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You Should Proabably Expect Some Kind of Nerf SoonFollow

#1 Nov 24 2009 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Not an opinion post, just thought I'd alert you to something I found on MMO-champion:

Blue Post wrote:

Paladins too defensive in PvP
I'll add it's also a problem where paladins as a whole are too defensive and not just the Protection spec ones. You see people describing fighting a Retribution paladin as a three phase boss fight. You might get them down, but then they can reset the fight with Lay on Hands. You get them down again and they bubble and heal. Compare this to an Arms warrior -- do they do great damage in PvP? Yes. Are they invulnerable? No. It's cool for paladins to care more about healing than do warriors, for I hope obvious reasons. However, if you are up against a Holy paladin, you should know that one of your greatest challenges should be dealing with their capacity to heal. If you are up against a Prot paladin, you should be concerned with their capacity to take hits. If you are up against a Ret paladin, you should be concerned with how much damage they should deal. You should not, generally, be nearly as concerend about the Prot's ability to self-heal or the Ret's ability to tank you.

I said this recently, but to reiterate, for most of the other hybrids, picking a role in a fight is much more of a commitment. Sure the Arms warrior can go Defensive Stance and put on a shield, but that doesn't turn them into a Prot warrior. Nobody is super concerned about Feral druids shifting out to heal. We had big problems with DKs earlier being able to tank and deal damage with the same set of tools, but that's in a better place now. Shaman maybe the only other class besides paladins that are able to shift on the fly from dps to healing, but with their mail armor and lack of major defensive cooldowns they just don't feel as hard to kill. (Source)

Don't nerf me bro!
This is just “don’t nerf me, bro” talk. We have been so gentle with paladin nerfs because we’ve been so concerned with returning to lolret, that paladins as a class are still very powerful in end-game LK in both PvE and PvP. Yes, it’s not fun to be nerfed. We get that. There is very little evidence we have over-nerfed paladins at any time in the past couple of years. There is plenty of evidence that we haven’t nerfed them enough. (Source)

Just thought you might like to know.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#2 Nov 24 2009 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
That was the preamble to the LoH nerf. The nerf is already being tested and has been discussed in substantial detail.
#3 Nov 24 2009 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I don't even understand the LoH nerf (mostly because I don't know what the other abilities are. I figure some are shields, though).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#4 Nov 24 2009 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
I don't even understand the LoH nerf (mostly because I don't know what the other abilities are. I figure some are shields, though).

Divine Protection (pally's equivalent to shield wall) can't be used if you have Forbearance, nor can Divine Shield (the infamous "bubble").

The nerf is partly to address pally tanking but mostly to address ret in PvP...specifically battlegrounds now that ranked BGs are being added.
#5 Nov 24 2009 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I see. I have to admit, I haven't killed a Paladin in months, even when they have pitiful health and mana...

I don't even bother with the level 77-78 ones. I PROBABLY can kill them. But it'll take too long for my self-esteem.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Nov 25 2009 at 2:30 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
idiggory wrote:
I see. I have to admit, I haven't killed a Paladin in months, even when they have pitiful health and mana...

I don't even bother with the level 77-78 ones. I PROBABLY can kill them. But it'll take too long for my self-esteem.

This is the way I feel about non Feral Druids. I think they need a nerf :P
#7 Nov 25 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
208 posts
This may be a bit of a derail, but everytime there are patch notes the first thing my priest friend does it check to see if they are nerfing Ardent Defender. I think he'd be more disappointed if/when it happens then I would be! Not that it isn't so ridiculously good it couldn't use some balancing.
#8 Nov 25 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
That's like Will of the Necropolis on crack. O.O;;
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Nov 25 2009 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
You can't use LoH in arena, so what does it matter?

Also getting a paladin to pop LoH is better than making him bubble hearth.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#10 Nov 25 2009 at 11:53 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
I'll just replace it on my tanking action bar with Divine Intervention.
#11 Nov 26 2009 at 12:52 AM Rating: Good
bodhisattva wrote:
You can't use LoH in arena, so what does it matter?

Also getting a paladin to pop LoH is better than making him bubble hearth.

I've read from a variety of sources that it's a nerf to address pally survivability (especially ret, but all specs in general) in BGs because of the addition of ranked battlegrounds.

I've lost track of the number of times my group has been spared a wipe because I could LoH and then pop Divine Protection right after. Or vice versa if Divine Protection didn't look like it was going to carry me through. At the end of the day, however, andinstant cast full heal that can be used in conjunction with a massive DR on top of Ardent Defender is OP for any tank class, so I'm not exactly firing off hate mail to Blizzard over it.

I expect that come 3.3, I'll be replacing my LoH standard action bar placement with a macro similar to what I use for Hand of Freedom/Protection...namely, set it to bounce LoH off my current target and use it for an ******* heal on someone other than myself...primarily another tank.)

