You're going to see lower numbers in ICC because of the fights being more technical.
To give you an idea, we have a rogue doing 11K in Twins (we use a method that involves one person collecting all the spheres of each color, so we don't get huge dps boosts like other guilds), but only averages 7K on Saurfang. My frost mage does a solid 5K kiting there.
What I will tell you, however, is that after browsing TONS of logs, I can tell that we aren't all that low in DPS afterall. For example, Anobix's guild does a range of 4-8K DPS on Saurfang. (on that note, I wish that 10 mans had room to carry people. 4K?!)
Anobix himself is only doing 5300 there (again, because of the kiting). Note that I'm a frost mage :D
For evidence, I'll make sure to go on my Mage Monday and log that up.
Edit: I have this screenshot, it's better than nothing. It was our last attempt at Saurfang for the night, got him to 10% because of a nasty mark on a healer (We still aren't at the point where we can beat him without a mark showing up, despite our numbers).
Screenshot with Recount Ignore my lack of gold, I roll like that >.>
You'll see our numbers, and we can comfortably beat him if luck rolls our side of the die. The rogue on top is actually a Combat Rogue, not a Mut as you'd expect (second is Mut). The Mage (me!) is -Frost- and keeping up a VERY healthy pace, despite the kiting (Higher than I thought it was, I was thinking more like 5100 at max).
You'll also note we do this with only two ranged.
I'm rambling now, I better leave.
Edited, Jan 17th 2010 5:00am by jaysgsl