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Warriors are perfectFollow

#1 Dec 08 2009 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
With the length of patch notes coming out and the scant info regarding ANY warrior relevant information. I believe blizzard is telling us that warriors are perfect at this moment in time. No nerfs, no buffs.

The short of the 3.3 text for warriors is;

Victory Rush: This ability is now trainable at level 6.
Damage Shield: This ability will no longer trigger any chance-on-hit effects from the warrior or the opponent it damages.
Glyph of Victory Rush: This glyph now increases the critical strike chance of Victory Rush by 30%, regardless of the percentage of the target’s remaining health.

Target Effects: When this UI feature is activated, Fear, Silence, Frostbolt, and Hamstring will all now display text over the target’s head indicating what type of effect has been applied.

And a bunch of tooltip fixes.

That's 4 lines of a massive update, that has very little to do with warriors.

I dunno. Does anyone else find this interesting?
#2 Dec 09 2009 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
As a DK tank I find it interesting that they didn't get Arms threat reduction. I won't group with them if I can help it anymore, because it's just too stressful trying to keep hate, and then most tend to yell at me when they die. Just makes it not fun. It's a shame, because I like Fury Wars, but they're much rarer it seems.

Here's a question, if the mob was already hitting you, would YOU hit Bladestorm?

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#3 Dec 09 2009 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Might be far from perfect, but you got both a tank and dps spec (fury) that are working, so it's just normal that improving Arms and fixing the threat mess isn't exactly on top of their priority list.
#4 Dec 10 2009 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Here's a question, if the mob was already hitting you, would YOU hit Bladestorm?

Of course, retaliation + bladestorm is like mad dps brodawg. Hope the healer is awake!
#5 Dec 10 2009 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts

Warriors are one of the few dps classes that do MORE dps when they are taking damage.

I don't know if I'd bladestorm.

I know that's irrelevant to your point. Arms warriors are probably not intended to be primary PvE Dps... It was in BC 2.x due to 31/30 (even the 33/28 arena spec) being a primo easy and solid dps build.

I mean, if I'm gonna die anyways, I might as well do as much dps right before exploding as possible.
#6 Dec 11 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Might be far from perfect, but you got both a tank and dps spec (fury) that are is working, so it's just normal that improving Arms and fixing the threat mess isn't exactly on top of their priority list.

I see too many warriors without the gear to support Fury DPS. They should be Arms.

I like my baby Arms warrior. :)

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Dec 15 2009 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Welcome to Wrath of the Lich King!

Look at every set of patch notes this expansion, and you will see the same thing. Im so glad the the missile speed of heroic throw was increased in 3.1! woohoo

They have already stated that warriors need work, but that they dont have time to do it until cataclysm.

Personally, im happy with where warriors are. No news is good news :)
#8 Jan 12 2010 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
574 posts
idiggory wrote:
As a DK tank I find it interesting that they didn't get Arms threat reduction. I won't group with them if I can help it anymore, because it's just too stressful trying to keep hate, and then most tend to yell at me when they die. Just makes it not fun. It's a shame, because I like Fury Wars, but they're much rarer it seems.

Here's a question, if the mob was already hitting you, would YOU hit Bladestorm?


Depends on the mob's health. If it's going to die in the next 2 to 3 hits I'll pop bladestorm.
#9 Jan 13 2010 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
30 posts
as a rogue(who used to play an arms warrior) I get whispers form pissed off tanks quite a lot saying.

"TotT the Arms warrior at the start of the next pull." I thought all Arms warriors knew not to Bladestorm at the beginning of a pull anmore. seems A LOT are still learning?
#10 Jan 13 2010 at 10:57 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
@netsharp; It's not arms that's the problem, it's the player.

If people actually took the time to tell other people how they are doing it wrong. Instead of just punishing them the next pull. Likely one would see instant remarks back about how they actually know what the **** they are doing. But, it's the proper thing to do. One should question and be vocal about the validity of the 'group' strategy, where one person doesn't fit in and/or isn't doing their job correctly.

