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Your healing setup?Follow

#1 Jan 12 2010 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
3,761 posts
I know a few people use Grid/Clique. A few use Healbot, some might use Vuhdo (sp?) or other mods. Wondering what people's "click" setups are like for healing.

Mine are setup like this, I just want to compare my style to everyone elses, see if I can learn some tips or setup a bit better. I still find my CTRL-click to target a player awkward, even though I've been using that forever. One thing I'd like to do is setup beacon and sacred shield timers to display as a status on my grid, say in the top right corner of a persons grid box, have a countdown for beacon, and another for sacred shield (this in the bottom right).

For Grid I use the default little red dot in the top left corner to see who has aggro. This works OK but is there anyway to change it to be a little more visible and obvious?

Also how do you deal with grouping in Grid? I wouldn't mind it automatically seperating tanks, healers, ranged and melee if that's possible. Right now I just use the default 25 boxes and heal people in whichever group they are in. Is that pretty standard, or do people use custom tank layouts?

I have started using GridStatusRaidDebuff since I came back to healing a few days ago at the advice of Bodhi's thread. Awesome stuff. I used to manually put in raid boss debuffs and it was annoying and I missed a couple for sure. This is so much better. I went into a TOC 25 outgeared with the lowest gear score in the raid (I retired for a while after Ulduar to foucs on my rogue). I outhealed everyone and I think knowing exactly who has aggro (default grid but people don't pay attention) and knowing who has fight specific debuffs is the key, you can cast holy light on someone before they even realize they have a debuff or they're standing in the fire.

Anyway here are my Clique settings:

Left Click - Flash of Light
CTRL-Left Click - Target Unit**
ALT-Left Click - Beacon of Light
SHIFT-Left Click - Cleanse

Right Click - Holy Light
CTRL-Right Click - Lay on Hands
ALT-Right Click - Sacred Shield
SHIFT-Right Click - Holy Shock

Side Mouse Button - Hand of Protection
CTRL-Side Mouse Button - Hand of Freedom
ALT-Side Mouse Button - Hand of Salvation

**I set this so it only works on Grid. If I click a player frame on the default party frames it functions as normal. I did this by setting a custom thing up in Clique, it was a while ago so I can't quite remember. I just remember unchecking every box except for things that had a Grid label on them.

Edited, Jan 12th 2010 10:49am by mikelolol

Edited, Jan 12th 2010 12:23pm by mikelolol
#2 Jan 12 2010 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Well I use Vuhdo, I started with healbot then tried clique and grid but in the end I prefer Vuhdo simply because I like the interface and it allows me to customize things to my liking. For example I set up Vuhdo to show me the beacon and sacred shield buff for both myself and other pally's along with the counters(I raid with a plethora of pallys) as well as the normal boss debuffs (Vuhdo does come with multiple debuffs already and the interface to add more) Vuhdo allows me to use either the icon or colors and change the size and location for these.
As far as grouping Vuhdo allows for multiple skins which can have different grouping. For example for party and raids I like to group based on roles that way my tanks, healers, melee dps, and ranged dps are together (so in fights such as the pvp fight in toc I can keep an eye on my clothes who do alot of ccing) then I add extra panels that I can put off to the side for pets and private tanks (focus) or whatever. Now for WG or BGs I just random group. Vuhdo allows me to change the size of my boxes, panels etc move them where ever or however I like.
As for agro, threat, incoming heals and rez well Vuhdo also allows me to see that as well and I can customize how I see each. And for debuffs I have it changing the colors on the boxes for the different kind of debuff that I can cleanse off (this is also part of Vuhdo and is customizable).
Another thing that I have set up with Vuhdo is to auto trigger my trinkets and Divine Illumination (depending on fights) when I cast a heal spell.

My button set up

Left - FoL ctrl - Beacon alt - Hand of Protection shift- R Defense (I use in my prot and ret spec as well)
Right - HL ctrl - SS alt - Redemtion shift - assist
Middle down - HS ctrl - Div Protection alt - Hand of Sacrifice shift - bandaid
Middle Up - focus
button 4 - cleanse ctrl - Hand of Salvation alt - Divine Shield shift - menu
button 5 - LoH ctrl - Hand of Freedom alt - Divine Intervention shift - target

Well for right now I'm still playing around with them to see if I can improve on them because ctrl I'm ok with but alt and shift are still kinda weird feeling. So I'm really glad you made this post and will be looking forward to others input.

BTW my holy pally is Galamead on Daggerspine
#3 Jan 13 2010 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Gridstatusraiddebuff, couple other add ons.

Grid is set up to detect the following and display. Beacon/Sacred Shield. Shieldwall, Last Stand etc.

Left = FoL
Alt Left = Cleanse
Shift Left = LoH

Right = HL
Shift Right = SS
Control Right = Res
Alt Right = Hand of Protection

Middle = Holy Shock
Alt Middle + Beacon

Button 4 = Freedom or Sacrifice depending on fight
Button 5 = Salvation
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#4 Jan 14 2010 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
Grid and Clique (pally power, recount, etc. on the other things not healing related).

