You're right, from a raid perspective I'm sure. I think I'm just doomed to running heroics ad nauseum for all eternity and here's the problem I run into (quoted from that EJ thread you linked):
Short fights and adds
There are two very insightful posts in the simcraft thread, this one and this one. The essence of these posts is: When a target is supposed to live less than 10 seconds, just shadow bolt spam it. If it will live longer than 10 seconds, the normal rotation (meaning dotting it up completely, using haunt and shadow bolt as a filler, using drain soul in the end) is actually the best dps you can get out of the situation, regardless of dots not ticking for their full duration. By the way, this simulation shows very clearly that affliction loses a lot more dps than other specs for targets that live less than 15s, a fact that most of us knew from practice but that has not been shown that clearly before.
In heroics, most trash packs are dead in about 5-6 seconds (usually get 2 RoF off . .usually) and bosses are mostly under 1 min. So yes, affliction was always better for long fights but how many of them are there if you're not raiding? For me, doing really great dps on 3-5 bosses and and mediocre-poor dps on the other 95% of the run got beat out by switching over to destro and being able to do both really well.
I don't think it's a matter of "not playing it well" as much as it is "right tool for the job."
I do still have my affliction spec and with the new beefier mobs in ICC I think I'll dust it off and try it again. I always did like it a lot.
Edited, Jan 4th 2010 11:57am by Pantherfern Edited, Jan 4th 2010 11:57am by Pantherfern