Uhm... um... the following was "borrowed" from www.elitistjerks.com...
Q: What spec should I use?
A: A variation on 15/3/53. ( http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#LAM00fZhZVItrx0didczsGo:drTomM )
Q: I use this spec and these glyphs-
A: This isn't DPS, there is no be all and end all spec or set of glyphs. Read the
Protection thread (*edit in: very confusing thread for me*) and make decisions based on your situation.
Q: What's my maximum threat rotation?
A: It isn't a rotation, but a very simple priority system. Shield Slam > Revenge > Devastate, and use Heroic Strike as often as possible.
Q: Does Glyph of Devastate change this?
A: Using Glyph of Devastate will increase its threat enough that it will be better threat than Revenge at most gear levels, and particularly with a high iLvl weapon. Revenge will still be more rage efficient.
Q: What about AoE packs?
A: Thunderclap and Shockwave become your top priorities. Use Cleave instead of Heroic Strike. Shield Block will greatly reduce your incoming damage, and boost damage from the Damage Shield talent.
Q: What kind of weapon do I want?
A: A fast 1H tanking weapon.
Q: But slower weapons do more damage with Devastate!
A: Slow weapons also reduce how often you can Heroic Strike and Cleave. Stick to fast weapons unless you have bad luck with drops.
Q: What are my stat priorities?
A: 540 defense (689 Defense Rating). Stamina and Armor.
Q: What about avoidance?
A: If you need avoidance, Dodge is better than Parry.
Q: What about Block?
A: It's not bad, but they're adding diminishing returns soon. Don't pass up gear with Block, but don't specifically gear for it either.
Q: My threat sucks, what should I do?
A: Expertise is your best single target threat stat before you hit 26 expertise, it gets more confusing after that. Strength is the best all around threat stat and for AoE. Look for tanking gear with these stats.
Q: But I'll lose Stamina/Dodge/Gearscore if I do that!
A: Welcome to the world of tanking trade-offs.
Q: I keep dying. What I am doing wrong?
A: You may be undergeared, using a wrong strategy, standing in the fire, failing to use/time your survival cooldowns or have too few/bad healers. Make sure it isn't one of the first four.
Q: Who should get my Vigilance?
A: Whichever DPS does the most threat. This is usually your top DPS, but not always.
Q: Why are Indestructible Potions so important?
A: Because you can spend almost 4 minutes of any fight with an additional 3500 armor. You can chug one before entering combat and still be able use another during the fight. The damage you mitigate through one of these far outweighs what a Runic Health Potion heals.
Original thread contains info about Arms and Fury specs too. It can be found here: http://elitistjerks.com/f81/t88685-3_3_warrior_faq_read_first_post_later/
Although this is based on being L.80 it should show what to look forward to and hopefully nudge you in the right direction. I followed the talent spec by putting in all of the Protection points first, then the three in fury... then started in on the Arms tree (I am only a L.76 Warrior, myself)
Hope something helps you out. I normally don't like sending people to EJ.com because they use a lot of non-casual player talk to discuss things and when you have 49 other alts (kidding, of course) looking at what looks like a real world engineer's class mechanic handbook gets boring fast. Even moreso if you just don't 'get' it, and you just want an easy guide to read.
Edit in: I would also be interested in any tanking (or Warrior, in general) addons... and a brief description on why you like them and what they do...
Edited, Jan 25th 2010 1:36am by PentUpAnger