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The State of Feral DPS On Your RealmFollow

#1 Jan 26 2010 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
I have been feral dps since they day Lich King rolled off the shelves. Previously in BC I had focused more on tanking but when 2.3 came out and the feral tree was split to accommodate a more focused effort on either tanking or dpsing I opted to abandon tanking and be a melee.

It's been loads of fun and even with the time off I took recently I came back and jumped right back into the swing of things. Even though I am no longer top geared on my realm like I had been a few months ago when my guild was competing for one of the top 5 spots overall on Thrall I can still hang with the best. In any 10 man I push over 5k dps and in 25 mans I easily push 6k and on some occasions I can break 7k dps and my gear score is 5115 (as much as I despise the whole notion of basing things off gear scores I have bought into the hype and downloaded the addon).

What surprises me is the responses people have to seeing this. Since my return I've had numerous people say straight up to me, "I had no idea feral could do so much dps!" or "Wow, I almost never see feral dps around, it's so rare." But the most surprising statement of all, and I've heard this a bunch of time posed as a question, "I heard the feral dps rotation is difficult, is that true?"

Is it really so surprising and rare to see kitty dps? And is the rotation really that hard? Granted, I've been doing it for a long time now and it feels entirely like second nature but I am just perplexed by the responses.

So my question to everyone: is feral DPS really that rare on your server?
#2 Jan 26 2010 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
1 - Its quite rare to see kitty dps. Well, at least on my server and battlegroup. I think that out of 100 random pugs I did (yay achievement) I only got kitty dpsing 2 times.

2 - Its not that feral kitty is hard. Its just that you have to actually use the brain in your rotation. You have to take in account several things have quite a situational awareness that is quite rare on wow players nowadays. Thus, even when you do see a kitty dps, you keep wondering why his dps is so low when it shouldnt be. Cause, actually, a really well played and properly geared kitty dps can do quite big numbers.
#3 Jan 26 2010 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
So my question to everyone: is feral DPS really that rare on your server?

Oddly enough yes. I've seen a lot of boomkin/tree, the occasional bear, but very few true kitty spec'd players. Myself, I only use kitty when we have another tank and healer in the group. I'll throw kitty gear on my bear spec and pretend.

The rotation is more involved for sure, and it's taken some practice to get decent at it. But I've never really put the effort into it a true DPS would. I can't imagine someone who really wants to do kitty being stopped from doing it by the rotation alone. But it certainly has a reputation as being one of the more difficult classes to DPS as. A slower ramp up time to max DPS probably deters people as well. People don't want to risk a group kick in a random heroic because they were doing low DPS maybe? :S
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#4 Jan 26 2010 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Indeed, few and far between.

When LK started I was focusing my feral as kitty, but the needs for bear (and tanking in general) have been higher.

Sadly, I really don't think there's been a terrible need for kitty druids. Are they great? Yes indeed. But a strong need, apart from bear/boomkin/tree abilities, nope.
#5 Jan 26 2010 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
1,228 posts
When the kitty swipe buff came around I saw a lot of people giving it a try and doing really impressive damage. Lately I think the novelty of raping trash packs with aoe has gone down for most druids and you see a more practical trend in talent build selection.

Even if you assume there are more druids than any other class on a given server (which may or may not be the case), the 4 different roles a druid can perform in a group make each one relatively more scarce than say a pure dps class like rogue or mage.

Given the ToL/Moonkin auras, the fact that bears also have leader of the pack, the only time you're going to really "need" a kitty is either in melee heavy 10 mans with no bear, or 25 mans with no bear. Of course kitties do nice deeps so it's a nice dual spec option for bears.
#6 Jan 26 2010 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I have seen one cat in the last 2 weeks.

The DPS rotation is hard. (I have one)

Many DPS have a very set rotation. Some (Ret Paly) have a priority system. The Cat DPS is tough because you have a priority system with a rotation. You have to keep up SR, you want to keep 5pt rake up, you need to do a lot... My only reason for playing a cat is to gear my bear...

Combine that with the lack of a need for the Cat... and you get few kitties.
#7 Jan 26 2010 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Browning can attest to this.

We've got three good feral dps on my server.

One of them is galen and the other two are in my guild.

#8 Jan 26 2010 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
We often have 2-3 ferals in our 25man raids and they all are in the top 10 for DPS. Two of us including me are usually top 5 or so (I can almost never beat our best guy Smiley: frown ). As far as Pug's go, I always queue as resto/dps and always end up as the healer. I'm not sure I have seen a feral DPS in any of my PuG's, but considering how in demand tanks & heals are it wouldn't surprise me if all the ferals end up tanking or healing instead.

#9 Jan 27 2010 at 6:46 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Rarebeast wrote:
I'm not sure I have seen a feral DPS in any of my PuG's, but considering how in demand tanks & heals are it wouldn't surprise me if all the ferals end up tanking or healing instead.

I think this is the main reason. On my server/battlegroup you have the choice of waiting 15 mins as DPS, 1-2 mins as a healer or less than 30 seconds as a tank. I assume this is the same no matter what server you are on.