A DPSs job is to DPS*.
A tanks job is to take damage and DPS**.
A healers job is to heal***.

*) Without pulling threat
**) Without dieing
***) Without being too bored
#11 Jan 15 2010 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
39 posts
Idk but as far as DK offense but i been doing randoms as arms warrior and ret pally and i find dk tanks cannot hold threat no matter what the group make up. I have a warrior tank and have no probs holding threat grouping with mages rogues Dk; pallies or whoever.
#12 Jan 15 2010 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
988 posts
i find dk tanks cannot hold threat no matter what the group make up. I have a warrior tank and have no probs holding threat grouping with mages rogues Dk; pallies or whoever.

For one thing, it's totally wrong to generalize like that. You're either extremely unlucky with your tanks (rather unlikely) or something is wrong with your observations.

What warriors have going for themselves is Vigilance. That's quite a chunk of free threat that actually scales with dps.
#13 Jan 15 2010 at 7:58 PM Rating: Good
436 posts
I hear this a lot about DK tanks a well because I'm playing one. I've been tanking on my DK from 70 to (now) 74 and in probably a solid 1/3 of the groups when I zone in I hear some remark or another about terribad DK tanks being so prevalent. Fortunately I [seem to] know what I'm doing well enough that I've gotten nothing but good remarks at the ends of the runs.

In fairness though, I am seeing a LOT of dps rolling in the 300-700 range at level 74 which, frankly, is abysmal.

I also see a fair number of healers who are able to keep me (tank) alive but not much else (saving dps, clearing poison/curse/disease/effects, not standing in things which shouldn't be stood in, etc.)

So I don't think it's just that DK tanks suck, or suck more frequently than other tank classes, but that there are a lot of bad players out there and tanks really stand out when they're bad. And because there are probably more DKs out there than anything else (pallies maybe), it seems bad DK tanks ae more prevalent.

And for the OP, I think it's great that warriors get to stay pretty much the same. It's nice to not feel like I have to re-learn everything.
#14 Jan 16 2010 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
A pall of mine quoted another player from an unknown source a few days ago. The quote said "What tanking-specific feat do warriors bring to the group aside from inferior AOE threat generation and a lack of ranged abilities?". Can any of you answer that, since I haven't been able to?
#15 Jan 16 2010 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
We have many tricks available to us. We need to use our cooldowns, without them we are just inferior.

Last Stand is one of my favorite abilities at this time.
Shield Block is great.
Shield Wall is mighty.
Challenging Shout is extremely useful.
Mocking Blow is another great ability.
Concussion Blow is wonderfully underrated for 1 talent point (and deals a good amount of threat).
Shockwave is awesome.
Heroic Throw is extremely useful both for it's silence and it's ranged threat (one of our few).

We have many many tricks available to us.

We have something that meets every situation. And while we may not be the best at everything, we are better at everything overall than any other single tanking class.

We MUST use our cooldowns. Don't get stuck in the old method of saving your cooldowns for that 'special moment'. The rotation of cooldowns is important. And I highly recommend that you don't double up on certain cooldowns, very few times have I needed to use Last Stand and Shield Wall at the same time.

Edited, Jan 16th 2010 9:27pm by devioususer
#16 Jan 17 2010 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Warbringer. Warriors can bounce around like a ping-pong ball.
#17 Jan 18 2010 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
Dev wrote : I know that's irrelevant to your point. Arms warriors are probably not intended to be primary PvE Dps...

The best ability of arms warrior makes him immune of fear... that says it all about arms tree.

Lecanthi wrote :Depends on the mob's health. If it's going to die in the next 2 to 3 hits I'll pop bladestorm.

I personally dont see this happening. They usually do it whenever the largest pack exist at first second of fight... having this knowledge I just keep shockwave especially for those cases.

Mozared wrote :A pall of mine quoted another player from an unknown source a few days ago. The quote said "What tanking-specific feat do warriors bring to the group aside from inferior AOE threat generation and a lack of ranged abilities?". Can any of you answer that, since I haven't been able to?

