How serious of raiding, and what raid size? 25s with a hardcore guild? 25s with "a bunch of the guys"? 10s?
Being as overly-critical as I can.
You're overcapped on Expertise (only need 6.5%, could free up 3.25%) but it doesn't look like you're gearing specifically for it for the most part. Might be able to get more benefit out of a different trinket than Victor's Call. I'd question if even Mirror of Truth might not give you more DPS.
You're a miner, which provides no DPS benefit. You're also a skinner, which provides less DPS than some professions, though +40 crit isn't bad, just not as powerful as STR from BS/JC. You very likely depend on mining and skinning for income though. Some raiding guilds might want you to switch professions -- again, depends how serious you and they are about min/maxing.
Mining/skinning: +40 crit rating
JC/Skinning: +42 STR/+40 crit rating
JC/BS: +82 STR (factoring in Kings and Divine Strength, I believe this is actually ~104 STR, or about half of a Berserking proc + some SP).
In terms of glyphs, I'd question your use of Glyph of SoV in your current gear - you've already got 33 Expertise and bumping that up won't help your DPS.
Not on a DPS note, but I'd question your allocation of 5/5 Divinity over 2/2 Vindication. A full AP debuff on a boss really reduces damage done to tanks, depending of course on your tank. Most Prot Warriors won't have a full AP debuff though, and DKs don't have ANY AP debuff. 1% healing doesn't seem that important to me. Not that Vindication is a must-have talent: I've seen a lot of raiding rets running around with 11/5/55 and sacrificing the AP debuff. I'd say it would depend on your raid composition and needs of your raid. But I would place [2/2 Vindication, 4/5 Divinity] over [1/2 Vindication, 5/5 Divinity] and would wonder why you wouldn't do the same.
So spec and glyphs are "pretty good" but even to an untrained eye could be cleaned up.
In terms of gear in-depth, it'd take someone better than me to comment - looks decent to me though I'd like it even better if you could trade some ArPen and Expertise for other stats. May not be possible though as Plate gear tends to be developed with multiple classes in mind and not every piece you can get is optimal.