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Totems with DKsFollow

#1 Dec 16 2009 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
So, I had a question to the community. As a DK, I can give the +155 Str/Agi buff to a group (and I always do, as it is also part of a battle rotation, if you have a free GCD).

I had a Shaman the other day who was specced into the Imp. SoE totem.

So, seeing that they were using it (I was wondering why my horn was dropping), I told them they could switch to another Earth totem if they wanted. I want to note that this wasn't phrased like a criticism in any way. It was more like, "Hey, I can put up the Str/Agi buff if you want to switch to something else. I won't let it drop."

They chose to use their imp totem, which I was totally fine with. It wasn't an issue for me, and it was technically a superior buff. Just seemed like a waste of a totem for just 23 Str/Agi (we were a caster heavy party--Shaman and I were only melee units).

I'm just wondering what choice other Shaman make when grouping with DKs?

Do you drop an Imp SoE or switch to something else (Stoneskin or Earthbind seem like they could have the most PvE utility. SK for reduced damage to tank, EB for easier pack control).

And, if you don't have Imp SoE, do you still drop it (maybe because you don't think anything else is better)?

And do you ever drop the Earth Elemental totem? It seems like that could be better DpS if you can insure the 155 buff, assuming you can control whether or not it taunts (I don't know if it acts as a guardian or pet).

Thanks everyone, just curious.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#2 Dec 16 2009 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Earth Elemental is not under direct control, and has extremely crappy damage along with the taunts--if I want to drop an elemental, I go fire. Smiley: wink

I always drop Strength when I have it improved, or when I am in my Resto offspec and the DK in the group is not keeping up Horn consistently. If there's a good DK in the party and I'm Resto, I drop Stoneskin.

I'd rather (in most cases) have the small additional AP and Crit boost from Strength of Earth than the slow effect on the mobs--exception would be in cases like when I've been asked to slow down zombie chow on Gluth, that sort of thing. And to be honest, most tanks don't *need* Stoneskin--while it's a nice extra if you have multiple Shamans, it's not worth making a fuss over.

On the other hand, in the case of a Frost DK with Improved Icy Talons, I will drop another totem instead of Windfury (usually Wrath of Air) because the DK buff is equal in that case.
#3 Dec 20 2009 at 4:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Imp. SoE totem is the only buff that shaman bring to raids these days (aside from heroism) that isn't duplicated by any other class. There is no other earth totem worth dropping. I use Earthbind on Gluth (ugh) and Deathbringer Saurfang (because that is one fight where it makes a ton of sense). The only other earth totem I ever use is Tremor, and that's obviously highly situational. Stoneskin isn't exactly useless, but nor is it all that great. The physical DR it offers is more or less trivial in virtually every circumstance.

As unnecessary as buffs are in pre-3.2 heroics, asking someone to use a crappy buff in place of their best so that someone else can provide something lesser is just kind of silly imo. Shamans are a class based around party buffs and to essentially say to a shaman, "Hey, could you not use a buff that's better than mine and instead use a trash buff so that I can use my buff that isn't as good as yours just because" is kind of like saying, "Hey, Blizzard already gave everyone else the best totem buffs for your spec so could you just take it that final step and trivialize your contribution that much more by letting me give out the lesser version instead?"
#4 Dec 20 2009 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Imp. SoE totem is the only buff that shaman bring to raids these days (aside from heroism) that isn't duplicated by any other class. There is no other earth totem worth dropping. I use Earthbind on Gluth (ugh) and Deathbringer Saurfang (because that is one fight where it makes a ton of sense). The only other earth totem I ever use is Tremor, and that's obviously highly situational. Stoneskin isn't exactly useless, but nor is it all that great. The physical DR it offers is more or less trivial in virtually every circumstance.

Well, to be fair, not every raid will have a Frost DK. And, even more importantly, not everyone will have one with Imp Icy Talons (especially if they are 2-handers). So they still tend to provide that.

1K armor would be a large boost in encounters where there is heavy physical AoE. But, other than that, it is only a small boost for your tank, yes. The question is whether or not the extra mitigation to the tank is better or worse than 20-x Str/Agi to each DpS. If you aren't in a melee-heavy group, it isn't so clear. Both buffs seem equally useful (well, the armor seems more useful to me as a tank, but I would still have them use SoE if there was 2 melee DpS, I guess).

