shaman have had to endure alot of pain over the past several years and have been promised many things. While they did get some major attention in the recent patch with their ‘totem fix’, they still need alot of work. In WoW Cataclysm, Shaman will hopefully get the fixes that they’ve been asking for. There’s already signs that developers are working on the Shaman class in Wow Cataclysm.
List of new additions and changes for Shaman in WoW Cataclysm:
# Mana tide totem will likely have the option to remove group utility for increased effect on a solo Shaman.
# Enhancement Shaman will be similar to Retribution Paladins in WoW Cataclysm. Intelligence will come mainly from talents and therefore Shaman can continue to share loot with some Hunters who no longer require mana.
# Enhancement Shamans having to run in and out of melee ranges to redrop totem and sacrifice DPS is a legitimate problem, they don’t want enhancement to have to run out like that.
# Elemental Shaman in WoW Cataclysm will see changes to no longer be a long range turret that enemies always aim and easily take out first.
# Shaman Healers in WoW Cataclysm will be much better main tank healers
# AoE Healing will also be imporoved, as Blizzard would like that aspect of the Restoration Shaman to improve
With Battlegrounds gaining more importance in Cataclysm, they should be much more useful in PvP than today even with no changes. Shaman have always had a variety of tools and different options in battle but the burstiness of arena and crowd control never favored them much. Hopefully the new expansion will make Shaman of all sorts be viable and competitive. Check back later with more Shaman news for WoW Cataclysm.
List of new additions and changes for Shaman in WoW Cataclysm:
# Mana tide totem will likely have the option to remove group utility for increased effect on a solo Shaman.
# Enhancement Shaman will be similar to Retribution Paladins in WoW Cataclysm. Intelligence will come mainly from talents and therefore Shaman can continue to share loot with some Hunters who no longer require mana.
# Enhancement Shamans having to run in and out of melee ranges to redrop totem and sacrifice DPS is a legitimate problem, they don’t want enhancement to have to run out like that.
# Elemental Shaman in WoW Cataclysm will see changes to no longer be a long range turret that enemies always aim and easily take out first.
# Shaman Healers in WoW Cataclysm will be much better main tank healers
# AoE Healing will also be imporoved, as Blizzard would like that aspect of the Restoration Shaman to improve
With Battlegrounds gaining more importance in Cataclysm, they should be much more useful in PvP than today even with no changes. Shaman have always had a variety of tools and different options in battle but the burstiness of arena and crowd control never favored them much. Hopefully the new expansion will make Shaman of all sorts be viable and competitive. Check back later with more Shaman news for WoW Cataclysm.
... now all we need is to make 2 handers viable in pvp and we should be good lol