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Ugh. I TRIED to Help...Follow

#1 Dec 07 2009 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
So I was in a H ToC with another DK (Blood) today, as a Frost tank.

I did 1.4-1.5K DpS the whole time. Not my best, but not awful. My rotations kept getting interrupted due to various things (Throw from Warrior, silencing Shaman, taunting off the Hunter, etc.) But, not bad all in all for a tank in my gear.

But, the Blood DK?

1.12K DpS was his highest of the bosses. Yup. And his build was fine (he had probably just copied it off of EJ, because he did not really get the class). I normally don't armory people, even if they suck, but I had to see what was wrong with him (being of the same class).

His stats:

2786 AP (I cringed a little)
6.5% hit.
5.79 ArP
19.35 Crit.
9 Expertise.

(His gear was all over the place--DpS, PvP, and two tanking pieces. Heirloom Plate Shoulders. No Spell Power gear, though, so that's good. De-Raged Waraxe could use an upgrade.

For comparison, my stats are:
2533 AP
9.61% Hit
0 ArP
5.49 Crit
7 Expertise.

He was in BP and had Fallen Crusader, I was in FP with SSG.

And yet I was consistently 300-500 DpS above him.

So, I ended up asking him his rotation, and the response I got wasn't clear. I THINK he started with deaseases, but his first response was heart Icy>Plague. But when I asked if he started with heart, he said icy... So I THINK (Read: Hope) it was a typo.

So I (politely) recommended the standard Blood rotation to him (he's using the standard blood build afterall). I tell him: IT/PS>Other>HS>HS>DS>DC+ghoul>DS>HSx4>DC, repeat. His response? "Yeah, I use something like that." So I just respond with "Well, that's the max DpS rotation for your spec." No response. We go on. His DpS doesn't get better.

I notice when he casts HoW that it is only 2 minutes long. That makes me think about his glyphs. I go and look and find...

A Glyph of Obliterate. I just groaned. Just to be sure I asked him if he was using it, and he said yeah.

I should note here by "standard" Blood spec, I mean he's going into Unholy. He isn't even using some build he dredged up from a Diseaseless Blood thread. So, I just said "Yeah, don't do that. It'll eat one of your diseases, which is a significant DpS loss, and it will be doing less than your DS anyway, with talents." Though, he did feel the need to switch up a point. Apparently, maxing Abom's might wasn't worth it. And he didn't take BCB. He decided Outbreak was more important.

I also asked him to use AotD this fight, since mine was burned on our previous wipe. After some time (he must have been afk), he says "yeah, sorry." We engage, stage 2 happens, I grab all the ghouls and AotD never comes. He said after that he had burned it earlier. Gee, thanks for telling me before phase 2. Did I mention that it was up again for the next attempt just after that wipe? Perfect 20 minute timer, huh...

Don't know what his DpS was next fight. He died and didn't go ghost until I told him to half way through Phase 3. But he didn't die from getting threat, I can tell you that.

His other two glyphs, btw, are DnD and HS. HS I get for PvP. But the DnD glyph just isn't worth it for Blood, unless it is a spec for something very specific.

I should note here that he didn't have a PvP spec. Just an almost standard Blood DpS spec and an... interesting... Frost tanking one. Let's just say he thought Acclimation would serve him better than Frigid Deathplate...

Now, I'm fine with people doing Heroics in PvP gear. I mean, they're heroics. So you lose some DpS. You still gain survivability and that makes the healer's life easier.

But, as you can see, there is NO REASON you should be getting such low numbers with that spec and those gear levels. If I can do an easy 36% more without any DpS enchants, with lower DpS stats, without a DpS presence and while burning GCDs for support abilities, then it is just unacceptable.

The one positive I can say is that he wasn't a douche about it all. I didn't get many responses from him, and doubt he'll listen to me, but at least he didn't fight me. And I whispered his guildy (who was the original leader), and recommended she suggest he check out EJ, since his DpS should be WAY higher with that spec.

Honestly, I would expect at least 1.6K DpS from that level of gearing, with an unskilled player. There's no reason to have less, if you are pressing one button any 1.5 seconds. I can't help but feel that ANY button should be getting you more than that.

Sorry for the long rant, but I just can't wrap my head around how his DpS could possibly be that low. When I had NO hit and expertise, with even lower AP, I was still doing more than 1.1K in FP.

Oh, and he used the FF I put down, so that's another 40 strength (with his Blood modifiers, though lacking the 1% from Abom's). And we had a Pally for the first fight, so that was 550 AP. And we had a Druid for the rest, so that was 37 strength.

Actually, thinking about it, his DpS went DOWN over time. He lost a good 400 AP and did the same (sometimes lower) DpS...

Again, sorry for the rant. It's just WAY more depressing to find someone that fails at your own class than another (the SPriest, his guildy, was only doing 1.3-1.4K, still below me, but they offered to get on their hunter for more DpS). And I hear it takes a while for SPriest dps to bloom, and they tend to be on the lower end regardless. So, not knowing what I SHOULD expect from his gear and spec, meant I didn't judge him as harshly as the DK...