Tavarde wrote:
What surprises me is the responses people have to seeing this. Since my return I've had numerous people say straight up to me, "I had no idea feral could do so much dps!"

I have had the same/a similar response too and I don't think I was doing anything special at the time so maybe there is a lack of (good) kitties around. I am the only kitty and bear offspec in the guild so the people who benefit from the extra crit and mangle debuff love me being in the of the hunters tells me often that he is always happy to see me in the raid ;)
#10 Jan 27 2010 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
I am part of the problem. A feral tank/healer who ends up doing DPS every so often (when off tanking, for example) and doing it horribly! If most of the feral druids out there tank, and don't really know how to DPS well (in addition to lacking appropriate gear and talents), people end up thinking it can't put out that much damage.

On my server though, there are a few (~6) kitty dps-ers in the top end guilds. Those "in the know" have figured out it brings great damage, on par with any other melee dps class.
#11 Jan 27 2010 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Brisin wrote:
Its not that feral kitty is hard. Its just that you have to actually use the brain in your rotation. You have to take in account several things have quite a situational awareness that is quite rare on wow players nowadays. Thus, even when you do see a kitty dps, you keep wondering why his dps is so low when it shouldnt be. Cause, actually, a really well played and properly geared kitty dps can do quite big numbers.

If something is harder than anything else, wouldn't you say it's hard?

Kitty DPS is hard. I say that having played every other class currently in the game. The rotation is unlike anything I have ever tried before. I mean, Warlocks come close, but not even close enough. The issue is the debuffs/buffs we have to apply and keep up while performing a Rogue-ish rotation. Mangle debuff, Savage Roar buff, Rake DoT, Rip DoT and keep Shredding that thing without anything falling off. It's like trying to build a house of cards during a light earthquake.

When the alternative is to spec Boomkin and mash three buttons, who can blame them?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#12 Jan 27 2010 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
I know I don't get to dps much (though I prefer it) because I'm needed to tank. Fortunately since the cost of T10 forces me to gem/enchant those slots hybrid, and I have a lot of other overlap gear too (though I am dualspecced bear/cat), I'm now our 3rd or 4th best tank, so there ARE some times I can go kitty. And when I do I blow everybody away, assuming threat's not an issue (some of our tanks it is, some it ain't).

As for SEEING high numbers, we're RNG-prone (very dependant on crits, and clearcasting proc), and while other classes have similar complexity of abilities, ours are so tightly interwoven (shred increasing rip time and getting damage from bleeds and mangle, three different combo-point finisher moves, savage roar boosting everything, mangle only being covered by ourselves, other ferals, or arms warriors when they all want to go fury for ZOMG BIG SWORDS...) that any slip-up can cause a huge dps loss, as it often means starting all over again.
#13 Jan 28 2010 at 3:49 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Have yet to raid with a feral DPS on my server.

I have 1 or 2 times but usually they are tanks, healers or chickens.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Jan 28 2010 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
648 posts
I see other Feral DPS every once in a while on my server. Haven't come across one in any cross-realm dungeons yet (and have the patient title on 2 toons...) but I've seen a few in raids. Most though don't seem to fully understand the rotation/priority system and have pretty low dps. I've prolly only seen 1 or 2 that have been able to do serious dps other than myself. My dual specs are feral tank/feral dps. My druid is my alt so I often am patient to wait for a group that needs me as dps rather than tank. Good times :)

And about the rotation being difficult, the two dps classes I've played other than my druid are Ret Pally and Hunter. The way I set up my action bars I find Ret to be super easy dps and my hunter is only slightly more complicated since I need to watch serpent sting in addition to my priority system. My druid on the other hand takes every bit of concentration I have have in order to not completely ***** it up.

I wouldn't spec boomkin no matter how hard feral dps is simply because I don't like playing as a caster... The slightly difficult system that a feral dps has is refreshing from the overly easy systems on my other toons. Some of us actually enjoy a little challenge in our games every once in a while ;)
#15 Jan 28 2010 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
toolofjesus wrote:
I wouldn't spec boomkin no matter how hard feral dps is simply because I don't like playing as a caster... The slightly difficult system that a feral dps has is refreshing from the overly easy systems on my other toons. Some of us actually enjoy a little challenge in our games every once in a while ;)

I'm all for challenging games, but when you effectively gimp your performance in a specific role just to make it more challenging, don't blame people for not bringing you. During T8, I was barely scraping 2k DPS in Kitty and when I switched to Boomkin (with my Restoration gear), I went up 1,500 DPS without even trying. I'm back to Feral (and have been for a while), but only to tank. I tried running as a DPS a few times (Twins, for instance) and while I was usually pretty high on the list, even in tanking gear, the rotation had a certain stress factor attached to it that had my heart pounding and my teeth gritting whenever Clearcasting didn't proc when needed and such. I play the game to relax and Kitty DPS isn't exactly the best way to do that. Smiley: wink
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Jan 29 2010 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
94 posts
There is a kitty DPS in my guild with 245/251 and he slaughters me on Single Target Raids every time. I have yet to get a 251 piece as I am away often these days but I am so inspired I am rolling a whole new toon for Feral DPS/TANKing.
I cant seem to squeeze much more than 4k out of a heroic dummy in IF using all my bells and whistles........... ]=(
#17 Jan 29 2010 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
I've dual spec'd my resto to feral DPS ... she is my main, and yes, I rarely see other feral dps' in groups, not just only on my server, but in DF as well.

