Yo, what's hangin'? Been a while now.. I'm home over the holidays and now I desided to visit my old friends on here.
So I did what the average warrior does after a while, rerolled paladin.. Also got a guild going with some IRL's, we're pwning pretty much all the 10 man **** there is atm. Well on the way to becoming a 25 man guild, so naturally you get loads of ***** whining about why they can't come to 10 mans.. Soon though.. Soon!
What have you ******* been up to? Done any cool Theorycrafting lately? I see the stickies aren't too frequently updated.. no one bothered?
Ah well, hello to all of you anyway. Don't know how long I'll stay.. prolly disappear when I go back to my appartment again, but we'll see.