Yes they bring inferior aoe , inferior dps. they excell on single Target boss IF boss needs to be interrypted or counter feared or if boss does one to 3 major physical abilities during figh. Commanding shout is nice to have.

In my opinion they offer limited mitigation since there is a -20% dodge in ICC and our Block Rating through abilities is limited.
A paladin tank has +30% Block rating through Holy shield with uptime 100% .. beat that :(

Stun mechanisms = they offer the best stun mechanisms as tanks on trash ..not on boss .. fail mechanism in my opinion.

Dev wrote : We have something that meets every situation. And while we may not be the best at everything, we are better at everything overall than any other single tanking class.

ICC 25 Trash :A warrior is just inferior
ICC 25 first boss :Druid tank(s) with lots of HP wins
ICC 25 second boss :Warrior tank is needles if 2-3 rogues or DK exists on boss
ICC 25 3rd boss :He has no special abilities that can help with something
ICC 25 4th boss :All tanks are equal
ICC 25 5th boss :Again I prefere 2 Druids
ICC 25 6th boss :DK FTW kitting the slime

So where exactly does the warrior tools fit in all this? He can do all bosses basically but in spesific fights a Druid or pala or DK could do better.
Better to be good at something than overall average , since there are tons of tanks out there competing for a raid spot.

Warbringer. Warriors can bounce around like a ping-pong ball.

That is probably it. Warriors can save ppl from dying by ping pong between mobs coming from rear , left , right... but you need to be a ping pong tank in order to do that. Also by ping pong you refer to kitting, well slime in 6th boss can only be kited from thats bad knews for warr tank.

So yes Warriors talents need work, else we are just average.

Edited, Jan 18th 2010 10:32am by eldik
#18 Jan 18 2010 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Eldik wrote:
In my opinion they offer limited mitigation since there is a -20% dodge in ICC and our Block Rating through abilities is limited.
A paladin tank has +30% Block rating through Holy shield with uptime 100% .. beat that :(

A Warrior tank has +100% Block Rating with uptime of 25% (assuming you're not foolish enough to be using 4pc T9 during a boss fight), during which time their block will on average mitigate 60% more damage than a paladin with the same SBV. In general, a paladin wins out, but Warrior does have its moments.

Eldik wrote:
ICC 25 first boss :Druid tank(s) with lots of HP wins
ICC 25 second boss :Warrior tank is needles if 2-3 rogues or DK exists on boss
ICC 25 3rd boss :He has no special abilities that can help with something
ICC 25 4th boss :All tanks are equal
ICC 25 5th boss :Again I prefere 2 Druids
ICC 25 6th boss :DK FTW kitting the slime

Leaving trash out of the equation, because that could be a legitimate concern.

ICC25 first boss - lolMarrowgar. Not a tank check at all.
ICC25 second boss - Any tank does fine on the boss. Warrior or DK is useful for a second interrupt in case your rogue misses his. Warrior does great at picking up trash mobs.
ICC25 3rd boss - Warrior tanks the gunship battle with no problems.
ICC25 4th boss - Saurfang is pretty much a wash. Though TBH a Warrior tank specced into Piercing Howl is very useful for dealing with the beasts. (Probably would want this as a second spec, as Deep Wounds is too good to miss in general).
ICC25 5th boss - Festergut - tank DPS could be a legit concern on this one, though the +90% damage buff helps a ton.
ICC25 6th boss - Rotface - you don't need to deal dmg while tanking the ooze. Tank it for 10 seconds at the very beginning using a CD and toss as much threat down as you can. All you have to do is out threat Healer aggro. Intervene can be useful for helping to peel the little slimes off of your raid members as they run out to you, and can generate a little extra distance, useful for kiting.
ICC25 7th boss - Professor Putricide - again, tank DPS could be a legitimate concern.

Eldik wrote:
So where exactly does the warrior tools fit in all this? He can do all bosses basically but in spesific fights a Druid or pala or DK could do better.

Except in practice a guild will stick with their "main tanks" unless there's a big reason not to.

