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PSA: Stacking Intellect does not make a good Healadin.Follow

#1 Jan 29 2010 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
So, yesterday I did a random, and found myself in H-OK. Not my favorite instance, but I'm not one of those tanks who will bail without even giving it a try.

The very first thing I like to do, is mouse-over the healer's HP and Mana, to get some rough idea of their gear. If I see 16-18k mana, then I know the healer just started gearing up and I should be prepared for a little pain. If I see 22+ then it should be good.

Should be.

Last night, I ran into a Holy Paladin who had 22k HP and 26.5k Mana.

Now, I've NEVER seen a Holy Paladin with 26.5k mana... I assumed this guy was decked out in ICC stuff.

Imagine the surprise I felt when I was near-dying on every pull, and when DPS were barely surviving trash pulls when they'd get hit with AoE and Splash damage. Elder Nadox wasn't that easy, though the vampire went down easy enough.

Then sh*t hit the fan. We died 3 times on the way to Jedoga, this guy just couldn't keep people up. He'd stand in the flamestrikes and die, etc etc. It's a wonder we got Jedoga down. Anyways, one more wipe after Jedoga, and I start getting annoyed. At one point, I go "Dude, how does a 26.5k healer OOM every other _Trash_ pull!?"

To which he replies:

"Because you suck and take too much of my mana."

Now... I don't know about you, but when a tank never loses threat (except that one death in which I forgot Righteous Fury, my bad) for more than a second or two and is quick on the taunts, and when a tank has 41k health after buffs, and has 90+ combined block/dodge/parry, it is *hardly* the tank's fault. Especially if said tank is #2 on the DPS meter. WoW-heroes says that I am almost ready for ICC10; I think that's plenty good enough for Heroic-Freaking-Old Kingdom.

I don't know much about Holy Healing myself, but I swear Flash of Light was the only spell on this guy's hot key bar. He might have thrown a Holy Light or two, I don't know. Surely he had more tools, that he should have been using?

Other than that.... just how does a 26.5k mana healer OOM on a trash pack when the tank isn't losing aggro?

Edited, Jan 29th 2010 4:31pm by Zariamnk
#2 Jan 29 2010 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts

I'm not a paladin, but 26.5k mana is actually fairly low for one, if you ask me. It's what our main paladin healer had when we were starting Ulduar. Currently he has around 32K unbuffed and we're only just starting IcC 25-man. Regardless;

It seems the healer in that group was being stupid, though I do think the possibility exists that your DPS were simply standing in the fire too much and simply OOMed the paladin that way.
#3 Jan 29 2010 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
4,993 posts
Mozared wrote:

I'm not a paladin, but 26.5k mana is actually fairly low for one, if you ask me. It's what our main paladin healer had when we were starting Ulduar. Currently he has around 32K unbuffed and we're only just starting IcC 25-man. Regardless;

It seems the healer in that group was being stupid, though I do think the possibility exists that your DPS were simply standing in the fire too much and simply OOMed the paladin that way.

Except for some odd reason, he was OOMing even on the 3x bug pulls, even when I was stunning and silencing the shadow blast casts. I just can't understand how he would go from 100% down to 50% on 3 bugs. I'm not taking too much damage; like I said, wow-heroes says I'm almost ready for ICC10, and I tanked it just fine any other time.

I'm thinking he stacked Intellect, Intellect, and more Intellect and had dirt poor spellpower or something.
#4 Jan 29 2010 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Uhh.. A paladin stacking intellect is like a death knight stacking strength. It's what you do, except for the rare FoL pallies that gem spellpower, comparable to perhaps blood DKs with ArPen gems.

26.5k mana is low. I had that sometime during Ulduar progression. I just passed 41k last night. It's still possible to OOM at this point if I spam holy light for no good reason, so that had to be what he did. Even at 26k, you could cast Flash for a few minutes straight no problem.
#5 Jan 29 2010 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Maybe he just spammed holy light when he saw damage regardless of how much it was, or kept refreshing beacon every 15 seconds or something. Recount has an overhealing report you could check out in the future.

I just finished spending all my spare triumph badges on t9 for holy and some of the trinkets and rings you can buy and i have around 28.5k mana self buffed. But i don't put int in every slot like some pallies i see; i like int/mp5 for blue sockets and just straight spellpower for red. I've done a few heroics and i very rarely if ever go below 25k mana. Sacred shield > flash of light and that's the tank taken care of for 12 seconds and you can go around cleansing and topping up the rest. Judgement of light on high hp enemies is usually a lot of healing for next to no mana also.
#6 Jan 29 2010 at 6:40 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
As others have said, under 30k buffed is basically unacceptable to raid ICC or (I would guess) ToC hardmodes. Spellpower is not so important as for other healers because the base healing value is relatively high, and in most cases spellpower contributes as much to overhealing as to healing.

