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Thinking of switching specs.... again... need moar DPS!Follow

#1 Dec 22 2009 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
My most recent gear and spec:

I am currently sporting the DW Frost Spec, but I am having concerns with it...

My main rotation is: IT > PS > OB > OB > Howling Blast (HB) > Blood Strike > Blood Strike > (Death Coil x3 OR Frost Strike x[3 or 4]) > (refresh diseases or..) OB > OB > HB > Blood Strike > and so on...
OR... the same as above but after PS (and the disease refesh) I hit Pestilence if I need to spread the diseases.

Doing the above I easily crit about 20k-28k (my highest I've seen) with Howling Blast if I have Killing Machine and Rime up... but most of the time HB only seems to hit for around 5k...

My average dps in a 5-man group (THANKS LFG TOOL!) is around 1800-2500... and I am not sure if it is my rotation or my gear causing it to be low while everyone else is sporting 3k+ dps and I swear it looks like I am pushing out more damage than them.

I am worried that my dual wield weapons are lacking... and I know I have some blue gear...

My other spec is Unholy but I haven't played it in about two months and from what I remember I was getting up to about 1900 dps with that spec, but this was pre-gear up although i was using a Titansteel Destroyer or whatever the 2h mace is called.

I tend to only do dailies and the new dungeon tool with this guy now, so I would like to at least seem like I know how to be a DPSer when I choose DPS as my dungeon role.

Here are the questions I need help with...

Would I see a dramatic increase in DPS if I specced Blood?

What type of weapon do you use in Blood spec? My guess would be a 2h whatever.

Could my DPS be improved just by me retooling my rotation in Frost spec?

I have never specced Blood, so I really have no clue if it can outdo Frost or Unholy in DPS. I know Blood is more for 1-2 target DPS, while Frost is single target and minor AoE DPS, and Unholy is single target and major AoE DPS (single targets not counting disease spreading with Pestilence)... ...will I put out more DPS as Blood spec when I am in random dungeons with others and not actually get laughed at because I am doing lower DPS than the tank?

Thanks for the help...

...and please... be kind to me. Smiley: wink

#2 Dec 22 2009 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Blood DPS: - blood simple consolidated blood dk dps guide

Unholy DPS: - unholy dps 3.3 take me away

Frost DPS (not updated for 3.3 but still good enough): - dw builds 3.2 revenge offhand/

I suggest you read the first post then start at the date the patch 3.3 was release (3 weeks ago?)

That will answer 99.5% of your question and take away your sanity!

Khross, Dragonblight
DW frost tank
#3 Dec 23 2009 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Would I see a dramatic increase in DPS if I specced Blood?

I have a feeling you would. I pulled around 2100-2400 myself as blood when wearing your gear in a PvP spec. Today I pulled 3700 DPS on Saurfang, which is pretty much a target dummy fight.

What type of weapon do you use in Blood spec? My guess would be a 2h whatever.

Yup, definitely a 2-hander. I think dual-wielding frost is currently 'viable' but I'm 99% certain that dual-wielding blood/unholy isn't going to get you anywhere. I tend to go with weapons with armor penetration on them, but that is more because I want the stat for PvP - today I had a shot at getting the Citadel Enforcer's Claymore and I'd definitely use that over my Tyrannical Beheader for PvE DPS.

Could my DPS be improved just by me retooling my rotation in Frost spec?

Good question. I'll say 'possibly'. Try the standard EJ rotation on a target dummy for a minute or 5 and see what happens. If you don't break the 2500, then your rotation is probably already optimal and you'll have to look at gear or spec to improve your damage. By heart I'd say 2500 DPS is probably the most or close to the most DPS you can get out of your gear, but I have absolutely no clue how well frost scales.

Edit: The Tyrannical Beheader linked to the Citadel Enforcer's Claymore as well =(

Edited, Dec 23rd 2009 7:42am by Mozared
#4 Dec 23 2009 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
I honestly can't say if you'd see a solid boost to your DPS or not if you switched to blood.