Most world firsts have been done with Warrior tanks.

Be honest with yourself - the only real "problem" that warrior tanks are having in ICC right now is that their personal DPS is low, and while raid DPS benefits greatly from Sunder, a Fury warrior can put it up just as well as a Prot warrior can. Hard modes may show bigger differences between the tanking classes, and it's definitely something that I'm interested in keeping an eye on.

I know that you seem fired up about pallies (either that or you're a closet pally yourself) based on your post on the pally forums. But if you find you can't tank easy modes in ICC as a warrior, either you or your raid needs to step up their game. In this content at least, it's not the class.

Edited, Jan 18th 2010 1:33pm by tabstopper
#19 Jan 18 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
4,684 posts
We have many tricks available to us. We need to use our cooldowns, without them we are just inferior.

The question is, is this enough? Don't take me wrong - I have no problem with warrior tanks and we have one in our guild that does a fine job, but it's just that - especially with the Rotface fight in mind - I'm really wondering what warrior tanks specifically bring to the table, assuming they aren't somewhat underpowered.

Last Stand is one of my favorite abilities at this time.
Shield Block is great.
Challenging Shout is extremely useful.
Mocking Blow is another great ability.
Concussion Blow is wonderfully underrated for 1 talent point (and deals a good amount of threat).

All good, but up 'till here, this isn't something a warrior tank specifically adds to the group. Druids have a Survival Instincts, Paladins have Holy Shield which is fairly comparable to Shield Block (or heck, compare it to Frenzied Regeneration or any other 'minor CD' if you will), Shield wall is Divine Intervention, Mocking Blow is Lacerate and Concussion Blow equals Hammer of Justice or Bash. This is stuff all tanks have.

Heroic Throw is extremely useful both for it's silence and it's ranged threat (one of our few).

Heroic Throw doesn't even compare to the ranged capabilities even Death Knights have, though. And it isn't spammable unlike Faerie Fire.

Shockwave is awesome.

And this is the only prot-warrior only thing you've listed that's actually interesting. The problem is that I can't find a lot of specific good use for an AOE stun (Anub HM is the only thing that comes to mind), and the talent seems to be more of a standard warrior AOE-threat button than anything else.

My question really is, I guess, can you name me at least one encounter where a warrior specifically comes in handy? I'm not saying warriors can't tank stuff, but for nearly every encounter I can think off, a Death Knight, Druid or Paladin would do either an equal or better job. Warriors don't seem to be specifically good on any encounters in a similar way to how, say, Death Knights are good as off-tanks on Ignis because of CoI or how Druids make good tanks on Festergut because of the 80% DPS buff+cat form. Sometimes a Paladin is better than a Druid, while another time a Death Knight is better than a Paladin - but never does a Warrior actually seem a 'better' choice to me.
#20 Jan 19 2010 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
I know that you seem fired up about pallies (either that or you're a closet pally yourself) based on your post on the pally forums. But if you find you can't tank easy modes in ICC as a warrior, either you or your raid needs to step up their game. In this content at least, it's not the class.

I have both a pally and a Warr tank with equal gear.In ICC according to the encounter I log the tank that does the job done better. After ICC and new 5 man instances i decided to play the paladin a bit more because we didnt have a pala tank in guild. I have noticed that I dont die that easily when I m with pala...this made me thinking a bit about what do paladins have that warriors dont and vise versa. Which lead me to post this. I also noticed that for some reason Warrior tanks of guild die more easily.(Note : my guild is not imba meaning that much more healing than normal is required to down a boss and more tries than a top 10 guild. From this point of view I consider a druid Tank more effective in some ,if not all cases.)

#21 Jan 19 2010 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
I think you're heavily underestimating warrior tanks. They do the highest single target threat (this is anecdotal, but i notice that where i do well on trash threat as a prot paladin in ICC, i can't even come close to the warrior tank on bosses) allowing the highest potential dps from your players who lack threat wipes especially in addition to vigilance.

