You can add custom spells in Vuhdo as well. Go to the General Tab, Debuffs, Custom, enter the debuff and click Save. You can tell it to show an icon, change the bar color, do animation, stacks, and show a timer. I also recommend you check the Colors tab. Adjust the Debuffs colors to be what you like, making the Custom debuff easily recognizable. For a priest, add Weakend Soul to the list for testing the colors on yourself. Just shield yourself to test. When done testing, uncheck the other effects except Icon and Timer for Weakened Soul. That way you will see the icon, but won't show the custom debuff color when it is active.
Both Vuhdo and Grid+Clique do an excellent job.
Vuhdo is an all-in-one solution. As such, it is easier to get working the way you want, right out of the box. The only difficulty is that for some reason the configuration items seem scattered all over the place (hence the reason you may not have known that you can easily define a custom debuff). Remembering to do a save on your changed dual-spec config is important, or you will think it isn't working when it forgets the bindings you previously made. I used grid for years, but I am currently a Vuhdo user. I like Vuhdo.
Grid + Clique + Grid-center-icons + Grid-corner-icons + Grid-whatever-else-you-want.... lets you build a very customizable, powerful raidframe. Grid allows you to have more control over indicator appearance and placement, but is more sensitive to changing versions of the components you choose. Keep a backup of working Grid addon directories, in case an update causes something to no longer display.
Honestly, you can be a great healer with Vuhdo or Grid. As a matter of fact, you can be a great healer with other raid frames as well. I took issue in the past with Healbot, because Power Word Shield is not accurately represented when it is used up early. As a discipline priest, this knocked Healbot off my list.
If your guild wants you to switch from Vuhdo, it is probably because they haven't spent much time using it. Grid is more customizable than Vuhdo. However, Vuhdo certainly can do the job. What can I say, Vuhdo and Grid are both winners.
Edited, Dec 4th 2009 9:30pm by dadanox