If you were to be very gung-ho on it with regards to sticking to the rotation, then yes, you'll see a boost. I was pulling 3K plus, but thanks to a big distraction on all mental levels that was created in mid-August for me, after a sabbatical I found myself down from 3K to around 2.4K.

These days, I can do 3500+ in an instance, it really depends on what's being fought. While the DPS may dip to levels I'm not very happy with, I'll let damage done speak for itself. During some trash clears in ICC, I was in huge competition with a hunter in my guild over owning the charts, although it was more of me pressing him on to do better (Dude, I'm 10K away from you in damage, WTF?! One good crit and you lose!). Although I lose often to classes that have AoE, it wouldn't surprise me in a sustained ST fight if the chart was mine.

With the Blood Spec and rotation, you should be able to do some decent DPS. I saw a dramatic jump in mine, to the point that I told my guild leader after a particularly good evening that I was out of the tanking business. (He agreed, in spite of the fact that my DK was brought over with tanking in mind).

You'll have to get some upgrades of course, but that's honestly not to difficult to pull off, especially with the holidays right around the corner.
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#5 Dec 23 2009 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
gtap wrote:
Blood DPS: - blood simple consolidated blood dk dps guide

Unholy DPS: - unholy dps 3.3 take me away

Frost DPS (not updated for 3.3 but still good enough): - dw builds 3.2 revenge offhand/

I suggest you read the first post then start at the date the patch 3.3 was release (3 weeks ago?)

That will answer 99.5% of your question and take away your sanity!

Khross, Dragonblight
DW frost tank

I tend to goto EJ to have a look at the viable rotations for each spec is on whatever class I am playing at the time, but I (I might be the only one who sees this...) start seeing the post that is there to "teach" you play mechanics turn into an engineer course and it seems that I need to whip out my calculator in order to understand half of what is going on in the rest of thread apart from what gear/specc/glyphs I should be using...

BTW... I did look at those threads on before asking my questions here, but like I said ... it was mind numbing. Regarding the Frost thread... I think thai is the thread I got most of my info from when I specced from Unholy to Frost a couple of months ago.

#6 Dec 23 2009 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
i still run DW Frost. Unholy just doesn't give me the same numbers usually.

In my sig is a link to my DK. He doesn't have awesome gear, but 2.5k would be the lowest I go (unless there is a lot of movement and I can't do a rotation).

My rotation:

Single Target:
HB>BS>BS(want to get these Bloods to turn into Shadow)
Start over

Turn Blood runes into Shadow, HB when Rime procs, or when KM goes off and I can use HB.

IT>PS>Pest>Blood Boil

Keep diseases on all targets, and blast HB when you can. OB for the Rime proc.
I don't use Blood Strike at all on more than one target.

My 2 axes come from H.FoS of James Brown.
I have a nice 2hand Mace (for Unholy, guess Blood would get a use of it too) from the big rock dude on H.PoS.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#7 Dec 24 2009 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
(Death Coil x3 OR Frost Strike x[3 or 4])

Don't use death coil in dw frost unless you we're knocked back and all your FU runes are down and you cant either IT or HB while you run back. This should honestly never happen so, once again. Don't DC.
#8 Dec 25 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
ArexLovesPie of Future Fabulous! wrote:
(Death Coil x3 OR Frost Strike x[3 or 4])

Don't use death coil in dw frost unless you we're knocked back and all your FU runes are down and you cant either IT or HB while you run back. This should honestly never happen so, once again. Don't DC.

Hmm... I stopped using Death Coil (unless I am knocked back) for my Runic power dump and started using Frost Strike... I have since been #2 or #3 in dps in the groups I am running with... just by stopping DC and doing FS has netted me an increase of about 500-800 dps without me really doing anything else differently... so thanks a bunch.

In other news, I have had the Titansteel Destroyer for awhile and I used it when I was running around as Unholy... but I have been dual wielding two Tankard O' Terrors in Frost spec... then while I was running Heroic ToC last night I saw Edge of Ruin drop and I lost the roll, so I set out on a mission... to get that 2h axe and try out Blood spec...