As unnecessary as buffs are in pre-3.2 heroics, asking someone to use a crappy buff in place of their best so that someone else can provide something lesser is just kind of silly imo. Shamans are a class based around party buffs and to essentially say to a shaman, "Hey, could you not use a buff that's better than mine and instead use a trash buff so that I can use my buff that isn't as good as yours just because" is kind of like saying, "Hey, Blizzard already gave everyone else the best totem buffs for your spec so could you just take it that final step and trivialize your contribution that much more by letting me give out the lesser version instead?"

That's an illogical argument. Because to think about it that way, you have to pretend as if I was saying to use NO buff in place of SoE.

For example, I always tell Pallies that I have Kings drums, so they can Might/Wis instead. It's 2% less of a boost to each player, but it allows us to get a different buff in exchange. I, as a tank, miss the 2% Stam. But I accept that 550 AP is a sizable enough bonus to not only provide the buff, but to PAY to do it. Add that 8% stat boost, or Wis/Might (whatever they wouldn't have had to each player) and it's more than worth using the "lesser" buff.

This is similar. Is Stoneskin as good as Might? No. But that's fine, because you need to pay to provide the Kings buff.

This is the question of whether or not 27 strength and Agi to each player (though it only matters for melee, really) is better or worse than 1K armor to everyone.

If I was a chef, and had Great Feasts on me to drop. And someone else said they had FF in their bank and could go grab them, would you bother? No, because the lower bonus is fine for what you gain (time).


Just another note. Don't think about SS as just tank mitigation. And don't just discard it as useless, since tanks don't need it (I certainly don't).


Because the stronger the tank is, the less stress falls on the healer. That lets them potentially DpS in fights where physical damage going around would have prevented them from doing so. A single spell every so often from a healer should be a better return than a few Str/Agi. At least on bosses.

And, if you have a DK/Warrior, SS totem is equal to 31 or 32 AP to them. Which is over half what they'd get from the Strength of Imp. SoE. So if you have 4 melees (Say, 2 DKs and a War) it still isn't clear that SoE will be superior.

Again, I don't think this has a right answer--it's too dynamic. That's why I asked what people WOULD do.

But I'm just replying to why I don't agree with your arguments for why SoE is always/usaully better (at least, that's what I think you're saying). That is not clear to me, all things considered.

Edited, Dec 20th 2009 12:25pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Dec 20 2009 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
idiggory wrote:
Well, to be fair, not every raid will have a Frost DK. And, even more importantly, not everyone will have one with Imp Icy Talons (especially if they are 2-handers). So they still tend to provide that.

The point is, there is another class that can provide 20% melee haste. Whether or not you have one in your party/raid is irrelevant. I'm talking about unique little tidbits that only shamans can bring to the group and specifically, enhancement shaman (or at worst, shaman specced into Enhancing Totems.) So when you've got your enhancement shaman who is still being smacked around by the hybrid tax even though they're not the zomfgbuffs unique snowflakes they once were and suggest to them that they drop a crap totem instead of the one thing they bring to the group that nobody else can, it's a minor slap in the face.

1K armor would be a large boost in encounters where there is heavy physical AoE. But, other than that, it is only a small boost for your tank, yes. The question is whether or not the extra mitigation to the tank is better or worse than 20-x Str/Agi to each DpS. If you aren't in a melee-heavy group, it isn't so clear. Both buffs seem equally useful (well, the armor seems more useful to me as a tank, but I would still have them use SoE if there was 2 melee DpS, I guess).

1k armor is providing a fraction of a % more physical DR to tanks and not substantially more to anyone else. Hence, it's a useless totem for the overwhelming majority of encounters. Slowing the movement speed of targets for no other reason than to say you've got an earth totem down is even more useless.

As unnecessary as buffs are in pre-3.2 heroics, asking someone to use a crappy buff in place of their best so that someone else can provide something lesser is just kind of silly imo. Shamans are a class based around party buffs and to essentially say to a shaman, "Hey, could you not use a buff that's better than mine and instead use a trash buff so that I can use my buff that isn't as good as yours just because" is kind of like saying, "Hey, Blizzard already gave everyone else the best totem buffs for your spec so could you just take it that final step and trivialize your contribution that much more by letting me give out the lesser version instead?"