I'd guess, from the description, that he wasn't using beacon and SS, is still geared and specced for crit (never noticing the Illumination nerf), and is glyphed and Libramed for FoL. Basically optimized for facerolling with an overgeared group. But if he does have to fall back on HL spam, he probably has less than 1/3 of the time to OOM that I do (1/2 the time as I did at the same gear level). And either doesn't know about melee for mana or doesn't care. And didn't have a resistance aura ready for when the DPS decide to stand in fire that isn't metaphorical.

Actually, I suspect that everything about his play was bad except the int-stacking part.
#7 Jan 29 2010 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Zariamnk wrote:
Last night, I ran into a Holy Paladin who had 22k HP and 26.5k Mana.

Now, I've NEVER seen a Holy Paladin with 26.5k mana... I assumed this guy was decked out in ICC stuff.

My holy spec is ToC25-geared; 5-man buffed I have around 18k-19k health and 32k mana.

Are you sure he was actually *Holy*, as opposed to a Ret-healer or Prot-healer? They do exist (they are or were acceptable PvP builds), but my experience has been they can fail spectacularly in PvE instances.
#8 Jan 29 2010 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
4,993 posts
I should have inspected his gear, but I know he had 26k+ mana, and he was utterly failing to keep people alive.

And I would have thought that if he were wearing pvp gear and/or using a pvp spec, he wouldn't have been keeling over after 3-5 seconds in a flamestrike lol.

Those flamestrikes can hurt, but not THAT bad, that he keels over after a few seconds... jeez.
#9 Jan 29 2010 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
26k is nothing, there is a guy on my server that breaks 40k with kings and that's it.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Jan 30 2010 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Its nothing to do with his gearing or spec choices. That guy is just bad.
#11 Jan 30 2010 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,157 posts
I do find it slightly humorous that the only thing the OP complained about was the only thing the pally was doing right.
#12 Jan 31 2010 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
You cant really put all the fault on the pally in this instance, since you basically admitted yourself you werent paying that much attention. Forgetting to apply righteous fury is a pretty big mistake, and for a tank it should be almost second nature to make sure its on. OK is a difficult instance for a paladin healer. The spiders have an AoE poison that does a significant amount of damage if not cleansed off. The packs before Jegoda have corruptions, curse of tongues and flamestrikes, as well as the elementals that fireball, frostbolt and lightning bolt whomever they want. You cant be sure dps werent standing in flamestrikes. I myself have 38k+ mana unbuffed, and even i have had trouble at certain spots in that instance with a medicorely geared tank and less than intelligent dps. A well timed cure of tongues + flamestrikes can do a significant amount of damage to a group if you arent prepared for it. Not to mention a majority of the damage in that instance is Spell based, so your mitigation stats do nothing to prevent it.

If a healer is going oom, as frustrating as it is, you need to wait for them. Everyone moves at their own pace, and as frustrating as it is to be in an instance for 20 minutes, its even more frustrating dying over and over because you are trying to rush things. Learn a little bit more about paladin healing and maybe you can help the next guy out by taking a look at his recount healing. It can provide a huge amount of information about what he is or isnt doing correctly.

And like many people have said before, 26k mana is laughable at this point in time. Im struggling to break 40k unbuffed currently, and looking at the gear in ICC HMs im not sure if ill make it there :(.
#13 Jan 31 2010 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
4,993 posts
crazeecracker wrote:
You cant really put all the fault on the pally in this instance, since you basically admitted yourself you werent paying that much attention. Forgetting to apply righteous fury is a pretty big mistake, and for a tank it should be almost second nature to make sure its on.

This was right after the 3rd wipe because the idiot stood in a flamestrike and got killed. I was getting a bit pissed at this point, and forgot to click it on, after blowing 100% mana and grumbling about having to drink the 10th water this dungeon because of it. Blizzard Promised to make it so Righteous Fury wasn't supposed to wear off upon death, but it wears off when I die, every. stinking. time. Sometimes I just Forget to put it back on after a wipe. Especially if I'm swearing away at this idiot.

OK is a difficult instance for a paladin healer. The spiders have an AoE poison that does a significant amount of damage if not cleansed off.

Which Reminds me: I was doing 90% of the Cleansing. Thanks for reminding me of that. Yes, me, the tank doing half of the healer's job. Imagine that.....

The packs before Jegoda have corruptions, curse of tongues and flamestrikes, as well as the elementals that fireball, frostbolt and lightning bolt whomever they want. You cant be sure dps werent standing in flamestrikes.