So tonight I log on and queue up for some heroics (ToC, FoS, PoS, and HoR)... about 20min later I get into a Heroic Pit of Saron group and figure, "hmm... maybe I will get some new armor..." Well... we get to the final boss and nothing had dropped up to that point that I could use... and then it happened... Tyrannical Beheader was kind enough to drop... and I was the only one who wanted it!!! I was ecstatic.

So now... I will be able to try out Blood spec to see how it is, and hopefully it'll feel good on me.

Anyone have any pointers for Blood spec at all?

Also, I know I probably should use the Rune of the Fallen Crusader on the axe, but since it has a yellow socket what should I socket on it? Should I throw a +20 STR gem (red) on it, or should I try for something else? Crit? Hit?

Thanks for all of the replies.

Edited, Dec 25th 2009 10:04pm by PentUpAnger
#9 Dec 26 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
Given that the bonus is +4str match socket.

Frost DW DKs need to think a fair bit on their feet when dpsing.

Rime procs (but not many targets (<2) dun wait for KM use HB)
KM procs (loads of targets and FU runes up, smash HB)
Rune dump at any time when you got a full bar, I really do not wait for KM proc since I am wasting perfectly good dps.

Your DK is an Orc try to get the Axe off James Brown.

GoD is not worth it since it does not refresh Icy Talons. The faster you swing your wpns the more you dps. I normally use Pest at the initial phase of a trash pull, hoping to get lucky with the blood strike for a KM so that I can blow a HB that crits on the whole bunch. Normally you will get a 15k pain bomb. Wail away at the target as per normal till dead swap IT again to keep Icy Talons up. The spec is severely more sensitive to gear and if you upgrade you should see a difference especially on your Oblit crits. 5 man record for me is still 13k or 14k, in a raid the dmg can be pretty sick.

I do wanna know why no UA (UA no UA is a debate on its own) but given even my current gear I have it and its pretty nice. I just save Emp RW for it so I can hit UA, put all my runes on CD then EMP and go again. I also started using my ghoul as a dps trinket (it takes ur current stats as its base so time it well for full effect).
#10 Dec 26 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Anyone have any pointers for Blood spec at all?

Errr, let me bring up some of my own epiphanies;

-When the guide says "use this time to dump your RP", DO TWO DEATH COILS. It's so alluring to just keep spamming Heart Strike knowing that you'll get a blood rune back in just a few seconds, but doing this will lose you approximately 6000+ damage those two DC's can give you.

-Not specifically blood, but whenever you respec, you have to turn your presence back on. You will not believe how many times I've DPS'd or tanked presenceless.

-The Dancing Rune Weapon glyph is worth it, even though it though it might not seem so. Without the glyph, DRW lasts only 12 seconds which is barely enough time to get a rotation through. With the glyph, it lasts 17 seconds which means that (in a similar fashion to Hysteria) you will actually notice that it's a cooldown that is up and increases your damage for a bit.

-Even though it sucks, you have a ghoul. Seeing as it takes long enough to get ready for using cooldowns (you need to make sure that as Bloodlust is used, your diseases have just been refreshed, you've got 4 death runes, Hysteria is up and you are popping DRW), it's better to activate it sooner rather than later. Alternatively, if the fight is about survivability rather than about DPS, save it for a Death Pact for when you get shoved off into a corner where your healers can't reach you.

And on another note, a quick question - is there currently any use at all for frost Death Knights to grab armor pen? I haven't been frost and only know the basics of their abilities/rotations, so I was wondering.
#11 Dec 26 2009 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
cancerous wrote:
Given that the bonus is +4str match socket.

Your DK is an Orc try to get the Axe off James Brown.

I went with an Inscribed Ametrine for the gem.

And who is James Brown and where is this guy located at ... and what is the ax's name?

#12 Dec 26 2009 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
Bronjham in H Forge of Souls. He even screams and howls like James Brown.

Drops Nightime.