That's an illogical argument. Because to think about it that way, you have to pretend as if I was saying to use NO buff in place of SoE.

You still talk like pre-3.2 heroics are hard. They're not. This isn't even about maximizing group's about wasting time at the start of a run to tweak another 0.5% performance out of everyone which begs the question: how much time is your nitpicking over buffs saving compared to how much time you're wasting getting everything sorted out?

That's what it boils down to. Micro manage buffs for progression raid content. For heroics, you're just holding your group hostage while you indulge your OCD.

For example, I always tell Pallies that I have Kings drums, so they can Might/Wis instead.

You know what I say to people who ask me to redo pally buffs because they have Kings drums? That buffs have been given, they aren't going to be negotiated, and it's time to kill things.

This is the question of whether or not 27 strength and Agi to each player (though it only matters for melee, really) is better or worse than 1K armor to everyone.

No, it's a question of whether or not your compulsion to make a mountain out of a molehill justifies holding up the group. It doesn't.

Just another note. Don't think about SS as just tank mitigation. And don't just discard it as useless, since tanks don't need it (I certainly don't).

Do me a favor and don't tell me how to look at the buffs I provide. I've got way, way more experience in far more demanding content than you and when I say SS is a useless buff, I mean it.

Because the stronger the tank is, the less stress falls on the healer. That lets them potentially DpS in fights where physical damage going around would have prevented them from doing so. A single spell every so often from a healer should be a better return than a few Str/Agi. At least on bosses.

SS isn't going to stop the physical damage. It's going to reduce it by a trivial amount. I wouldn't want to run with a healer who decided that since the melee dps ate a cleave for only 4800 damage instead of 5000 that they've got time to toss a nuke before they get down to the business at hand. "Oh look, the mage ate a charge for 7k damage, which is just a whole lot better than the 8k he would have taken without the SS totem so imma toss a Holy Fire instead of healing him because 1k is just so damn significant that it's going to make or break the fight."

And, if you have a DK/Warrior, SS totem is equal to 31 or 32 AP to them. Which is over half what they'd get from the Strength of Imp. SoE. So if you have 4 melees (Say, 2 DKs and a War) it still isn't clear that SoE will be superior.

It's still not worth worrying about. You're talking < 50 AP on characters that are running with 4-8k AP. Trivial either way, and there's more than AP in question. There's also crit and avoidance. Also trivial. Trivial all the way around.


So why are you wasting a group's time to make any sort of issue about it at all?

I don't know.

Perhaps you can tell me.
#6idiggory, Posted: Dec 20 2009 at 8:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That's why I said it was entirely dependent on the group make up and the encounters. You didn't make those allowances, and that's all I was arguing for. WILL it always give the difference a healer needs? No. But it can.
#7 Dec 20 2009 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
And, for someone that gets pissy anytime someone misreads or makes assumptions based on what you say, you made a TON of assumptions in your argument. You made it out like I forced the group would stop to rebuff. And you are pretending like it would be a huge time drain to switch a totem for the next pull. In reality, it shouldn't make any time difference, and the whole interchange happened A. before the Shammy dropped boss totems and B. during a period where we are forced to wait due to mechanics.

I never once even said the Shaman was in the wrong. Actually, I said I was fine with their choice. It just seemed like a wasted slot. Like a Pally that puts Wisdom on the Warrior.

You know it's funny that someone who just a couple of months ago didn't have time to play the game is now such an expert on it.

Explain to me then why, in a raid with 2-5 DKs and only one enhancement shaman I have never once been asked to swap out Imp. SoE for SS. If we're talking about min-maxing and tweaking in demanding content, why is it not done in raids but you seem to think it matters so much that it's worth wasting time to even bring up in a heroic?

Get over it, idiggory. You're wrong. It's not worth it.
#8idiggory, Posted: Dec 21 2009 at 4:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I never once argued that it was the overall best choice. That was you. I was merely saying it seemed like a perfectly acceptable option. I never accused a Shaman of being bad for using it. You're the one with your panties in a twist.
#9 Dec 21 2009 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
You know it's funny that someone who just a couple of months ago didn't have time to play the game is now such an expert on it.