DPS are supposed to be whacking away at the mob if they are melee; which all but one were in this group. I was moving out of flamestrikes myself, so... if they were standing in flamestrikes, then they weren't up with the mob, swinging at them as they should have been. The warlock in the group, maybe... that's still fail. Okay, so maybe not ALL of the fail was the healer's.

I myself have 38k+ mana unbuffed, and even i have had trouble at certain spots in that instance with a medicorely geared tank and less than intelligent dps. A well timed cure of tongues + flamestrikes can do a significant amount of damage to a group if you arent prepared for it. Not to mention a majority of the damage in that instance is Spell based, so your mitigation stats do nothing to prevent it.

Paladins have three resist auras: Shadow, Fire, and Frost. I was using mine, the Holy Paladin had Devotion on fulltime. Nevermind that MY Devotion was stronger than his, due to a talent in my talent tree. Even when I had Devotion on, he kept his Devotion up.

If a healer is going oom, as frustrating as it is, you need to wait for them. Everyone moves at their own pace, and as frustrating as it is to be in an instance for 20 minutes, its even more frustrating dying over and over because you are trying to rush things. Learn a little bit more about paladin healing and maybe you can help the next guy out by taking a look at his recount healing. It can provide a huge amount of information about what he is or isnt doing correctly.

He was going 'mana' after every stinking trash pull. He would literally go from 100% down to 50% every trash pull, EVEN the trash pull with the 3 bugs, EVEN with me saving my Avenger's Shield and Hammer of the Righteous for stopping Shadow Blasts. Even with me cleansing 3 out of 5 poisons.

I've never played Holy before; I'm Ret/Prot.. one thing I DON'T want to do, is try to school someone on something I've never done myself. Though if I keep seeing fail Holy healers, then I might have to start reading some guides or something. Usually, holy paladins are pretty good, I still don't know what the heck was wrong with this guy.

And like many people have said before, 26k mana is laughable at this point in time. Im struggling to break 40k unbuffed currently, and looking at the gear in ICC HMs im not sure if ill make it there :(.

I must not have the kind of luck you guys do, when I see a healer with 25k+ mana, I consider that "good" because I'm used to seeing healers in the 18-22k range. Every now and then I'll get an uber healer with Tot(G)Cr stuff on, but... that seems rare to me. Probably because I do heroics on weird off-hours, when the main raiding crowd ain't doing anything like that. I get all of the raiding rejects (not saying that in an offensive way) that can't raid because of their online schedules (similar to my own boat, actually).

Edited, Jan 31st 2010 7:06pm by Zariamnk
#14 Feb 01 2010 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Sounds like a pally that didn't know how to use beacon and just spammed holy light for any damage on anyone. Also may have been using downranked spells which would make him cast more holy lights than necessary to heal everyone. I highly recommend downloading rankwatch so you know if you have a real nub in your grp.
#15 Feb 02 2010 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
The very first thing I like to do, is mouse-over the healer's HP and Mana, to get some rough idea of their gear. If I see 16-18k mana, then I know the healer just started gearing up and I should be prepared for a little pain. If I see 22+ then it should be good.

Depends on the healer, to be honest.

My Druid is barely breaking 19k in full T9 (4.8k GS). I had 16k mana for the longest time while we did ToC10.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Feb 02 2010 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
I've never played Holy before; I'm Ret/Prot.. one thing I DON'T want to do, is try to school someone on something I've never done myself.

Isn't that what you are doing by making this thread? In fact, you even went so far as to call it a 'public service announcement'. Seriously, get off the high horse; you might hurt yourself.
#17 Feb 04 2010 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Mazra wrote:
Zariamnk wrote:
The very first thing I like to do, is mouse-over the healer's HP and Mana, to get some rough idea of their gear. If I see 16-18k mana, then I know the healer just started gearing up and I should be prepared for a little pain. If I see 22+ then it should be good.

Depends on the healer, to be honest.

My Druid is barely breaking 19k in full T9 (4.8k GS). I had 16k mana for the longest time while we did ToC10.

Amen to this. Walked into an AN the other night, had a total fail healer who bailed after the first trash pull. Our next one came in and I did the same: checked his mp... OMG. 16k!? I thought we were doomed. Turns out he was PvP-geared. He went below 50% twice; and after a glyphed innervate, was fine. The run went super smoothly, and the healer was great, never even had to rest and drink.
#18 Mar 19 2010 at 12:22 AM Rating: Default
Very good. Come to learn from him.
#19 Mar 19 2010 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I see a lot of people talking about "40k mana unbuffed", and I think this needs some clarification on why its not likely a good thing.

