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Getting destroyed by trees and palliesFollow

#1 Jan 14 2010 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
As we've been getting further into ICC 25 (got Rotface to 9% last night), my webstats have been getting worse and worse. One druid in particular is often nearly DOUBLING my healing throughput for the night. Now, I don't suck. I've been on top of the meters many times. I've been told Festergut is a "HoT friendly" fight, but my perceived lack of production makes me feel as if I'm not pulling my weight.

Here's my armory link:

And the last 3 nights worth of stats:


I've already mucked around w/ my spec a little bit and started gemming more for intellect as opposed to spirit. I'd prefer to keep my haste and SP at their current levels (at least until the gear improves), but damn Ramuathra just destroys me.

Any constructive advice is most welcome, thanks in advance.
#2 Jan 14 2010 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
606 posts
(If this comes off as snarky, that is entirely not the idea.)

Are people dying to things linked to your healing? If not, then don't worry about healing meters.

Meters just give a number, and numbers don't mean anything without context. I am unfamiliar with the fight (been taking a break since it came out), but if you are seriously looking over your healing and not seeing anything in dire need of correction for that fight, then don't worry about so much.

And if your raid leaders asks you about your healing, tell him about everything you've looked through and thought about for the encounter. Any leader worth their salt will keep you around if only because you saw that it might be a problem and took steps to correct it on your own.
#3 Jan 14 2010 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Dying isn't the problem, and I'm not about to get removed from the raid team.

My concern is not "being uber on the meters" per se. If I'm falling behind in throughput as badly as it appears, then I feel there must be something I can do to improve. Some night the trees won't be there, and I want to make sure I'm up to the task of healing in their absence in the new content.

btw...I didn't take is as snarky :P

Thanks for your thoughts
#4 Jan 14 2010 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
First things first;

-Your crit seems paltry, even for holy.
-You've got a good 2.5K less mana than me, 10% less crit, 100 less MP5 and the same amount of spellpower but nearly 5 times the amount of haste I have.
-Flash Heal accounts for an abnormaly large amount of your heals; 30% on most fights and up to 50% on some.

Your problem is that you're trying to be a utilityless walking HP5 buff A) on fights where druids fulfill this position better than holy priests and B) with severe emphasis on Flash Heal. The two don't really mix. If you want to forego stuff like Body & Soul and Inner Focus and focus purely on the healing, you need to be using a lot more CoH, PoH and ProM and a lot less Flash Heal (and a little less Renew, too). You need to make up your mind first; if you want to go the "LAWL HEALZ" path you need to drop Empowered Healing and the glyph of Flash Heal and focus on your AOE spells (I.E. grab Holy Reach, Test of Faith and possibly that second point in Surge of Light), and if you want to go the utility path (and thus use Flash Heal more than usual) you need to... grab utility talents.

Aside from that, you will probably want to drop some haste. 25% means that with the 6% raid buff shamans give you'll be just below the soft cap (33%, where your GCD goes down to 1 second) permanently, before even considering other [more situational] buffs. Especially with the amount of Flash Heals you seem to use, this is bad. I'd drop all the way to 19% if I were you (which means you'll still be on 25% with the shaman buff) and turn that loss of 6% haste into a gain of 6% crit.

That said, we're already talking about a pretty severe case of min/maxing here as you're still doing more than fine and the fights you score low on (Festergut and Rotface) are fights that particularly favour druids.
#5 Jan 15 2010 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
Thanks Moza for the advice. This is pretty much exactly was I was looking for.

Yes I do depend on Flash Heal quite a bit, as I felt like w/ Serendipity that it was valuable. I suppose I was trying to go the haste route to "out-race" the other w/ less haste I felt like I was getting "beat to the heals" a lot. Of course this has a lot to do w/ working together as a team as much as anything else, and I think our healing team has gelled well since ICC came out.

That said, I will try the AoE approach w/ more crit first and see how it works for me. The spec you saw was my first attempt at "fixing" the problem. Prior to the switch I had 2 pts in Surge of Light, yet still only 1 in Holy Reach. If I'm AoEing more I can see the value in the second point.

Even though I have less mp5 than you, I don't really have mana issues...ever. I can time my shadowfiend well, always combine it w/ Hymn of Hope, make copious use of mana pots since I always have mats on hand, and the trinket doesn't hurt (although I'd prefer Althor's Abacus (sp?) off of Gunship25). With more crit, Holy Concentration should make it even less of a problem.

Again, many thanks :)
#6 Jan 15 2010 at 7:27 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
margeux wrote:
That said, I will try the AoE approach w/ more crit first and see how it works for me.

I cannot speak to the fights you're doing so don't take any comments I have as advice but just thoughts. In general if you're going to stack more crit and focus on AOE healing I would think Surge of Light and Holy Reach are both completely not negotiable at all ever. With SoL it's not about mana but about the instant Flash Heal. With a lot of crit you'll be getting one pretty much every time you throw down a CoH, which will most likely be every time it's on cooldown.