I'd like to see a LoH crit once I'm done gearing my pally out of T9. 130k+ instant heal pl0x.
#12 Nov 26 2009 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I've lost track of the number of times my group has been spared a wipe because I could LoH and then pop Divine Protection right after. Or vice versa if Divine Protection didn't look like it was going to carry me through. At the end of the day, however, andinstant cast full heal that can be used in conjunction with a massive DR on top of Ardent Defender is OP for any tank class, so I'm not exactly firing off hate mail to Blizzard over it.

From an outsider's perspective, it is pretty INFURIATING when you finally manage get a Pally down to the last 1K, used all your interrupts/silences on his last few heals are JUST about to hit the killing blow ability and, suddenly, he's at full health AND has more mana.

And, because he's Ret, he can already dish out huge amounts of damage. And he's in plate. And he still has shields.

I wouldn't be surprised if they gave Pallies some kind of stance or presence-like thing in Cata. That's the major reason they are so inbalanced right now.

Think about it:

Warriors-- Three different stances, giving access to different abilities, and providing a buff to something.
Death Knights-- Three different stances, which are a major deciding factor in our damage or survivability. No different abilities though.
Druids-- Different forms which give almost all new abilities. Major influence in damage and mitigation, as well as healing.

Paladins... Just rock it all. The only option they have if they aren't going to give you stances is to make your default damage, mitigation and healing suck in comparison to the other classes, and make talents what brings you to equal. But that isn't attractive, because it makes cookie-cutter builds way more necessary for Pallies.

As it stands now, your defensive and healing and damage is just too good in any spec. And that makes you incredibly strong.

You can't use LoH in arena, so what does it matter?

Blizz has finally admitted that arenas are a huge issue for balance in WoW. And that only a max of 1/4 of players play them (and 1% of those play well, according to the news post on the front page).

They don't want to just balance around arena anymore, because it pisses off the other 75% (and some of the quarter that plays them as well).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Nov 26 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
As it stands now, your defensive and healing and damage is just too good in any spec. And that makes you incredibly strong.

Single target damage as prot and holy is pretty trivial. Ret are the ones with the capacity to spike big numbers, not tank/healer trees. Healing as prot was restricted to LoH. Ever try to heal 40k+ HP on 4k/heal while sacrificing your avoidance to do it?

The whole prot healer thing in arenas was likely the start of all this because it brought paladin survivability to the forefront again. Before Touched by the Light was changed to augment SP based on Str instead of Stamina, there were just so many ways to stack massive stamina on a prot specced pally and use them as a healer in arenas with insane survivability. When the effectiveness of that was nerfed, it became the protribution deal. Hybridizing specs to get the most effective balance between killing power and survivability is nothing new to PvP, but it highlighted the trend towards defensive options in PvP. If I'm trying to burst you down and you're trying to burst me down, it can become less about damage and more about who can take the thumping longer. So now if you take a hybrid ret build for the damage and sprinkle little bits of prot all over it in conjunction with bubbles and an instant full heal, something is going to get nerfed.
#14 Nov 26 2009 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Ret is just too strong in battlegrounds against everything. In any melee battle they will win through self healing, burst and least amount of damage taken. When fighting ranged they have tools to stay in melee range and destroy them within seconds. If I were to nerf ret for battleground balance purposes, I'd look at art of war, judgement of light, sacred shield and lay on hands at the least. Also being able to chase down a mage while spam cleaning between hand of freedoms is just stupid. It is near impossible to get an actual cast off against melee in this game, and judgements hit as hard as frostbolts.
#15 Nov 26 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Excellent
mikelolol wrote:
Ret is just too strong in battlegrounds against everything. In any melee battle they will win through self healing, burst and least amount of damage taken. When fighting ranged they have tools to stay in melee range and destroy them within seconds. If I were to nerf ret for battleground balance purposes, I'd look at art of war, judgement of light, sacred shield and lay on hands at the least. Also being able to chase down a mage while spam cleaning between hand of freedoms is just stupid. It is near impossible to get an actual cast off against melee in this game, and judgements hit as hard as frostbolts.

So in other words, you want them to be holy damage rogues, amirite?

I'm sorry, but you can only push the nerf argument so far. Pallies...are intended to be hard to kill. They're intended to be an extremely high survivability class. That's the whole ethos behind paladins in World of Warcraft. That's why, instead of adjusting the base healing on LoH, Blizzard preserved the mammoth instant heal and just tacked on Forbearance if you cast it on yourself. THe enormous issue was that in TBC, Blizzard spent so much time skirting the damage issue under the auspices that, "We can't stick to the lore of the class and have them highly survivable and give them good damage output because that would just be too OP."