Explain to me then why, in a raid with 2-5 DKs and only one enhancement shaman I have never once been asked to swap out Imp. SoE for SS. If we're talking about min-maxing and tweaking in demanding content, why is it not done in raids but you seem to think it matters so much that it's worth wasting time to even bring up in a heroic?

Get over it, idiggory. You're wrong. It's not worth it.

I never once argued that it was the overall best choice. That was you. I was merely saying it seemed like a perfectly acceptable option. I never accused a Shaman of being bad for using it. You're the one with your panties in a twist.

You came here and asked. I told you. You argued.

Nobody wants to have someone else come into a group and start to micromanage buffs. It's not your job to do so. When you start ******* around with asking people to not give their best buff in favor of a crappy buff in the name of some sort of twisted min-maxing, there are a lot of people who will find it offensive.

If you're in a raid with two shamans specced into Enhancing Totems, both are likely dropping SoE because if one of them happens to die for any reason, the buff persists uninterrupted.

I can't stress enough what a waste of a totem slot SS is. If you've got no other totem that offers any benefit whatseover (ie. untalented SoE in a group with Imp. SoE), then you might drop SS because a trivial boost is better than nothing. That doesn't mean SS is worth dropping any other time in a PvE encounter.

If you weren't prepared to accept the answer to the question, you shouldn't have asked it.

And your argument is ridiculous. This discussion has never been about raid options.

If it's not necessary for raids where squeezing every last bit of performance know...matters, what does that say about its applications in 5-mans?

And of course you would drop Imp. SoE in a raid. But, with two Shaman, what is the second one going to drop? SoE? Duh, no. That would be asinine. They'd drop SS (or possibly nothing, but that seems stupid to me). That would be 1-10% additional physical mitigation for the entire raid. It would boost DK/War DpS, too. There are plenty of fights with high physical AoE, that could prove useful.

Don't pretend to be a knowledgeable source about what does or doesn't happen in raids, idiggory. You have little enough credibility as it is.

For one thing, that's potentially 15 members (probably not more) that will get a DpS increase from it. Furthermore, HoW isn't raid-wide, so you'd need at least one in every group to even make using something else an option.

I've raided with 5 DKs in one of the most punishing encounters for pure physical damage currently in the game (Gormok in ToGC25) and there was still no suggestion of spreading the DKs between the melee/tank groups and swapping SoE for SS. At all. Not even a little bit. You know why? Because SS isn't worth it.

This has always been about Heroic groups. And if the group is average (and especially if they have a new healer) I can see how SS would be far superior to the imp bonus from HoW. Especially if you have units that are getting hit when they shouldn't be.

You grossly overestimate the benefit of 1k armor.

And, you know what, there are occasions where I'd prefer SS over SoE (imp) when there wasn't a DK in the party.

A caster-heavy party with a newer healer going against Anub, for example. His adds can do decent damage. Carrion Swarm is physical. They might actually survive a pound. Less damage if they get hit by spikes. Less if they get aggro from the elites.

Or you could drop Imp. SoE to give the tank...the person who is supposed to be soaking the lion's share of the physical damage...more threat, avoidance, and in the case of shield tanks, block value. Again...overestimating the benefit of 1k armor.

If people know how to play, it might not be an issue. But I've been in way too many PuGs recently to know that is rarely an acceptable assumption.

You don't exactly elevate yourself above the unwashed masses by micro-managing buffs, either.
#10idiggory, Posted: Dec 21 2009 at 7:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Please tell them when I MICROMANAGED buffs. I simply said, "Hey. Don't be afraid to switch if you want to. I can fill the Str/Agi buff if you want to offer something else." I never ORDERED them to do anything, nor did I infer their choice was wrong. I've had tons of players offer useless buffs/debuffs in parties where my DK will give it by default (no choice), such as Warlocks using CoE when I have EBP, or Shammies using WF when we have a DW DK. I consider it being a good player to point these out (and I do it in a non-accusative way, because not everyone remembers what buffs every class can give).
#11 Dec 21 2009 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
Please tell them when I MICROMANAGED buffs.

It doesn't matter what your delivery is...when you're suggesting changing buffs around for trivial improvements, you're micromanaging. That doesn't imply ordering anyone to do anything or being a jerk. It is what it is. Stop being such a whiny little douche about it.

