If you are a DpS in Unholy spec, you might as well take the talent. Don't take the glyph.
If you are a tank in Unholy spec, you probably don't even want the talent (it's, like, 32 TpS for me). I'd say it would be better to put a point into Black Ice or something.
If you are a DpS in Blood Spec, don't go for it. If you are a Frost Tank DK, DON'T go for it.
If you are a Blood tank... I wouldn't. There are MORE than enough good talent choices in the Blood tree to pass them up for UB.
So basically, what you're saying is "don't take it unless you absolutely have to". Good old UB. It did was more fun back when it still made you go zoom.
Anyway, now that the thread's here anyway;
UB does get stronger the more DCs you hit the target with during its duration (which is refreshed) though.
From what I have gathered, the DoT "rolls" like a mage's Ignite. Which, from what I have gathered, means that your combat log would show this;
1K Death Coil!
Unholy Blight applied.
Unholy Blight ticks for 100.
(DoT A tick #1) Unholy Blight ticks for 100.
(DoT A tick #2) 1K Death Coil!
Unholy Blight ticks for 200.
(DoT A tick #3 and DoT B tick #1) Unholy Blight ticks for 200.
(DoT A tick #4 and DoT B tick #2) Unholy Blight ticks for 100.
(DoT B tick #3) Unholy Blight ticks for 100.
(DoT B tick #4) Unholy Blight fades from target.
Is this correct? Again, from what I've gathered, it seems to be. Though I do remember a guild's mage telling me once that he got a 21K ignite tick on Loatheb. To reach such high amounts, it seems more likely that a "rolling DoT" would mean that a new application would overwrite the old version of the DoT. Aka;
1K Death Coil!
Unholy Blight applied.
Unholy Blight ticks for 100.
Unholy Blight ticks for 100.
1K Death Coil!
Unholy Blight ticks for 200.
Unholy Blight ticks for 200.
Unholy Blight ticks for 200.
1K Death Coil!
Unholy Blight ticks for 300.
Unholy Blight ticks for 300.
Unholy Blight ticks for 300.
Unholy Blight ticks for 300.
Unholy Blight fades from target.
It seems to be pretty clear to me that this is not the way it works, though it would make UB a bit less horrible than it seems. Can anyone actually confirm that the first situation I gave is right?