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I fail at GridFollow

#27 Jan 26 2010 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Suggestions are to use the same texture for your Damage Meter and Raid 'card' bars

This sounds like a good idea, but I wouldn't know how. Pitbull allows me to pick from a few preset borders which you can edit yourself to get a pretty customized look. Recount doesn't seem to have any options for a border. The best I can do is give it's background the same colour as the 'gray deficit' my raid cards have and make the title bar pure black. If I could turn Recount into a similar 'card' I could probably give it a better position, though.

and maybe switch to Grid for raid frames because it would give you pretty much what you want. You can type in any buff or debuff and it will allow you to track it with an icon, a little square indicator, a highlight of the whole frame or a border.

I know, and that's why it annoys me so. Grid would be perfect if it weren't Grid - I really like the *position* of my current frames.

You might also want to change/remove the border of the ProM tracker frame to match the rest of your UI.

I'd love to, but PoMtracker barely has any options at all - There's "Lock position", "Fade when not active", "Enable sound", "Reset healing each cast", "Enable healing totals" and "Enable Tier-7 bonus". The addon hasn't been updated in ages and just tracking your PoM really is the only thing it still does without problems.

Now for my question (I had two, but it's late and I can only remember one now): The rounded green and blue bar thingies to both sides of your character are your and your target's health and mana bars, right? I've seen them before and always wondered about that. Also, are they part of PowerAuras, as well? I couldn't really see myself using them because I'm horrible about keeping myself alive as it is but they're still quite pretty.

No - they are part of an addon called IceHUD. It has different presets (including huge fat bars in HUD-shape) so if you'd like to play around with it, there's plenty of options.

Thanks for the feedback =)
#28 Jan 27 2010 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
This sounds like a good idea, but I wouldn't know how. Pitbull allows me to pick from a few preset borders which you can edit yourself to get a pretty customized look. Recount doesn't seem to have any options for a border. The best I can do is give it's background the same colour as the 'gray deficit' my raid cards have and make the title bar pure black. If I could turn Recount into a similar 'card' I could probably give it a better position, though.

I think you misunderstand. I'm not talking about the borders, I'm talking about the bar textures. The 3D effects of the bars aren't the same. If there isn't one available in both addons that you like, get SharedMedia for more choices but I believe you're using the standard Blizzard texture with Pitbull anyway, so you could just change Recount to have that.

I know, and that's why it annoys me so. Grid would be perfect if it weren't Grid - I really like the *position* of my current frames.
I do think you can setup Grid to have positioning like this - I will take a look when I'm online tonight. Also another question: Do you display pets at all?
I might be wrong here since I can't check it out myself right now, but you could arrange your cards with grid 'by group 5', vertically instead of horizontally, then you can move those groups of 5 to your usual position and introduce spacing between the individual frames on the Layout menu, as well. I'm not a 100% certain on this, so I'll definitely check later. I am certain that it can be a pain to set up the way you want it.

I'd love to, but PoMtracker barely has any options at all - There's "Lock position", "Fade when not active", "Enable sound", "Reset healing each cast", "Enable healing totals" and "Enable Tier-7 bonus". The addon hasn't been updated in ages and just tracking your PoM really is the only thing it still does without problems.
Ha, somehow I anticipated this. Stuff like this is why I'm not satisfied with Grid right now, and I still believe you can make the Pitbull raid frames do the same as Grid with introducing libraries of simpler icons and stuff but ultimately that would be much more complicated than just setting up Grid. What you could do is make your whole UI look like ProMtracker but I don't think that would be very pretty.

No - they are part of an addon called IceHUD. It has different presets (including huge fat bars in HUD-shape) so if you'd like to play around with it, there's plenty of options.
So, two more things to play around with. I'll never get to 80 at this rate.
#29 Jan 27 2010 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
The main problem I have with your UI is that all the info is blocking the most important part of your screen.
And what happens in 25 man raids?
Because if the unitframes are as big as they are now a 25 man fills up nearly all of your screen.

Also, you have buffs on you doubled, either remove the ones in the top right or the ones next to your character. :P
#30 Jan 27 2010 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Kalivha wrote:
I'd love to, but PoMtracker barely has any options at all - There's "Lock position", "Fade when not active", "Enable sound", "Reset healing each cast", "Enable healing totals" and "Enable Tier-7 bonus". The addon hasn't been updated in ages and just tracking your PoM really is the only thing it still does without problems.
Ha, somehow I anticipated this. Stuff like this is why I'm not satisfied with Grid right now, and I still believe you can make the Pitbull raid frames do the same as Grid with introducing libraries of simpler icons and stuff but ultimately that would be much more complicated than just setting up Grid. What you could do is make your whole UI look like ProMtracker but I don't think that would be very pretty.