It's a discussion about when and why one would use a different totem over SoE, specifically when there's a DK in the group. There ARE cases when 1K armor makes a world of difference.

If it's a discussion, then WHY are you being so thick and argumentative about it. You ask. I told you. There's not a whole lot to discuss.

And I'm NOT vastly overestimating armor. I am fully aware that the benefits of BOTH buffs are extremely minimal. But any tank that isn't an idiot would choose armor if they wanted mitigation. The avoidance just doesn't even come CLOSE. If you don't really need it, yeah I'd go for SoE.

Says you. Who are...nobody. You don't raid, you're intimidated by heroics, and you're wrong.

I disagreed with your assertion that SS is a crappy buff, because it isn't.

Ahh, but it IS. If it wasn't why do you think there's not a single PvE talent build for ANY shaman spec that includes the buff to SS totem? Hmmm...maybe because it's CRAP?

It's just a specific buff--not useful in all situations. There are times when it will be more useful than SoE, just as there are times you ask a Ret Pally to use a Resistance Aura (or, GASP, Devotion Aura) instead. And I also disagreed with the claim that it is "all" a Shaman brought when they have a "hybrid tax." Your estimated max DpS is about 9.5K atm, under normal circumstances (not gimmick fights). That is NOT much lower than the next DpS at all. And it is only about 2K different from the highest potential DpS.

Imp. SoE totem IS the only buff that is exclusive to shaman who are specced into Enhancing Totems. Every other buff we bring is duplicated by another class/spec. And our dps is still influenced by the hybrid tax to a significant degree. That 9.5k dps you see on an outdated enhancement shaman BiS discussion page? Unattainable pre-3.3. It's derived from a simulation that can time MW LB casts to hundredths of a second. My best single target dps in a non-gimmick fight thus far has been just over 8k and that was a cooldown burn at the start of a heroic NB25 encounter that ended in a wipe about 1 minute in when one of our tanks got insta-gibbed. That BiS page is also based around a shaman in full iLvl258 gear which, up until 3.3, was nearly unattainable to all but the top of the top guilds. The only way to get iLvl258 set epics is to be clearing ToGC25 and then you're sharing raid tokens with 25 other people. ToGC25 hasn't been out long enough for any one player to have full T9.5 unless they had some wonky priority system and I guarantee you that even if they did, it wouldn't be the enhancement shaman that would be top of the list. Not by a long shot.

Compare that to DKs, mages, warlocks, and rogues and shaman ARE still heavily influenced by the hybrid tax whether YOU have the experience to recognize it or not.

And my lack of experience in raids is irrelevant. Because this post wasn't about raids in particular. It was clearly about groups where you might end up with a DK in general. COULD raids have been included in the answer? Of course. But to make a claim about ALL situations based on one environment is dumb as hell.

It is FULLY relevant because you're not able to respond with any experience on the issue that is at the crux of the "discussion"...namely, if it's not worth doing in raids, what makes it worth the trouble to arrange in a 5-man? The answer? NOTHING.

I can see many situations where SS is the superior option. They may not be many, but they exist. And that's all I was asking.

Yes, and you're a novice player with a novice opinion who seems to think you're some sort of unique snowflake that can somehow mysteriously be an expert on a buffs from a class that you don't even play and refuse to back up with hard numbers from any encounter beyond, "lewl lots of fisicul damug."

And I think you are underestimating the value of armor. 1K armor for a Mage against a melee can be 500+ less incoming DpS. When you have 3 clothies in a group, and all are getting hit due to the nature of a fight, then it matters.

If it mattered, all classes would have an armor buff to toss out to account for it. If you don't need the buff to succeed in the encounter by a quantifiable margin, it's not necessary. And if it's not necessary, it's not worth wasting time to arrange. I don't care if you want to site the wait during a scripted encounter as justification for how you weren't wasting time, because you're also referencing dungeons like AN where there are no scripted parts and there is no justification to hold the group up. And yes, if you ask an enhancement shaman to drop SS instead of SoE so you can do HoW, there is going to be a delay unless they just ignore your request because they're most likely going to tell you to go **** yourself.

And, today, in my Nexus run, we had a Mage get hit by a charge that did 100 damage overkill. 1K armor would have saved them. And that would have resulted in a monstrous boost to our group's DpS. Way more than an imp SoE.