They keep a 20% armor debuff on the boss which adds incomparable raid dps from your melee. Fury or prot warriors, or rogues with expose armor even, could apply and maintain it in theory but i've never ever seen this in a raid that lacked a warrior tank.

Shield block has a great advantage over holy shield in how bursty it is. I can use divine protection once every other time i leap over to tank the airship general but the times i don't have it i feel increasingly uncomfortable taking massive hits if the dps are taking a while to kill the mage. Especially when i'll have to turn my back for a few hits to rocket pack back over. The warrior tank can pop shield wall every 50 seconds and block 8.8k damage of each hit with critical block. Ditto on saurfang to prevent him gaining blood power, or to add more mitigation against festergut on 3 stacks of inhale gas etc etc.

They can effortlessly interrupt any dangerous boss casts with pummel and shield bash. Fury warriors and rogus can maintain higher dps when they don't have to interrupt.

Warbringer adds a huge skill cap to warrior tanking. I've seen the warrior tank get saurfang taunted off him when he gets the rune debuff and immediately charge > concussion blow one add that was hitting a ranged dps, intercept and shield bash snare the other add and intervene back to me in time to taunt. DKs have batter ranged capabilities but a warrior can move basically anywhere he wants in a fight to deal with problem casters/adds.
#22 Jan 19 2010 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts

...since there are tons of tanks out there competing for a raid spot

Dedicated tanks get tank gear, and you don't change horse mid stream in progression. You stick to your main tank spot players. Someone who has the most practical experience with that particular fight. This can be ANY tanking class. Your descriptions have a subtle sense that warriors provide absolutely sub par performance and can not do anything.

Picking a warrior tank over any other tank is just a sign that class differences are not as great as some people wish to portray them. And with;

Most world firsts have been done with Warrior tanks.

I think you may have a case of making a mountain out of a mole hill.

In addition for clarification:
The fact that warriors are commonly used for progression says to me that the tanking class differences are of a more slight difference than expressed in the general community.

Edited, Jan 19th 2010 5:47pm by devioususer
#23 Jan 20 2010 at 4:44 AM Rating: Default
ArtemisEnteri wrote :Warbringer adds a huge skill cap to warrior tanking. I've seen the warrior tank get saurfang taunted off him when he gets the rune debuff and immediately charge > concussion blow one add that was hitting a ranged dps, intercept and shield bash snare the other add and intervene back to me in time to taunt. DKs have batter ranged capabilities but a warrior can move basically anywhere he wants in a fight to deal with problem casters/adds

This warrior know his stuff , thats for sure.

Wouldnt be easier though if the 2 mobs were just rooted? By the time the root expires one of the adds if focused fired is over . Thats means that 2-3 ranged dps can kite just one add. I could try to do what you are suggesting but whats the point?
Also in what the above warrior did, it involves stance change...!rage starvation!...he got enough rage to return to other tank with intervene?? Either he was hitted by beasts (which he shouldnt have)or GOD of WoW gave him unlimited rage.
Pretty impressive though, Im a fun:)

They can effortlessly interrupt any dangerous boss casts with pummel and shield bash. Fury warriors and rogus can maintain higher dps when they don't have to interrupt.

Agree. Although in 25 mans there is allways 1-2 rogues , a DK
In 10 mans I totally agree.

Shield block has a great advantage over holy shield in how bursty it is. I can use divine protection once every other time i leap over to tank the airship general but the times i don't have it i feel increasingly uncomfortable taking massive hits if the dps are taking a while to kill the mage. Especially when i'll have to turn my back for a few hits to rocket pack back over. The warrior tank can pop shield wall every 50 seconds and block 8.8k damage of each hit with critical block. Ditto on saurfang to prevent him gaining blood power, or to add more mitigation against festergut on 3 stacks of inhale gas etc etc.