Anyone else have horror stories of DKs in their pugs?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#2 Dec 07 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
This one time I opened the alla DK forums and... On second thought I think I'll pass on this question.
#3 Dec 07 2009 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
Ive had the same experience of awful players.
Players with 71 points in Unholy and doesnt use Scourge Strike. Ret Paladin with 49 points in ret, the 2 talents he missed were Crusader Strike and Divine Storm. Marksman Hunter who didnt use Chimaera Shot. I just wonder what goes on in their tiny little mind that they think that is an acceptable way to play.
#4 Dec 07 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
The weirdest thing is that his spec wasn't awful. He had made some bad changes to a standard spec, yes, but he basically had all the talents he should, with only minor ones lost, or larger ones partly-lost.

This is why there should be a class-knowledge test on every site before you are allowed to access the talent specs. >.<
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Dec 07 2009 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
70 posts
My 2 cents: Pre teen.

One thing we forget is that there's alot of young player out there. Sometime, there's nothing to understand.
#6 Dec 07 2009 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
MT in my guild who is constantly PUG'ing EoE, Ony, OS, TOC10 and blowing Heroics out of the water is 8 years old.....good players can come from anywhere all it takes is the want to be good and you will learn to be or ask questions of those who already are.
#7 Dec 07 2009 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
Katchii wrote:
MT in my guild who is constantly PUG'ing EoE, Ony, OS, TOC10 and blowing Heroics out of the water is 8 years old.....good players can come from anywhere all it takes is the want to be good and you will learn to be or ask questions of those who already are.

I agree, age has really little to do with skill and learning ability. I want to know is what sort of thing he does for RP dump, if you looked at his dps details off recount (I dun use the addon anymore) you should be able to see how much his diseases stay on, how many attacks were missed and the amount of dps his death coils are generating.
#8 Dec 07 2009 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
Katchii wrote:
MT in my guild who is constantly PUG'ing EoE, Ony, OS, TOC10 and blowing Heroics out of the water is 8 years old.....good players can come from anywhere all it takes is the want to be good and you will learn to be or ask questions of those who already are.

I REALLY want to meet one of these pre-10 year olds who are good at the game.

OP, sounds like he..i trying to gear up?
Maybe is a fresh 80 and figured he could start doing Heroics because he is 80 now..and his spec/rotation/gear/glyphs worked for him while he was leveling..

I mean I leveled Unholy and changed to DW Frost once I had hit 80, and then had to learn the spec.
You offered help, if he blew you off/doesn't take thought into what you said..he will be left PuGing, and will probably end up getting a bad name for himself and not be invited anything.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#9 Dec 07 2009 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Regarding the age dilemma, this is actually a very interesting discussion. On one side, the fact that people specialize in and work for what they enjoy is true, though I think it's also agreeable that younger players are generally taken not as comfortable to play with as older ones (at least post-teens). D'you think we've got the wrong 'general view' or is there a step between "liking" and "working for" that I've missed?

Edit: Can we please shoot the man whoever invented grammar? Or the man who invented typing errors?

Edited, Dec 8th 2009 6:58am by Mozared
#10 Dec 08 2009 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
As to the OP scenario, I didn't get the sense that he was younger. He wasn't that responsive, but that's generally the case in PuGs. And he had a loose idea of the rotation I THINK, but he was using the wrong abilities, glyphing wrong and probably not using every GCD.

I think younger players can be great. I've had my *** handed to me in games by kids quite a bit. I played FFXI when I was 11-3, and DII before that. I wasn't AWESOME, but I wasn't that bad. Won some, lost some.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#11 Dec 08 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Well, I don't want to be politcally incorrect or a jerk by any means, but we're all assuming that everyone who plays this game has 100% of their mental faculties (or normal faculties) and that is probably not the case. Some of these slow people who don't respond or have very little talent when it comes to playing may have a medical mental condition.

At the same time some people are just stupid, but wouldn't that also be something they can't help?

Be nice to the noobs.....nerd rage kills people.
#12 Dec 08 2009 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Katchii wrote:
MT in my guild who is constantly PUG'ing EoE, Ony, OS, TOC10 and blowing Heroics out of the water is 8 years old.....good players can come from anywhere all it takes is the want to be good and you will learn to be or ask questions of those who already are.

Is he on Vent? That would be so cute. Oh dear, I'd probably not be able to focus, I'd just be all "Awww, he spoke again. Please. Please, little man, speak to me again."

8-year-olds playing PG-13 games. I'm not saying it should be prevented, I'm just saying PG stands for Parental Guidance, and I do believe the policy mentions something about parents having to be present when their kids play.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Dec 08 2009 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
The childs father is our guilds GM his mother is our main healer and his brother is a DPS DK who gets repremanded for having low DPS..... I don't know whether to be happy they are spending time as a family or appalled at their dysfunction.

Either way, yes it is cute to hear him on vent. Makes me laugh though to hear him yell out for heals when it's his mother, it's hilarious.

Edited, Dec 8th 2009 4:12pm by Katchii
#14 Dec 08 2009 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
The childs father is our guilds GM his mother is our main healer and his brother is a DPS DK who gets repremanded for having low DPS..... I don't whether to be happy they are spending time as a family or appalled at their dysfunction.

Either way, yes it is cute to hear him on vent. Makes me laugh though to hear him yell out for heals when it's his mother but it's hilarious.

I can't wait for the day when the DK gets grounded, and isn't allowed to play, so he flicks rubber bands at the 8 year old while he's tanking a boss. He can't do anything, he's TANKING. The Mom can't, she's HEALING. lol
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#15 Dec 08 2009 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
747 posts
Knowing that family he would be grounded to play so he couldn't go out and play with his friends.....
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