As a result, you ended up with an entire talent tree that was aptly labeled "lolret". You know how you deal with rets in BGs? You focus them down. Get them to blow their big instant heal early so that for the next 15-20 minutes, all you've got is their bubble to deal with. There are now at least two classes I can think of off the top of my head that can pop a pally bubble. But the BG duelists have to do everything one on one, right? And ret pallies are ******* hard to kill one on one, aren't they?



That's the class. That's what Blizzard wants for the class. So learn, adapt, and overcome, or bugger off.
#16 Nov 26 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I don't have a problem with giving Paladins a burst tree with low survivability. They have two with lower damage and the ability to outlast, already. No reason to have THREE survivability-based trees.

And you can't lower Ret's damage without ******** them over in PvE. But it's a fact of the matter that high Survivability and High Damage is a serious problem for PvP balance. Factor in the ability to heal, and you have a class that's way too OP.

And ret's survivability isn't limited to one on one. I've watched them stand up to 3 DpS and just pick them off one-by-one. And these players weren't terribly geared.

Edited, Nov 26th 2009 1:12pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Nov 26 2009 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
mikelolol wrote:
Ret is just too strong in battlegrounds against everything. In any melee battle they will win through self healing, burst and least amount of damage taken. When fighting ranged they have tools to stay in melee range and destroy them within seconds. If I were to nerf ret for battleground balance purposes, I'd look at art of war, judgement of light, sacred shield and lay on hands at the least. Also being able to chase down a mage while spam cleaning between hand of freedoms is just stupid. It is near impossible to get an actual cast off against melee in this game, and judgements hit as hard as frostbolts.

So in other words, you want them to be holy damage rogues, amirite?

I'm sorry, but you can only push the nerf argument so far. Pallies...are intended to be hard to kill. They're intended to be an extremely high survivability class. That's the whole ethos behind paladins in World of Warcraft. That's why, instead of adjusting the base healing on LoH, Blizzard preserved the mammoth instant heal and just tacked on Forbearance if you cast it on yourself. THe enormous issue was that in TBC, Blizzard spent so much time skirting the damage issue under the auspices that, "We can't stick to the lore of the class and have them highly survivable and give them good damage output because that would just be too OP."

As a result, you ended up with an entire talent tree that was aptly labeled "lolret". You know how you deal with rets in BGs? You focus them down. Get them to blow their big instant heal early so that for the next 15-20 minutes, all you've got is their bubble to deal with. There are now at least two classes I can think of off the top of my head that can pop a pally bubble. But the BG duelists have to do everything one on one, right? And ret pallies are @#%^ing hard to kill one on one, aren't they?



That's the class. That's what Blizzard wants for the class. So learn, adapt, and overcome, or bugger off.

That all sounds nice in theory, but what you are talking about in group PVP is not even viable to begin with. Focus them down first, they can still do 100% damage while being focused unlike other classes who turn into complete turtles under focus (mages). Not only that, their survivability keeps them up while they're being healed by 2 healers at the flag. We're talking group PVP now right? Healers are healing the ret, that would be a terrible choice to focus fire.

Ret paladins are one of the worst classes to focus fire. The only effective way to control them is to blow numerous amounts of CC on them to force a trinket then bubble, eat the damage they deal while bubbled which is still significant (remember they can drop 750 resil rogues in 3-4 globals while stunned). Then CC again. Focus firing through heals is bad. Ignoring rets while attempting to focus healers is equally bad.
#18 Nov 26 2009 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
idiggory wrote:
I don't have a problem with giving Paladins a burst tree with low survivability. They have two with lower damage and the ability to outlast, already. No reason to have THREE survivability-based trees.

And you can't lower Ret's damage without ******** them over in PvE. But it's a fact of the matter that high Survivability and High Damage is a serious problem for PvP balance. Factor in the ability to heal, and you have a class that's way too OP.

And ret's survivability isn't limited to one on one. I've watched them stand up to 3 DpS and just pick them off one-by-one. And these players weren't terribly geared.

Edited, Nov 26th 2009 1:12pm by idiggory

Agreed with this. Leave damage alone, but survivability of ret needs nerfs in many different departments to bring the class in line with others. I don't care enough about lore to leave a class blatantly overpowered in game just because the lore says they should have survivability and damage.

The LOH nerf alone isn't much at all, and in arena it changes absolutely nothing. Ret needs to be more vulnerable to ranged DPS since they are near immune to melee DPS. That means nerfing HoF for ret, cleanse increased chance to fail, repent 8 yard range, they need less self buffs which make dispelling/spellstealing near impossible. When you get a ret ramped up with self buffs it gets ridiculous how many they have active. Trying to spellsteal HoF with 9 ret buffs active and 30% dispell protection is stupid.
#19 Nov 26 2009 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
I don't have a problem with giving Paladins a burst tree with low survivability. They have two with lower damage and the ability to outlast, already. No reason to have THREE survivability-based trees.