I have not raided in a long while and it could be completely different now, but when I was raid healing I found the synergy between those two talents, CoH, and Flash Heal to be crucial. I rarely if ever cast a Flash that wasn't SoL instant and free. It was pretty much a regular round of CoH, free Flash, PoM, Renew & Dispel until CoH is off cooldown, rinse, repeat. I also loved the Dispel glyph as a raid healer, considering how much dispelling I was usually called on to do. It's not a huge boost but it can make a difference.
#7 Jan 15 2010 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
I can't speak to the specific suggestions offered by others, but I can speak to the encounter itself. Raid healing on Festergut favors trees. That's all there is to it. That's not to suggest that a priest can't contribute, or that the raid is doomed to failure if there are no druid healers present, but if it's a case where you're in a raid with a resto druid on Festergut, you're going to be extremely hard pressed to compete. Because the ranged dps are forced to spread out, your AoE heals can't hit the whole raid. You've only got one explicit HoT. PoM has a cooldown. Trees can roll HoTs on a ton of raiders and almost all of the HoT ticks will be effective healing. By the time Festergut has inhaled a couple of times and damage starts shifting more to the tanks, tank healers are going to start to shine. You're kind of stuck in the middle. There's a reason raid leaders love druid healers for raid healing and there's a reason they love pally healers and disc priests for tank healing. Shaman and holy priests fall in between. There's not a ton of in between on Festergut.

I think part of excelling with a particular class/spec/role is knowing the limitations of your class. By all means push those limitations, but I wouldn't recommend beating yourself up because an encounter is tuned in such a way as to heavily favor another class performing the same role as you results in that class shining on the meters.
#8 Jan 15 2010 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Yes I do depend on Flash Heal quite a bit, as I felt like w/ Serendipity that it was valuable. I suppose I was trying to go the haste route to "out-race" the other w/ less haste I felt like I was getting "beat to the heals" a lot. Of course this has a lot to do w/ working together as a team as much as anything else, and I think our healing team has gelled well since ICC came out.

Exactly - haste allows for more snipe heals which will be beneficial for your spot on the meters up to a certain point. Eventually, you sniping away all single target heals isn't going to account for the huge amount of raid healing druids (or Hp5-buff holy priests) will do with their AOE heals. Also, Flash Heal is valuable, just not as valuable as you seem to make it - as holy your emphasis should (especially on fights like Rotface/Festergut) be on AOE heals. The way you're playing holy is basically the way a disc priest plays on fights like Marrowgar.

Even though I have less mp5 than you, I don't really have mana issues...ever. I can time my shadowfiend well, always combine it w/ Hymn of Hope, make copious use of mana pots since I always have mats on hand, and the trinket doesn't hurt (although I'd prefer Althor's Abacus (sp?) off of Gunship25). With more crit, Holy Concentration should make it even less of a problem.

Actually, I was slightly surprised by this at first, until I figured out you put such a huge emphasis on Flash Heal and had it glyphed and talented. I don't suppose you've ever done the really hard fights like heroic Anub, Algalon or Mimiron HM? Or even Iron Council HM? Those were the only fights I had slight mana problems on when not managing my cooldowns well enough and taking a potion, but I've got a feeling your gearing wouldn't hold it at all there. Also, you're welcome =)

I have not raided in a long while and it could be completely different now, but when I was raid healing I found the synergy between those two talents, CoH, and Flash Heal to be crucial. I rarely if ever cast a Flash that wasn't SoL instant and free. It was pretty much a regular round of CoH, free Flash, PoM, Renew & Dispel until CoH is off cooldown, rinse, repeat. I also loved the Dispel glyph as a raid healer, considering how much dispelling I was usually called on to do. It's not a huge boost but it can make a difference.

I can see very well where you're coming from Tea, and am I right in saying that the last time you raided was before the Serendipity change? What you're describing now is (apart from the Renew & Dispel) an optimal 'rotation' in fights with heavy AOE damage, though right now you're more likely to cast a couple of non-instant Flash Heals every now and then. At our best, a holy priest counters a burst of AOE damage with ProM+3X Flash before the burst, and then hastened PoH > Instant Flash > CoH > Instant Flash > (Flash >) hastened PoH > CoH > ProM. Shamefully Renew completely loses its use when things get really dicy and the GCD it costs is no longer worth it.
#9 Jan 15 2010 at 1:55 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
I can see very well where you're coming from Tea, and am I right in saying that the last time you raided was before the Serendipity change?

Probably. Certainly it was long enough ago that I can't remember. Smiley: grin Hence the disclaimer. Nobody should ever take anything I say about raiding as me presuming to give advice on something I don't do. I'm just chattering because I'm interested in the answers, and my thoughts should always be taken as the frivolous, uninformed things they are.
#10 Jan 18 2010 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I have not done Algalon or Anub HM on 25, but have done Anub HM on 10, IC HM on 25 and Mimiron HM on 10 and 25...still rarely if ever have mana problems. That said I'm still looking for ways to increase MP5, as this was your suggestion, but my priority for the moment is on crit.