Button 4-HS
Button 5-HL

Shift right- Aura Mastery (PvP only)
Shift middle- HoFree
Shift B4- HoProt
Shift B5- Divine Illumination

Ctrl right-BoL
Ctrl left- HoSac
Ctrl middle- LoH
Ctrl b4- Divine Favor.
Ctrl b5- Divine Sac (PvP only)

Alt middle- Divine Plea
Alt B4- SS
Alt B5- Wings

#1- OPbubblelolpvp
#2-Judgement of Wis
#3-Hammer of Justic
#4-Hammer of Wrath
#5-Stoneform (dwarf racial)

I forget that 1 because it's all automatic half the time. I just react in situations. I'll update when I get home.

Edited, Jan 14th 2010 10:36pm by Gikkers
#5 Jan 15 2010 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
2,188 posts
mikelolol wrote:
For Grid I use the default little red dot in the top left corner to see who has aggro. This works OK but is there anyway to change it to be a little more visible and obvious?

I set Grid to show a red dot in both top left, and top right corners to show aggro. It sounds simplistic but it's surprising how well it stands out.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#6 Jan 17 2010 at 10:06 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Grid and Clique for me. I use only one unmodified click though. Not sure why.

Middle: Sacred Shield

Shift-Left: Flash
Shift-Right: Holy Shock
Shift-Middle: Hand of Sacrifice

Alt-Left(and alt-right): Holy Light
Alt-Middle: Hand of Freedom

Ctrl-Left: Hand of Protection

Ctrl-Alt-Left: Lay on Hands

And I click my action bar buttons for everything else, including my focus cast macros for Beacon and SS with their DBM timers.
#7 Jan 18 2010 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Ehcks wrote:
including my focus cast macros for Beacon and SS with their DBM timers.

Ehcks - you posted these macros a while back I think. I know I got them from here, but I did a re-format and lost them. I don't suppose you could post them again?


"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#8 Jan 19 2010 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
410 posts
I use healbot. It has configurable icons for Sacred Shield and Beacon of Light that show up on the bars.

Right - Flash of Light
Shift + Right - Holy Shock

Left - Holy Light
Shift Left - Target

Middle - Cleanse
Shift + Middle - Lay on Hands

Side Button 4 - Beacon of Light
Shift Side Button 4 - Hand of Freedom

Side Button 5 - Sacred Shield
Sift Side Button 5 - Hand of Protection
#9 Jan 19 2010 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
cynyck wrote:
Ehcks wrote:
including my focus cast macros for Beacon and SS with their DBM timers.

Ehcks - you posted these macros a while back I think. I know I got them from here, but I did a re-format and lost them. I don't suppose you could post them again?


Not sure if it was me, but alright. I actually want to change the macro because it changes my target and resets my swing timer. I don't know how to fix that. It works fine for me, but you could probably get a better one.

#showtooltip Sacred Shield
/target focus
/cast Sacred Shield
/dbm timer 60 Sacred Shield

Same macro for Beacon. If you use the Beacon glyph, change it to 90. If you don't use Divine Guardian, change it to 30.
#10 Jan 19 2010 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
I use the Blizz Raidframes with Clique, it shows just about every useful thing I need. I also use DoTimer to show my Sacried Shield, Judgement and Beacon.

I aim for a FoL focused healing style.
Left Click: FoL
Middle Click: Cleanse
Right Click: Holy Shock
This means I can with one hand throw out alot of fast heals and cleanses without worrying about modifiers.

Left Click: Hand of Salvation
Middleclick: Hand of Freedom
Right Click: Holy Light
This lets me cleanse all the important things and save the reckless DPS. Also means I can do the Holy Shock + Holy Light on a badly hurt tank with very little finger movement. Big heal is easy to use in times of need.

Left click: Sacred Shield
Middle Click: Hand of Protection
Right Click: Beacon of Light
The abilities I use on a longer cooldown all on the Alt modifier.

I have other ablities like Hand of Sacrifice but on occasions where I need them I have them macroed to the tank that will need them. Although I feel I deserve a medal for when both our tanks died on Thorim Hardmode and I managed to react quick enough to throw Hand of Sacrifice on the tank on the Kitty that switched to Bear so he could live long enough for us to down the boss. Was a nice way to get everyone our achievements, and one step closer to Algalon.

Edit: Just read Ehcks post. Might use the DBM timer to get rid of DoTimer because DoTimer gets messy when I am tanking.

Edited, Jan 20th 2010 4:52am by EbanySalamonderiel
#11 Jan 26 2010 at 2:24 AM Rating: Default
ForteXorcist is an amazing addon to track buffs, debuffs, almost anything you can think of. Its very customizable so you can us it to show only sacred shield and BoL, or you can use it to show the cooldown/timers of almost any of your abilities.
#12 Jan 26 2010 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not much help with the add-ons, but i use an old G15 keyboard. It has 18 programmable keys that u can easily hover your hand over and use without looking at the keyboard, hold down ctrl with your thumb and you have 36 actions at your finger tips. I use Dominos (or similar) to make 2 of my action bars into blocks 3 across and 4 down. This is the same setup as the programmable keys.

