing out of Frostfire builds for raiding all over the country. My problem, though, is that I'm very manly. Purple sparkles aren't manly. Exploding balls of fire are manly. So I decided to go fire and literally melt faces. I played around with the talents a bit and ended up with a build that is working pretty damn good for my level. My rotation for trash could be described as the infamous "JOHN F*CKING MADDEN" and I just pop Dragon's Breath, Flame Strike and Blast Wave to make everything near me explode. My rotation for bosses is Living Bomb > Scorch > Fire Blast > Fire Ball until Living Bomb drops, imp Scorch falls off or Fire Blast comes of cooldown, throwing instant Pyroblasts from Hot Streak basically as soon as the talent pops. But where are the questions, you ask? Well, here we go.
1. Am I doing it right? Is this the way you're supposed to play fire or did I miss something obvious and should I, say, forego Fire Blast altogether?
When looking through the awesome mage post (or w/e it's called again) I stumbled upon this, which then lead me to this 'cookie cutter' fireball spec. Which lead me to the following questions
2. Is that spec still viable in current 80's content? Is Arcane simply more popular because it's easier to play or is it simply all out better DPS? Or is it perhaps so that Arcane scales better and is only better in higher-end content? And how much better or worse is pure fire (in a fire/arcane spec) compared to a frostfire (fire/frost) spec?
2a. How does Torment the Weak work? This is something I've never quite understood. Aren't most raid bosses immune to snares? How do I benefit from the 12% damage?
2b. If I were to use the cookie cutter but swap Torment the Weak and Student of the Mind for Blast Wave, Dragon's Breath and Firestarter, like so, would it be a tremendous loss of single-target damage? And is the AOE damage even worth it in raids? And what if I want to raid but would also use this spec for grinding? And if I really wanted the awesome AOE-ness, would it be a better idea to grab the points from Improved Scorch or Playing with Fire instead?
And spec discussions aside,
3. Can anyone recommend me a good addon to take care of my portals? I'd specifically like a button with a "drop-down menu" - I just downloaded an addon called Wittymage but haven't had a chance to test it yet.
Thanks in advance for anyone willing to shed light on my issues or show me his experiences!