I could probably find an extreme example of some encounter gone wonky to justify why a druid should have tanked part of it in ******* cat form, too, but that doesn't necessarily make it a wise strategy.

I took issue with your assertion that you should never downgrade buffs to account for those others can offer, and I stand by it. I rather have 8% to stats and 550 AP than 10% to stats any day.

And if you need it, you're bad. And if you're going to hold up a group to arrange it, you're a jerk. Shut up, make sure you've got the buffs you provide and need for yourself squared away, and git er dun. You're at the start of T10 now, idiggory, and people who hold up groups to nitpick trivial garbage are only slightly better than people who wipe groups. Buck up, L2play, and stop arguing stuff you know little to nothing about.
#12idiggory, Posted: Dec 21 2009 at 9:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It's not even worth it to respond. I know you are one of the most immature people I have ever met online. I don't even know why I bother trying to have any kind of discussion with you, ever. You have to lapse into insults to try and cover up the fact that you aren't even addressing the points posters make, and it's just really sad.
#13 Dec 21 2009 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
idiggory wrote:
It's not even worth it to respond. I know you are one of the most immature people I have ever met online. I don't even know why I bother trying to have any kind of discussion with you, ever. You have to lapse into insults to try and cover up the fact that you aren't even addressing the points posters make, and it's just really sad.

Have fun stroking your e-peen. Because it isn't that impressive anyway.

When you roll a shaman or just get tired of being wrong, come back and visit!

#14 Dec 22 2009 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
2,590 posts
And yes, if you ask an enhancement shaman to drop SS instead of SoE so you can do HoW, there is going to be a delay unless they just ignore your request because they're most likely going to tell you to go @#%^ yourself.

Smiley: nod

Have fun stroking your e-peen. Because it isn't that impressive anyway.

Playing Enhance takes bigger balls than playing DK. Truth. We do almost exactly what you do, only wearing mail and leather, with no perma-pets, no Death Grip, and constant pressure to respec and heal. You guys just have to worry about the 'tard stereotype... which, in this case, seems to be justified.

Take your buffs and stop whining already.
#15 Jan 06 2010 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
I am not aware of any duplicate to our Healing Stream Totem.
#16 Jan 07 2010 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
balzen wrote:
I am not aware of any duplicate to our Healing Stream Totem.

The only fight I've ever seen a Healing Stream Totem specifically requested has been Anub in ToGC25. The rest of the time, the healing benefit is another one of those buffs that groups never really think about.
#17 Jan 09 2010 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I always have trouble remembering which bosses fear, so I just drop my retarded incest child of a Tremor Totem.
For strange, unknown reasons, my Tremor totems have around a 20% success rate. I've seen groups of 1 tank, 3 melee, and a healer, where the only person broken out of fears is me.
#18 Jan 13 2010 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
with the new shaman changes. I have 2 shaman totem bars; 1) with DK 2) without.

the 1st drops SoE, ToW, Mana spring and air.
2nd drops armor totem(thingy), ToW, Mana spring, and air.

Neither hurts my play style AT ALL, its only a slightly different key bind.

fair enough DK's have taken a bit of the shamans uniquen-ness away. Then again; pallies, locks, frost mages and hunters have taken away the only thing that S-priests were ever taken to raids for(mana regen).
#19 Jan 26 2010 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
netsharp wrote:
with the new shaman changes. I have 2 shaman totem bars; 1) with DK 2) without.

the 1st drops SoE, ToW, Mana spring and air.
2nd drops armor totem(thingy), ToW, Mana spring, and air.

Neither hurts my play style AT ALL, its only a slightly different key bind.

fair enough DK's have taken a bit of the shamans uniquen-ness away. Then again; pallies, locks, frost mages and hunters have taken away the only thing that S-priests were ever taken to raids for(mana regen).

w dk/priest - ToW, Stoneclaw, Healing, Air
w/o dk/priest - ToW, SoEarth, Mana, Air

#20 Jan 27 2010 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
For strange, unknown reasons, my Tremor totems have around a 20% success rate.
Are people fleeing out of range between pulses? This used to happen to me all the time in BGs. You can run a long, long way in 3 seconds. In your case, you are presumably closer to the totem, and therefore can run farther before getting out of range.
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