To be clear, I intend to give your suggestion a good faith effort and see how it works for me. I don't want to "backtrack" gear wise to get more crit or MP5, but I will look for gear w/ these qualities going forward and see how it works. I've changed the spec, regemmed as much as I am comfortable with for now...and I'm sure there will be a learning curve (hopefully a short one). I'll let you know how it goes :)

Thanks again :)

Edited, Jan 18th 2010 12:33pm by margeux
#11 Jan 18 2010 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
teacake wrote:
Mozared wrote:
I can see very well where you're coming from Tea, and am I right in saying that the last time you raided was before the Serendipity change?

Probably. Certainly it was long enough ago that I can't remember. Smiley: grin Hence the disclaimer. Nobody should ever take anything I say about raiding as me presuming to give advice on something I don't do. I'm just chattering because I'm interested in the answers, and my thoughts should always be taken as the frivolous, uninformed things they are.

When the days are long and dark,and life has booted you in the butt...Teacake always makes you smile.

Thanks for making Blue Monday seem so much nicer Tea, you are a natural gem.

*raises a glass*

#12 Jan 18 2010 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I have not done Algalon or Anub HM on 25, but have done Anub HM on 10, IC HM on 25 and Mimiron HM on 10 and 25...still rarely if ever have mana problems. That said I'm still looking for ways to increase MP5, as this was your suggestion, but my priority for the moment is on crit.

Well, on another note, if you are absolutely sure you will not have mana problems even on intensive encounters (Try Val'kyr twins heroic on 10-man as a benchmark), mp5 loses all its value and spirit loses half of it which means you shouldn't go for it and possibly even avoid it. Spirit and more specifically mp5 are the only two stats that have a hard cap that changes depending on your group make up, encounter and playstyle and it's never a bad thing to keep that in mind. Ideally you end each fight just as you run out of mana, but seeing as that's impossible (gearing for fights like Jaraxxus mana-wise would ensure you ran OOM within minutes on fights like Deathwhisper or Marrowgar) the 'hard cap' is set on the hardest encounters in the game.

To be clear, I intend to give your suggestion a good faith effort and see how it works for me. I don't want to "backtrack" gear wise to get more crit or MP5, but I will look for gear w/ these qualities going forward and see how it works. I've changed the spec, regemmed as much as I am comfortable with for now...and I'm sure there will be a learning curve (hopefully a short one). I'll let you know how it goes :)

Great, be sure to keep us updated, I'm curious how it'll work out for ye =)
#13 Jan 19 2010 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Well, Rotface went down last night. Although I don't have the raid stats yet, the other healers remarked how things seemed 'easier'. I felt pretty good about it as well. When stats are posted, I'll edit this post. It's not exactly a 'true test' since I'm kind of halfway to the change, but so far so good seemingly.

We tried our 10 shots at Putricide, but between the learning curve and perhaps slighty undergeared dps...we were falling severely behind the enrage timer. I'm hoping that as people get more used to things that it will improve.

Winner, winner...chicken dinner :P

Edited, Jan 19th 2010 1:11pm by margeux
#14 Jan 28 2010 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
As a little update on this, now what I've done Festergut on 10 and 25-man and Rotface on 10-man: I wouldn't worry about your healing done as a holy priest on either of those fights, as unlike it might seem at the start, they all favour any other class than a holy priest.

Holy priests are specialized in healing up bursts quickly by launching a hasted PoH when needed, colliding it with a CoH while ProM is jumping around. And ideal fight for us is one like Kologarn, with a large AOE burst every 30 seconds. Both Festergut and Rotface have raid damage going on constantly. In Festergut's case this is actual AOE damage, which means that the constant AOE damage can be countered by a druids' constant HOTs, and on Rotface this means that people with quick single target heals (paladins and disc priests) are going to snipe the heals away from you on the targets who get the disease while the AOE damage that is present in the encounter is so constant the druids are going to get all that healing done. On both fights the larger part of the raid is stacked up on the boss which means that a paladin's Glyph of Holy Light is going to earn him sh*ttons of healing. In addition to this, Festergut also slightly favours disc priests because literally every shield they cast is going to get full absorbs.

In the end, the only class you'll be able to compete with meter-wise are resto shamans. And even they have a slight edge over you because Chain Heal is a smart heal.

So when all is said and done, what I've said still stands, but I really wouldn't worry about the meters on these two fights. They are very ingenious in that the massive AOE damage appears to favour holy priests at first glance, but end up favouring every class that isn't a holy priest.

Edit: And in less than 3 hours I find myself at least partially eating my own words - scrolling through all our Festergut attempts on Worldoflogs, I do notice I managed to end up second on one try; a try where I cast pretty much nothing else than Prayer of Healing. Which means both my previous points would still partly work, though (if your manapool can somehow take it) foregoing Flash Heal altogether for pure PoH spamming does seem to be a more effective technique for that fight.

Edited, Jan 29th 2010 5:40am by Mozared
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