Newer G15's have been changed, not as user friendly, but you can get add-on small keyboards like the N52 and a few others and get a similar effect. I've also seen gaming mouse with loads of extra buttons and features.

Any edge is good, competition is fierce, will you need 36 readily available action? Maybe not, but you will be able to go into a fight with damn near any action or spell needed at all times. I also put a fair amount of macros to use with this setup.

Hopefully this helps.

#13 Jan 27 2010 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
Ehcks wrote:
cynyck wrote:
Ehcks wrote:
including my focus cast macros for Beacon and SS with their DBM timers.

Ehcks - you posted these macros a while back I think. I know I got them from here, but I did a re-format and lost them. I don't suppose you could post them again?


Not sure if it was me, but alright. I actually want to change the macro because it changes my target and resets my swing timer. I don't know how to fix that. It works fine for me, but you could probably get a better one.

#showtooltip Sacred Shield
/target focus
/cast Sacred Shield
/dbm timer 60 Sacred Shield

Same macro for Beacon. If you use the Beacon glyph, change it to 90. If you don't use Divine Guardian, change it to 30.

#showtooltip Sacred Shield
/focus [@focus,noexists,help]
/cast [@focus] Sacred Shield
/dbm timer 60 Sacred Shield

Macro should set your current target as your focus if you don't already have a focus, if you do have one it will cast Sacred Shield on them. The syntax should be elementary enough to adapt to Beacon as well. I can get fancier if you want and add a method to clear your focus target via modifiers on the same button if you like.
#14 Jan 27 2010 at 7:17 AM Rating: Default
Healbot ftw!! Alterac Valley skin : 3(rows)X9(columns) for 25 mans. (bars and icons size should be adjusted to your style to be able to see beacon and other icons such as mark tanking clearly)

RAid frames 10 yards from player.

Basic set up

Left mouse button: flash heal
Right mouse button : Holy light
Midle button : Trinket + Crit Holy shock macro

Ctrl Left : Beacon
Ctrl Right :Sacred shield
Ctrl Middle : Lay on Hands

Bind Divine plea and judge to Q and E if you use A,W,D to move.

Rest buttons is less important and come to surface on spesific bosses.

Grid ? No.
mikelolol :For Grid I use the default little red dot in the top left corner to see who has aggro. This works OK but is there anyway to change it to be a little more visible and obvious?

Let the shammy healer or priest or druid heal his sorry life if he has aggro.On 25 mans this is not your job.

Also how do you deal with grouping in Grid? I wouldn't mind it automatically seperating tanks, healers, ranged and melee if that's possible. Right now I just use the default 25 boxes and heal people in whichever group they are in. Is that pretty standard, or do people use custom tank layouts?

I dont care about grouping, dont know why ...

I went into a TOC 25 outgeared with the lowest gear score in the raid (I retired for a while after Ulduar to foucs on my rogue). I outhealed everyone and I think knowing exactly who has aggro (default grid but people don't pay attention) and knowing who has fight specific debuffs is the key, you can cast holy light on someone before they even realize they have a debuff or they're standing in the fire.

You got skills m8 , addons just help what you already can do . They dont heal for you. Although at f. champions most probably a shamman will outheal you no matter what you do...

Left Click - Flash of Light
CTRL-Left Click - Target Unit**
ALT-Left Click - Beacon of Light
SHIFT-Left Click - Cleanse

Why not DELETE : SHIFT-Left Click - Cleanse ? and just use decursive...with plain click?
Why not DELETE :CTRL-Left Click - Target Unit** :and just use heal bot ? The only reason you use this is to summon ppl or resurect or inspect, correct?If I m guessing this has nothing to do with healing? Less CTRL or SHIFT you have to remeber the faster is your healing.

This way you will have :
Left Click - Flash of Light
ALT-Left Click - Beacon of Light

plain and simple.

Side Mouse Button - Hand of Protection
CTRL-Side Mouse Button - Hand of Freedom
ALT-Side Mouse Button - Hand of Salvation

Nice Tools but:
Few fights use these... why not put something that y use ,on side, button like all the time?? like Holy shock with Crit? I usually macro one of the above if its absoluttely nessecary for a boss fight. I have to admit though that I see them as a waisted global cooldown as healing in new bosses is prety intensive and 1 lost second (on 25 mans)leads to a tank dying :(

One thing I'd like to do is setup beacon and sacred shield timers to display as a status on my grid, say in the top right corner of a persons grid box, have a countdown for beacon, and another for sacred shield (this in the bottom right).

There are spesific addon Timer for beacon and sacred shield...Pally timers? or Pally something...
They display beacon and Sacred shield in Middle of Screen as progressing bars (for every pala)of separate colors + timers + Audio Sound if one is nearly ending. I think its a must have. Healbot just has a visual indication of beacon and sacred shield on icons..not more.

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