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DK starting quests need some maintenanceFollow

#1 Jan 23 2010 at 3:37 AM Rating: Good
I just had a somewhat comical and annoying time making a new death knight. Now, let me start by saying I think the DK quest line is one of the best sets of quests out there. I have made a new death knight quite a few times but never seem to stick with them, but each time, I enjoy the quests- especially riding the dragon.

Well it seems like the quests have been left to seed a bit now that there's not the rush of new death knights. When the expansion first came out I did the DK quests and man, it was a feeding frenzy. Mobs of DKs obliterating the scarlet crusade. Kinda fun! Now I saw one other person the whole time.

It started when I was supposed to go kill my old friend. That's always been a quest that makes me uneasy. Its well done in that way to show you how soulless the scourge is, and it works well, but it's still unpleasant to do. Well guess what? I go, wait for the person to finish chastising me and whack her. No credit for the quest. Crap. Wait for her to repop, chastise me some more, off her. Still no credit. -.- Drop the quest and get it. Experience the most uncomfortable part of the quests a third time, stick my blade into my old companion, ahh this time it works. :(

The part where you're supposed to hide behind the badly faked tree and jump the courier didn't work right either. I went to the hill, put up the fake tree, and the courier was instantly attack me out of nowhere. Not him going down the path, see a strange tree and go to investigate like it's supposed to do, he just pops in combat with me. o.O ok whatever.

The worst error though was during the battle for Lights Hope Chapel part. I go there, and nobody is around, talk to Mograine, and '5 minutes until battle starts!' pops up. Blah, brings me back to waiting for the airship in FFXI. So I watch some TV, come back and start up the battle. It's going alright, as expected. Killing stuff, and then the battle is over. Only, not quite. My allies disappear, I lose the war buff that makes you get healed, have a ton of hp etc, but the enemies don't dissapear! They all spin around and smash me into the ground. Dead. Pretty sure you're not supposed to die during that staged battle. The valkyr comes and resses me, ok cool, not that bad right? I res... *SQUISH!* didn't even see anything touch me, just instant dead again. -.- Ok, run back from the graveyard hoping I don't miss the event and have to do it over. Get back, res, wait. Wait some more. Uh. Mograine is there hunched over but nothing is happening. It takes a good 5 minutes before the event where the Lich king and such comes, but he finally does. Blah. Off to stormwind to get spit at!

Varian is dead. I turn off the computer.
#2 Jan 23 2010 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
It started when I was supposed to go kill my old friend. That's always been a quest that makes me uneasy. Its well done in that way to show you how soulless the scourge is, and it works well, but it's still unpleasant to do. Well guess what? I go, wait for the person to finish chastising me and whack her. No credit for the quest. Crap. Wait for her to repop, chastise me some more, off her. Still no credit. -.- Drop the quest and get it. Experience the most uncomfortable part of the quests a third time, stick my blade into my old companion, ahh this time it works. :(

I believe this is proof that you're a (at least fairly) normal human being. I feel you too - as someone who feels bad about something simple as killing Mammoths (those poor young =( ) this quest nearly made me abandon my DK.

That said, I never was a huge fan of the DK starting zone. They do a brilliant job in allowing you to level up, get a gear set, PvP trinket and everything while introducing the vehicle mechanics, but I really dislike the corrupted looks and feel of the entire zone. Blizzard has done such a good job that the zone simply turns me off. That in contrary to zones like Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Teldrassil, Durotar and Eversong forest - those zones do more than sucking you into the game, they define the entire culture of your respective race.

Edit for spellings.

Edited, Jan 23rd 2010 7:20pm by Mozared
#3 Jan 24 2010 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
747 posts
The entire DK starting zone defines the entire culture of what it means to be a minion of the Lich King....where's the disconnect?
#4 Jan 26 2010 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
After playing Alliance the whole time, starting a DK was an awesome change of pace and I for one was completely thrilled with it.

Edit: Correction: I was thrilled with it, except for barely knowing wth my abilities were. lol

Edited, Jan 26th 2010 3:25pm by Azaza
#5 Jan 26 2010 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
That said, I never was a huge fan of the DK starting zone. They do a brilliant job in allowing you to level up, get a gear set, PvP trinket and everything while introducing the vehicle mechanics, but I really dislike the corrupted looks and feel of the entire zone. Blizzard has done such a good job that the zone simply turns me off. That in contrary to zones like Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Teldrassil, Durotar and Eversong forest - those zones do more than sucking you into the game, they define the entire culture of your respective race.

Ummm, yeah, that's the point?

As a Death Knight, you don't give a crap about the squabbles of the races anymore. You stand apart, and just happen to be joining the fight against the Lich King. You are no more a Human/Troll/whatever than a Forsaken is Human. The only reason we are assigned to a faction is for gameplay reasons, because it would be stupid to create a hero race that couldn't partake in PvP. Thassarian doesn't send you to fight the Horde, despite being based on the Alliance ship. Everyone else is bickering about the Orcs, but he does what needs to be done to eliminate the Scourge. Koltira is as close a thing to a friend as anyone ever may be.

You are a Death Knight. You unflinchingly raise the corpses of your allies and enemies to serve you. Without batting an eye, you infect your enemies with horrible diseases and then use your magics to spread them as far as you can. You use necromantic magic to freeze the blood of your enemies, leaching life out of life whenever possible. You willingly kill and disease the land you walk on, for a tactical advantage (which is something Shaman and Druids find scandalizing). You are ruled far more by logic than by feelings. The limits of acceptable losses to you is WAY higher than those of your allies. And you put a good deal more stock in the life of a Death Knight than even a Paladin.