I've got other toons that I level regularly, and I've often been told I'm a loon for starting with a resto druid, and then dual specing with feral dps ... it is something to get used to, and t is a smidge difficult at times, but only because you have soo much you have to pay attention to, but I pull off a decent DPS for not being geared...

also should mention, I do not have LK (will soon enough, yay! my kitty gets to hit 80, yay!)... but so far, at lvl 70, in OL instances, I rarely see other kitties ... and if I do, its only because they're stealthing past something....
#18 Jan 29 2010 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
My guild has only had three feral DPS apply to the guild ever (and we've been around since TBC) - two of them sucked and one is pulling off semi-decent DPS (6Kish on Festergut 25). Aside from that, I've seen one good feral DPS outside of our guild.

So aye, on my realm too, they are pretty damn rare.
#19 Feb 02 2010 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
333 posts
Seeing everyone say that they never see a kitty makes me sad :( We have 2 ferals in my raiding guild. Both of which do over 7k on bosses. It's funny seeing them do upwards of 22-24k dps on trash packs lol. Then again we also have 2-3 Boomkins in that same group... We love druids.
#20 Feb 02 2010 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
659 posts
I don't see many when I PuG the daily heroic. The few I've seen have been horrible at DPSing. They spam Mangle...that's it.

We have one feral DPS in our main raid group, one regular moonkin (me), and one resto druid. We have way too many DKs (like 5 or 6 total).
#21 Feb 02 2010 at 10:07 PM Rating: Good
It isn't unusual for our raid to have 7 druids in it :) 2-3 ferals, 1-2 boom & 2-3 restos. Plenty of battle rezs & innervates to go around - our arcane mage GM often gets an innervate when the healers are under control :)

Unfortunately, our Trauma-bot is taking a break to look for work at the moment so all us ferals are sad :(

#22 Feb 03 2010 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I tried playing as feral DPS in dungeons right after I got mangle and absolutely hated it...everything died too fast to get into my rotation (mangle, rake, rip..shred shred...oh wait the target was dead right after I hit rake) so I can understand a feral only spamming mangle on fights that don't last's lazy and gives feral DPS a bad name, but they only care about boss fights and even then only marginally more than trash. I switched to Boomkin right after this revelation and haven't looked back, only level 63 yet, and I plan to be a Resto druid end-game anyway and going boom/tree makes it easier to gear up, only one set with minor differences at this point.
#23 Feb 03 2010 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
Trash in heroics these days are pretty much mangle=>savage roar=>swipe spam

With the occaisional 5pt SR then Beserk & SwipeSpam on raid trash providing immense amusement in raids when the pull finishes with me sitting on 25k dps :)

#24 Mar 26 2010 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
This morning I finished up a random with a group in POS. I just went as I usually do as my kitty dps. First thing out of our dungen leader's mouth was.. "We do not want you in our group because Feral kitty suck". I said to them just give me a chance and if by the first boss I am not top dps then I will leave but believe me you will not be disappointed. Lets just roll and get this done before I have to leave for work.
The others say lets just go she will be fine.
Well we got done with the first boss and I second in dps. I just kept moving on. Well no one said a word and at the final downing of the last boss the leader said to me."Wow girl you can run that kitty pretty darn good." "You have just made me want to go and finish leveling my druid!" "I am sorry to have had that outburst at the begining."
I ended up being top Kitty ...
I still love my kitty dps and will always...
#25 Mar 26 2010 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
/sigh Makes me want to go DPS a heroic. But I couldn't be bothered switching off healing in the LFG and having to wait 15 mins for it to pop instead of insta-queues for heals or tanks. Mind you, I tend to die more often as most tanks doing heroics don't put out enough threat. A 4.5k GS tank struggles to hold back 5.8k DPS :) and taunt isn't much good when swipe spam has pulled agro on 3-4 mobs.

It's still fun though :)

#26 Mar 29 2010 at 3:55 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
While doing a random dungeon on my 76 lock I came across a kitty who was only doing 900 DPS. I just had to check recount and to my surprise (or maybe not) it consisted of three things mangle, swipe and FB. /facedesk when he/she told me their rotation but I tried to impart some knowledge and hope that it at least sank in a little.

Rarebeast wrote:
/sigh Makes me want to go DPS a heroic

If ever I do a random heroic I like to DPS because I have been tanking a lot of our raids lately :) When I DPS I can sit back, relax and swipe to my hearts content
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