ArP is not a bad stat for DKs. Obliterate is still a physical based attack that you can use ArP for (also happens to be the hardest hitting attack in the frost rotation). Crit on the other hand is not as nice as haste since KM pretty much covers your FS crits.
#13 Dec 28 2009 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,272 posts
Arp isn't bad for any dk spec. It's not something you should actively seek as DW though. Having it though isn't a bad thing.

Sometimes I wish I was still DW frost because of how much fun the spec actually is, but unholy is still lots of fun and I do seriously enjoy seeing 7k DC's and 11k SS.
#14 Dec 29 2009 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Mozared wrote:
Would I see a dramatic increase in DPS if I specced Blood?

I have a feeling you would. I pulled around 2100-2400 myself as blood when wearing your gear in a PvP spec. Today I pulled 3700 DPS on Saurfang, which is pretty much a target dummy fight.

Single target, probably. You need a crapload of armor penetration, though (and preferably one of the armor penetration trinkets).

Alternatively, though this requires some getting used to, you could give Unholy a shot. It has slightly lower single target damage, but the moment you get into a 3+ fight, it blows Blood out of the water. 6k DPS on 4 targets, yes, please.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Dec 30 2009 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
What Mazra said is true, it's just that most high-end fights are simply single-target based which makes AOE DPS virtually pointless in most cases. Even for heroics, this is true. Hence why I'd say "do not avoid blood purely because it's AOE damage is lower".
#16 Dec 30 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Indeed. Blood is, or was, well-known for its viability later on due to armor penetration being such a massively wonderful attribute, and Blood focusing more on single target damage. Frost's strength lies in short AOE fights, Unholy's in longer AOE fights.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Dec 31 2009 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
I leveled my DK as Unholy... switched to DW Frost about 2-3 months ago... gained about 800 dps or so...

I have been getting close to 3k dps with my Blood spec...

Picked up Black Icicle tonight in H-HoR... it isn't a great leap in damage/stats from my Tankards of Terror... but I am starting to think I am onlygoing to get better weapons (by leaps and bounds) by getting into raid groups.... which probably wont happen.

Still need to try and get Nighttime x2.... or try for two Black Icicles... who knows.

#18 Dec 31 2009 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
I use Black Icicle in my mainhand for my racial expertise bonus and Nighttime in my offhand for the sexy armor pen. I dont know if it is just my getting better, but I seen a huge increase in my dps when I switched from two Tankards to two level 232 weapons.
#19 Jan 01 2010 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm curious how people switch from Unholy to Frost and gain DPS.

On short AOE fights, yes, but single targets as well? I easily pull 3-4k DPS in the new heroics due to the packs and health levels there. There are a lot of mobs and they live long enough for Unholy to shine. Plus, with the AOE, people are getting really freaky about Ebon Plaguebringer.

Hmm, perhaps it's time to dust off the ol' DW Frost spec and check it out with some new weapons. That damn axe is never going to drop for me anyway. Dammit.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 Jan 02 2010 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Thus far Maz, I'm happier as Frost in 5-toon instances than I am as Unholy. But in the few raids I've been in since the last patch, Unholy does have an advantage as far as I can tell.

Frost just seems better suited to the faster 3-5 mob grinds in most heroics.
#21 Jan 03 2010 at 11:25 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I see how Howling Blast might provide better DPS in old heroics due to the pack mobs not having a lot of health. However, Pit of Saron in mind, the moment stuff lives through a Howling Blast, I'd switch to Unholy. Not only do you get more effective use of Wandering Plague (when your diseases tick for 600 damage and everyone in the area takes 600 damage every other tick, it's pretty nice), you also boost any spell caster there might be in the group. EPB increases their DPS on packs by 13% or something, right? If a Mage is doing 10k DPS on packs, he'd be doing 11300 DPS instead, roughly speaking. 1300 DPS is a pretty nice boost.

Granted, if the group is melee heavy and lacking a Shaman, I tend to switch to Frost. It hurts my DPS, though.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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