You aren't welcome in towns and cities, you are tolerated. No one forgives the things you've done just because you've assisted in the war effort in Northrend. As far as they are concerned, you are a traitor, Lich King's will be damned.

This zone was INCREDIBLY well designed. It shows how far Death Knights have fallen. You can relentlessly rend apart people and use the remains to your desire. To be fair, they were Scarlet Zealots, but living nonetheless. And the farmers probably didn't have any personal feelings (or knowledge) of Scarlet workings. It really had nothing to do with introducing new mechanics. Everything there would be seen by the first 70 to wander into NR. And the Frostwyrm part was more annoying than most other vehicle fights (pre-dungeons) in that it is actually easy to die.

That zone was the epitome of what it was to be a DK.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Jan 26 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
He wants pastels.
#7 Jan 26 2010 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
"idiggory" wrote:
That zone was the epitome of what it was to be a DK.

Hence why I dislike it. They literally put you in the shoes of a heartless *******. Which is a position I don't very much like being in. AKA:
"Me" wrote:
Blizzard has done such a good job that the zone simply turns me off.

I'll admit my post wasn't crystal clear, but you might want to make sure you've read it thoroughly before posting a huge rant in reply.
#8 Jan 26 2010 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Blizzard has done such a good job that the zone simply turns me off. That in contrary to zones like Dun Morogh, Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Teldrassil, Durotar and Eversong forest - those zones do more than sucking you into the game, they define the entire culture of your respective race.

Why don't you read what you wrote then? You claimed, very clearly, that CONTRARY to the DK area, these zones define the culture of your respective race.

DKs are not members of their race, in the same way that Forsaken are not human. They are undead and members of the scourge. They are no longer Trolls, BEs, etc.

You made a claim about the zone, and you clearly inferred that you felt it was inferior on a BS claim that it wasn't immersive.

And if you hate playing the bad guy, why did you make a Death Knight? I'm assuming, since you care about the quests, you care about the lore behind the toon.

And, quite honestly, that wasn't the most horific thing you'd do in wow back in classic. You have NPCs that send you on vendetta where you wipe out whole families just because they're happy when the NPC isn't...

At least with this quest, you clearly hesitate. It shows that you are figthing the influence. The quest was intended to make you hate the scourge, but also see that your toon could be saved, at least partly. And it was meant to show that, in order to fight the Scourge, you would have to make heavy sacrifices.

I didn't feel like a heartless ******* after that, because the fact that you let her finish the speach, and don't attack until she orders you to, shows that you dearly don't want to. It made me hate the scourge, not my toon.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Jan 26 2010 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Why don't you read what you wrote then? You claimed, very clearly, that CONTRARY to the DK area, these zones define the culture of your respective race.

DKs are not members of their race, in the same way that Forsaken are not human. They are undead and members of the scourge. They are no longer Trolls, BEs, etc.

You made a claim about the zone, and you clearly inferred that you felt it was inferior on a BS claim that it wasn't immersive.

No, you're still misreading my post - hence why I said last post that I realize it wasn't entirely clear; you're supposed to read the sentence as if there were a period behind 'Eversong Forest'. Contrary to the DK area, I do like the other zones, period. The sentence past the floating - is more of a random thought I had when thinking of those zones.

And if you hate playing the bad guy, why did you make a Death Knight? I'm assuming, since you care about the quests, you care about the lore behind the toon.

A) I wanted to see what the class was like.
B) I care about the lore behind the toon, just not enough to actually avoid it. Even if I dislike the idea of warlocks, that doesn't prevent me from actually trying one out - and possibly even leveling him to the cap if his playstyle suits me.

And, quite honestly, that wasn't the most horific thing you'd do in wow back in classic. You have NPCs that send you on vendetta where you wipe out whole families just because they're happy when the NPC isn't...

Regardless though, you never really play 'the bad guy' through the normal questlines.

At least with this quest, you clearly hesitate. It shows that you are figthing the influence. The quest was intended to make you hate the scourge, but also see that your toon could be saved, at least partly. And it was meant to show that, in order to fight the Scourge, you would have to make heavy sacrifices.

I didn't feel like a heartless ******* after that, because the fact that you let her finish the speach, and don't attack until she orders you to, shows that you dearly don't want to. It made me hate the scourge, not my toon.

That's actually an interesting point of view. It makes sense. It's just that I view the Scourge a little bit more as an "army you fight in" rather than something taking direct control of your entire soul - I like to think my character's actions are a bit more his own will than the Lich King's. I see the 'control' Arthas has over you more as a 'corruption' that messes with your brain rather than a complete mind control. Which means that in the end, I feel it's still really my (character's) decision to do all that killing.
#10 Jan 27 2010 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
I personally find it funny how some people take such a moral point of view regarding a game. That is obviously their choice and you should play what makes you happy and feel good.. but I have never thought twice about playing a character that was innately evil, anymore than I do about playing a character that is considered a hero. For me, my character is not a reflection of my personal beliefs or opinions in real life, and I have no problem playing either way. It's just a game to be enjoyed however you like to.
#11 Jan 27 2010 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
No, you're still misreading my post - hence why I said last post that I realize it wasn't entirely clear; you're supposed to read the sentence as if there were a period behind 'Eversong Forest'. Contrary to the DK area, I do like the other zones, period. The sentence past the floating - is more of a random thought I had when thinking of those zones.

Just to be 100% fair here, we cannot be expected to know what you intend to have written or placed. All we know is what you actually wrote. You used an em-dash rather than a period. They are not functionally identical (or even similar, really).

I can see how it would be different had you used the proper grammar. But what we read wasn't ambiguous at all. You said something very clearly. You just wrote something you didn't intend to write.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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