But that's the difficulty in a can't make ret low survivability, because the class abilities that are central to Blizzard's vision of a paladin exist across the board. Blizzard could have cut the base healing of LoH to a very low amount...say, 30% of max HP and then put a talent deep in the holy tree to bump it up to 100%, but they didn't want to do that. Blizzard wants to preserve the survivability, they've just realized that making all those nifty tools stack in BGs would make ret entirely OP.

All the other changes have to think in terms of PvE. Thinking in terms of PvP exclusively is what left ret 100% ****** for the entirety of TBC, and I'm not exaggerating. When I was leveling my pally through Outland and got a /w about a dungeon, it generally wasn't "what spec are you" it was "prot or holy?" And those times at 70 when I was grinding rep and working on my tank set?

"prot or holy?"
"oh nvm"

And ret's survivability isn't limited to one on one. I've watched them stand up to 3 DpS and just pick them off one-by-one. And these players weren't terribly geared.

That's because they have a lot of AoE. Rets don't do anything one-by-one anymore. Divine Storm + Crusader Strike cleave + Consecrate + Ret Aura means gang-beating the ret is not a good idea.
#20 Nov 26 2009 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
mikelol wrote:
Also being able to chase down a mage while spam cleaning between hand of freedoms is just stupid

Freedom gets spellstolen by all but the worst mages and you can't cleanse through a stack of winter's chill and random ffb/fireball dots. No good mage loses to a ret pally.

#21 Nov 27 2009 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
How do you propose to fix the Ret issue then, Aurelius? Because them having such huge pasive mitigation (at least 45% physical resist for all but the absolute lowest geared 80), and then having the defensive CDs is a huge problem, if they are going to have high damage AND healing as well. And their damage is just amazing atm. I have yet to be disappointed by a Ret Paladin in a group, including the fresh ones.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#22 Nov 28 2009 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
Well, changing Sacred Shield HoT from FoL to only proc if you're deep Holy will make a difference there, but maybe something along the lines of Sheath of Light not giving that HoT on crits, it's pretty wicked just on its own as a talent, honestly. I think the way they're gonna do it is to drop our self-healing.
#23 Nov 28 2009 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
idiggory wrote:
How do you propose to fix the Ret issue then, Aurelius? Because them having such huge pasive mitigation (at least 45% physical resist for all but the absolute lowest geared 80), and then having the defensive CDs is a huge problem, if they are going to have high damage AND healing as well. And their damage is just amazing atm. I have yet to be disappointed by a Ret Paladin in a group, including the fresh ones.

I don't expect to see a fix for the ret issue until 4.0, personally.

I don't deny there's an issue. It's just that you can't start ******* around with ret survivability without ******** over prot and/or holy in some way. Bubbles can be popped. Heals can be silenced. Come 3.3, ret will have to choose between their bubble or their one-shot self heal.

The difficulty with PvP is that there is always one class that stands out as grossly OP. If it's not ret pallies, it will be something else. In TBC, it was rogues, followed by warlocks. In early WotLK, it was ret pallies and DKs. With the burst damage flying around these days, there's absolutely no reason a group can't burst down a ret. No reason at all. That's why there will be rated BGs, and then we can come back 3 months from now and the "nerf such and such class!!" argument will be met with "BG rating or gtfo".
#24 Nov 29 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
I don't expect to see a fix for the ret issue until 4.0, personally.

lol. are you new to WoW or just new to pally? the perpetual buff/nerf train does NOT stop for pallies(esp Ret). Ret was at a good place in tBC, just needed a few tweaks to attack rotation. LK hit and offense was doubled, healing was free, and Ret became unstoppable...we didn't ask for this garbage, the Devs made it happen.

now, it's like they maxed out all their credit and now things are gonna get repossesed. first they garnished our burst, next they'll take our self-healing.

FWIW, the bigger focus on pally nerfs atm is NOT aimed at Ret. it more in the direction of Prot/Holy and Prot/Ret which are currently monsters in PvP. i can take out 3 Rets with 1 Prot.
#25 Nov 29 2009 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
3,896 posts
They should just make LoH holy only. It's a healing ability.

I don't see why holy paladins should continually get shafted because someone thinks ret and/or prot are overpowered.

#26 Nov 29 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
They should just make LoH holy only. It's a healing ability.

I don't see why holy paladins should continually get shafted because someone thinks ret and/or prot are overpowered.

maybe Holy is as much the problem...or maybe moreso. who turns the tide in most character-oriented BGs? answer: healers. a healer that can launch a free 25k+ instant heal while being awarded mana on top of frusting is that?

are you really concerned that a Ret can play patty cake with 2 warriors in midfield? when i played Ret, LoH wasn't even on my radar. as Prot, i used it mainly while flag carrying since i can't self-heal on the run nor bubble up.
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