Totally agree. Its bursty.
Taunt the boss to the edge of the ship , have one healer in mother ship in range.No reason to panic.Never turn your back to a boss, just strafe the camera use your jets on your mother ship.
I never use Divine protection when I tank with pala or shield wall wall when I tank with warrior tank in the gunship battle.Critical block works if you block.
Since most warriors and my self concentrate on stamina , dodge and parry .. our passive block rating is quite low. Critical block Is also on a chance of 60%. So when you block you got a 60% chance to double block. c m on.This works well only when you hit the shield block ability.Then again when I got lets say 15% block rating and hit shield block it goes to 115%. I can understand the 100% chance..what does 115% means?Its fail mechanism trust me. I prefere to know that I got(30% through holy shield + 15% passive) 45% block rating all the time. Healers prefere that too. I believe this need fixing.

They can effortlessly interrupt any dangerous boss casts with pummel and shield bash. Fury warriors and rogus can maintain higher dps when they don't have to interrupt.

Its not "with pummel and shield bash" its "with shield bass" since once one is used the other is on CD. And when tanking boss we never switch to zerk stance. You make it sound like its 2 seperate abilities. Its not this way. Its one ability for interrupt and its CD is quite long. If you execute it wrnongly ,after the boss casts his ability, the cooldown will most probably prevent you from re using in next time. It needs good timing.Unless the boss is spamming all the time abilities able to be interrupted. Regardless of that I still love this ability..but feel its wasted since there is allways a rogue faster than me.If the cooldown was shorter and we got seperate CD's then this would be great.A true advantage over other tanking classes.

I think you're heavily underestimating warrior tanks. They do the highest single target threat (this is anecdotal, but i notice that where i do well on trash threat as a prot paladin in ICC, i can't even come close to the warrior tank on bosses) allowing the highest potential dps from your players who lack threat wipes especially in addition to vigilance.

What is your hit rating on your pally tank?Can you link your char? I have never lost threat so far with pally and my gear score is. Maybe you are not using the 69696 rule? Maybe Warrior threat is 'Anecdotal' but thats only after rest people Stop DPS ing for the first 10 seconds of their fight because Warrior burst threat is a joke.Vigilance and similar glyph is intented to fix this burst threat problem that warriors have. Its not something good ..its bad in my opinion.On the contraire my friend burst threat is what paladins got in their pocket. Also in IC most bosses no DPS can stay 100% focused on boss they all need to do something , run , stun , avoid damage , give their threat drops eventually. This anecdotal threat is generally good if there is a tank and spank fight.The Warriors allways had problems with initial threat. This needs fixing.

Dev Wrote:I think you may have a case of making a mountain out of a mole hill.

No I didnt. You posted that Warriors probably need fixing. Because you think that some parts work good on your warrior tank that doesnt mean that rest people see it same whay you do. And my opinions/suggestions are still a mole. I never said that we had hudge problems , since warriors act as 'we can do all tanking' but average. This is not a bad statment. Other classes cant do all. They are good at 1 thing and suck terribly on the rest.

Edited, Jan 20th 2010 5:53am by eldik
#24 Jan 20 2010 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
eldik wrote: No I didnt. You posted that Warriors probably need fixing. Because you think that some parts work good on your warrior tank that doesnt mean that rest people see it same whay you do...
...I never said that we had hudge problems , since warriors act as 'we can do all tanking' but average. This is not a bad statment. Other classes cant do all. They are good at 1 thing and suck terribly on the rest.

First off, average does not equal good. I do not understand your statement.

Secondly, please don't put words in my mouth. I never wrote that warriors need fixing.

eldik wrote: ...And my opinions/suggestions are still a mole...

And you make it appear as though it is a mountain.

We're all writing here and having a discussion. So far, you've made intelligent conjecture into how you feel about warriors. Nothing positive occurs when write about class mechanics here in this fashion. This isn't the Oforums, and the developers do not come here (I hope they read these forums, honestly). Things will not change because of your posting here.

They can effortlessly interrupt any dangerous boss casts with pummel and shield bash. Fury warriors and rogus can maintain higher dps when they don't have to interrupt.

eldik wrote: Agree. Although in 25 mans there is allways 1-2 rogues , a DK
In 10 mans I totally agree.