Holy Paladins want to hit 32-37k, and really should not go much higher. The reason for this being is if you can reach ungodly amounts of mana like 40k then you are more then likely capable of obtaining items such as Solace of the Defeated. Solace of the Defeated is most definitely better then lets say Talisman of Resurgence, and its not hard to obtain. When you look at high end Holy Paladin look at their haste, and trinkets those are often the biggest tells on whether that person knows his stuff or not.
#20 Mar 19 2010 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
I think i am one of two Paladins on my server who stacks Spellpower instead of Intellect. I constantly get whispers asking me why I don't stack Int, people can tell by my gear that I am regular raider but I dont have the standard raiding setup, it confuses them.
I have about 25k mana without any Intellect gems or trinkets, so I am not exactly concerned about going OOM. I cast FoL 90% of the time and the mana use from that is tiny when you take Replenishment, Illumination and MP5 into account.

But I have seen the occasional idiot look at my mana pool and say "You arent geared for Toravon" Never mind the fact that im approaching 4k spellpower while fully buffed.

Intellect does not make a Healadin. Spellpower does not make a Healadin. Skill is the only important thing.
#21 Mar 19 2010 at 9:26 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
Ebany as much as I agree that you can be a good Flash of Light Paladin I also very strongly believe that if someone with equal ability to you plays a Holy Light Paladin they will prove stronger. This however does not mean you can not play a Paladin the way you want, or that you can't play better then a Holy Light Paladin it just means in the best theory crafted setup Holy Light is stronger.

In the end this game is a pleasure game first, and foremost thus some can play as Flash of Light Paladins while still maintaining some effectiveness.

Edited, Mar 19th 2010 11:28pm by Yooya
#22 Mar 20 2010 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Paladins have a good thing going in that there are two entirely different gem/gear choices that they can make right now and be completely functional with. Each performs the same basic task but have unique strengths.

SP stacking allows for a incredibly mana efficient healer that is putting 8-12k heals on the tank every second, if some of that is overhealing it doesn't really matter thanks to beacon. Sacred shield SP gemmed an maintained can absorb up to 100k damage on a tank per fight. 100k is 100k, less big spikes etc. You also provide a raid wall, put with tanks you can pop divine sac during burst on a tank etc.

Int/Haste allows for bomb healing, lots of splash healing from the glyph as well. It is more mana intensive but Replen and large mana gains from DP allow for it. On big burst it's pretty ace. If a tank drops to 10% health and melee go to 30% a beacon on a tank, HL on a dps, then splash on each of the rest of the dps can result in 18k heal on the 1 dps, HL glyph doing 2k heal on each in 8 yards then a tank getting 18k + 2kxhowever many melee it procs on.

Both are great at either 1 healing watching 2 tanks, or 1 healing on a tank but also topping spike damage on raid faster than druids can manage.

The main issue is most paladins don't really understand how to go for either of these specs. HL Int stacking paladins with SP trinkets and librams, or SP stacking when you haven't reached 670 haste. Both are signs of paladins who have a cursory understanding of what they should be doing but who are doing it wrong because they don't understand the specifics.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#23 Mar 20 2010 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
then a tank getting 18k + 2kxhowever many melee it procs on.

The heals from Glyph of Holy Light are not transferred by Beacon.

Personally, I regret trading 14k mana for 1400 spellpower. Maybe I'm just not used to it, it's only been two weeks. Or maybe my 10-man group just doesn't support it. Even with 814 haste, I'm not haste capped because we're missing Wrath of Air and the 3% haste buff; also missing a SP totem and MotW. Sometimes even missing Replenishment, when our priest has to heal.

4100 spell power in a full 25-man, before the PvP libram. But I'm still planning to farm back the 20 yellow gems.
#24 Mar 20 2010 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Now I want to start up my account and play because I remember it did, at least according to Elitist.

Link your toon though.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Mar 20 2010 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
The main issue is most paladins don't really understand how to go for either of these specs. HL Int stacking paladins with SP trinkets and librams

Holy Light Paladins pick these up because they have reached a point of effectiveness where they can transfer some stats. In some cases they also are just plain better for example, Solace of the Defeated is a better mana regeneration trinket then Talisman of Resurgence.

Having 40k mana as a Holy Paladin at the loss of other stats is not a good thing, because it isn't necessary.

Edited, Mar 20th 2010 7:16pm by Yooya
#26 Mar 20 2010 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Now I want to start up my account and play because I remember it did, at least according to Elitist.

Link your toon though.
I'm so original with names. I have both Ehcks paladins, and two other characters with Ehcks as at least half the name.

If GoHL went through Beacon, my numbers on Valithria would be simply insane. Holy Light for 130k, GoHL on 3 people for 50k each. Yeah, that's fair. :D
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