Grid has a PoM tracker, if he were to decide to go with grid.
#31 Jan 27 2010 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Ok dokey, here is my (almost) finished ui now. (I noticed my replenishment message needs to be moved, it will go just below my Power Auras short cd lineup.) I have left my Quartz bars unlocked so you can see their positioning. DBM running test bars for their positioning. Omen is missing but I rarely have that up while healing. Recount is shrunk and stuffed in the corner. I only use it for reviewing, many times I just hide it. Focus and focus' target are to the left of my frame (currently set to me) I normally have the boss focussed when tanks need to swap. Chat frames are set to fade after 15 seconds. My combat text frame (HitsMode) needs to be fully transparent, working on that.

In combat
Out of combat

About grid: My PW:S shows up as a bright border around the frame. Weakened Soul is set to a different color on the border with a lesser priority. Whenever the shield is lost before Weakened Soul runs out, I know it. When our shadow priest goes disc for a third healer, I normally go holy and I can monitor her shielding.

I have a Hot counter (text) in the lower left corner. I can see how much activity our druid is doing by the number of hots rolling on each frame. The only thing about this that I might change is showing Lifebloom independently, since it has a slightly different nature than a normal hot. I will probably add it as stack text in the top left corner with a color coding for when it is about to expire. My Renew is shown in the lower right corner (box) and changes color as its timer reaches zero.

Top right corner (box) is for curses and poisons. I can't really do anything about them except offer extra healing.

Top left corner is for abolish disease. If another priest is in the group and has one rolling on someone, I can save myself the effort by skipping them.

The player name is replaced by incoming direct heals. Text2 is both my PoM timer and my Grace stack/timer. I have the PoM timer there for pulling only. I will shield and PoM the tank on ready check. If the timer reaches 10 seconds before they pull, I refresh it. Otherwise, I only need the grace stack info.

The icon on the right side is my PoM (highest priority) with a stack counter on it. Earth Shield will also appear here with a counter at a lesser priority. I am considering adding Living Seed and the pally reactive heal, can't remember which one it is.
Top is raid mark- helps when dbm assigns a mark. I don't really have to read the message, their icon pops up on my grid and I know something is happening to them. Also helps in pugs if the tanks are marked.
Left icon is raid debuff.
Bottom icon is tank cd list. I can't tell you how much this has helped when coordinating cd's on boss fights. I have a much better feel for my tanks' timing now that I see when they pop their cd's.
Middle icon is for magic and disease debuffs.

I have Mana Bars active, but they are buggy at times, I think it has to do with druids due to their mana/power bar tracking.

Health deficit changes to class color (name is also class color). Aggro changes the whole health bar to bright red. (I changed DK colors to an ugly purple on all my addons). If a player has full health, it is not too apparent and it is not very distracting. If they are missing health, that part of the bar is bright red if they have aggro, so I know something is amiss if they are not the tank. This actually helps a bunch on Saurfang, I can see who is kiting the adds and know when they die without really having to watch the field. Once a mark is out, I really tunnel in on my frames and don't keep up with the rest of the action.

I just added MSBT and am still playing around with the font and size. The positioning is where I want it, but I may remove Penance, PoM and CoH announcements since I use PowerAuras to track them.

Before I revamped my ui, I noticed that my Grid frames were very small. I had been slowly reducing them over the course of time until they had become almost useless for other info besides health. I scaled them up some and have run a few 5-mans for testing. I am actually very pleased with the results. I notice minor health changes now that were before unnoticed. I am looking forward to see how it works in a raid setting. I will find out tonight.

#32 Jan 27 2010 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I think you misunderstand. I'm not talking about the borders, I'm talking about the bar textures. The 3D effects of the bars aren't the same. If there isn't one available in both addons that you like, get SharedMedia for more choices but I believe you're using the standard Blizzard texture with Pitbull anyway, so you could just change Recount to have that.

Ah, the bars. I think there was a reason I picked this specific layout for Recount (probably because it worked better if I didn't have a background), but I'll take a look at that.

I do think you can setup Grid to have positioning like this - I will take a look when I'm online tonight. Also another question: Do you display pets at all?
I might be wrong here since I can't check it out myself right now, but you could arrange your cards with grid 'by group 5', vertically instead of horizontally, then you can move those groups of 5 to your usual position and introduce spacing between the individual frames on the Layout menu, as well. I'm not a 100% certain on this, so I'll definitely check later. I am certain that it can be a pain to set up the way you want it.

In that case I'm probably going to stick with Pitbull for now and fiddle with it to see if I can find a better way to display debuffs. I guess Grid is an alternative if it refuses to work.

The main problem I have with your UI is that all the info is blocking the most important part of your screen.
And what happens in 25 man raids?
Because if the unitframes are as big as they are now a 25 man fills up nearly all of your screen.

While I have always disliked 25-mans for the clutter, it isn't that bad, really. And neither is the info blocking the most important part of my screen; in fact, I find it draws my eyes to it instead. There's so much see through it's not hard for me to keep track of the fight and this way I can keep half an eye on both parts at once. The only thing I'm still mildly disenthousiastic about is the fifth group in 25-mans; it used to appeared to the left of the two groups already there, but when I got Pitbull4 I made it lay down over my HUD (to make an arc shape) instead. I might still fiddle with this, though.