But that didn't refute;

ArtemisEnteri wrote: ...Fury warriors and rogus can maintain higher dps when they don't have to interrupt.


eldik wrote: Its not "with pummel and shield bash" its "with shield bass" since once one is used the other is on CD.

It's that we are able to use them while doing either the MT or OT role. Pummel has a shorter CD than SB, Pummel is 10 seconds and SB is 12. So depending on your role, using pummel is more advantageous than SB.

eldik wrote: ...Then again when I got lets say 15% block rating and hit shield block it goes to 115%. I can understand the 100% chance..what does 115% means?...

100% means you are guaranteed a block. Anything over means nothing different. Your not pushing other chances off your hit table. It's not fail, it works. In a fancier more wordy way of writing Shield Block. We could rephrase all of wow to make sense to you.
"Increases chance to block up to 100% and block value by 100% for 10 sec."

eldik wrote: What is your hit rating on your pally tank?Can you link your char? I have never lost threat so far with pally and my gear score is. Maybe you are not using the 69696 rule? Maybe Warrior threat is 'Anecdotal' but thats only after rest people Stop DPS ing for the first 10 seconds of their fight because Warrior burst threat is a joke.Vigilance and similar glyph is intented to fix this burst threat problem that warriors have. Its not something good ..its bad in my opinion.On the contraire my friend burst threat is what paladins got in their pocket. Also in IC most bosses no DPS can stay 100% focused on boss they all need to do something , run , stun , avoid damage , give their threat drops eventually. This anecdotal threat is generally good if there is a tank and spank fight.The Warriors allways had problems with initial threat. This needs fixing.

Okay stop right here. WTF is the problem? You have to wait 10 seconds before DPSing? I always have to wait, no matter who's tanking. That's normal. But seriously 10 seconds? I think that has more to do with your experiences with warriors.

Edited, Jan 20th 2010 11:37am by devioususer
#25 Jan 20 2010 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
My pally is hit and expertise capped (for dodge anyway). I believe the warrior does a lot more single target threat than me because what with sword and board he is shield slamming a lot more than my own shield attack, and revenge and devastate/heroic strike are 2 big single target hitters compared to HotR which is designed for multiple targets.

On the snap threat issue: we both need a few seconds at the start of any fight because where dps can start nuking immediately, our first few global cooldowns are needed for things like holy shield, divine plea, sacred shield (or bloodrage, berserker rage, shield block and so on for the warrior). And positioning takes a little time too though i'm lucky the dps in my guild understand all this and hold off for a few seconds.

I didn't know pummel put shield bash on cooldown and vice versa. SB is a longer lockout though, 6 seconds compared to pummels 4 so i imagine that is always better to use.
#26 Jan 20 2010 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
"ArtemisEnteri" wrote:
*a lot of stuff*

"devioususer" wrote:
*more stuff*

All of that is all fine and good, but it didn't answer the question I asked in my last post - none of the points you've named give your group a specific benefit for getting a warrior tank for encounter X. So I'll ask again; can (any of) you name me at least one encounter where having a warrior tank is specifically more beneficial than having a tank that is any other class?

For example - on Ignis the Furnace Master, a Death Knight is pretty much without a doubt the best off-tank due to the fact that once the adds are pulled into the fire patches, he can Chain-CoI them and move out of the fire, allowing him to avoid a ******** of damage that any other tanking class couldn't possibly avoid.

On another note; if you feel the need to downrate me, please at least be polite enough to point out why. If you don't mention it and just move on I automatically assume it's because of some kind of stupid reason like "omg he disagrees with me!" which doesn't help the image I get of all the people argueing with me in this thread which in turn dumbs down the level of the discussion. I've come here because I have the feeling tanking warriors might be somewhat underpowered and I want to be proven wrong before shouting out misinformation like a total knucklehead. If you want to tell me my ideas are wrong, then prove it rather than jumping on the karma bandwagon - save downrates for posts that are truely malicious. And if you consider my posts malicious - mention it, or your downrates are going to change nothing for the good. Thank you.
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