Also, you have buffs on you doubled, either remove the ones in the top right or the ones next to your character. :P

I saw that comment coming =P. The buffs right of my portrait are actually my targets' buffs, not my own. Slightly confusing if you don't know the interface, but once you learn that info it's easy to keep track of it.

As for Try; rather you than me, I couldn't play with that UI. While it isn't bad per se, I really dislike UIs that have stuff 'all over the place', like yours does; bar there, bar here, recount floating somewhere close-to-but-not-quite-in-a-corner, xp bar nearly-at-the-top-of-the-screen-but-not-quite, etc. Does the apperant randomness sincerely not annoy you? When I had UIs that looked like that I'd always look at better tiptop UIs with a jealous feeling and constantly felt annoyed that my UI looked rather random and 'meh'.
#33 Jan 27 2010 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
As for Try; rather you than me, I couldn't play with that UI. While it isn't bad per se, I really dislike UIs that have stuff 'all over the place', like yours does; bar there, bar here, recount floating somewhere close-to-but-not-quite-in-a-corner, xp bar nearly-at-the-top-of-the-screen-but-not-quite, etc. Does the apperant randomness sincerely not annoy you? When I had UIs that looked like that I'd always look at better tiptop UIs with a jealous feeling and constantly felt annoyed that my UI looked rather random and 'meh'.

This sums up my opinion pretty nicely. I am much happier with a clean and symmetrical UI.

I also might scale up my Grid some more and thus rearrange everything again (ha!). I really like the look of your PowerAuras Weakened Soul warning much much better than my bars, Moz, I will check that out tonight or tomorrow. I had a long and tiring trip to Soton today so I might not do as much in game as I'd like.
And I just added the texture I use everywhere to Natur so my cooldown timers will be slightly less annoying now. I just need to figure out how to change the colour because there seems to be no setting for them at all in the addon; Can Blizz standard colours really be this annoying? Also found out that it can track others' cooldowns (and I don't mean the corresponding buffs, but rather the actual cooldowns) but that will once again be a pain to set up. I need to make some plan with priorities and stuff.

Also, I think my other question that I couldn't remember was whether you had Recount open all the time - it seems rather useless for healing, and if you use it for the occasional performance check, you can keep it hidden most of the time.

And what's up with everyone and their mother (off these forums) still using X-Perl? X-Perl is so 2007.
#34 Jan 27 2010 at 3:49 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Mozared wrote:
As for Try; rather you than me, I couldn't play with that UI. While it isn't bad per se, I really dislike UIs that have stuff 'all over the place', like yours does; bar there, bar here, recount floating somewhere close-to-but-not-quite-in-a-corner, xp bar nearly-at-the-top-of-the-screen-but-not-quite, etc. Does the apperant randomness sincerely not annoy you? When I had UIs that looked like that I'd always look at better tiptop UIs with a jealous feeling and constantly felt annoyed that my UI looked rather random and 'meh'.

You should have seen it before!

I understand your feeling about 'all over the place' UIs. There are a few things that I still am unsatisfied with. My long CDs in the top left corner are a bit of a nuisance. I don't really need them anymore, but I do like having the timers that appear in their place when they are on cd, and I don't care for the addons that make box lists (like Elkano's).

As far as apparent randomness (hehe), it's all in the eye of the beholder! Have you ever seen an instrument cluster in a cockpit? It is truly disorienting until you begin to realize that each gauge has a purpose, and relative placement of instruments is key to handling multiple inputs while performing tactically. The very design forces your eyes to go elsewhere to process the info, something that I need very much to keep from tunneling.

I believe that I will never be satisfied with a "perfect" setup. Even those that I see that appear to be sexy in appearance normally lack the functionality that I desire. I regularly scrap my ui and start from scratch. (I just move my addon and wtf folders just in case I have an oops!)
#35 Jan 27 2010 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
You can space out stuff without making it this random.

Also, use the same textures for all the bars!
#36 Jan 27 2010 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Kalivha wrote:
Also, use the same textures for all the bars!
What she said. Same textures, same fonts and same borders everywhere make your UI happy.
#37 Jan 28 2010 at 4:27 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Kalivha wrote:
Also, use the same textures for all the bars!
What she said. Same textures, same fonts and same borders everywhere make your UI happy.

I'm not happy with your latest Avatar.

That is all.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#38 Jan 28 2010 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Kalivha wrote:
Also, use the same textures for all the bars!
What she said. Same textures, same fonts and same borders everywhere make your UI happy.

I'm not happy with your latest Avatar.

That is all.
Why not?
She's a redhead, she's cute, she's wearing a corset (and thong, but you can't see that in the avatar) and she's taking a picture.
What's not to like?
#39 Jan 28 2010 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
What's not to like?

she's wearing a corset (and thong, but you can't see that in the avatar)

but you can't see that in the avatar
#40 Jan 28 2010 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I couldn't fit that and the camera in the avatar without making it too small Smiley: frown

Here's the original image though I'll add the NSFW tag just in case.
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