Mozared, until I get some time from my busy schedule to re-write the guide, your best bet is to check out the 3.3 addendum at the end.
Any information regarding the water elemental is obsolete from before that.
In short, you want the Glyph of Eternal Water at all times as a frost mage, but not the other W/E glyph.
About Icy Floes, thanks for the info. I STILL wouldn't suggest maxing the talent out, except when you're fighting the Lich King, because you pretty much have to sacrifice spirit (crit) for it, or Brain Freeze points, which once you get 2T10 are invaluable.
About Brain Freeze, which I've gotten a few questions on lately, you don't want to even use it at all until you get 2T10 or you're moving and have a charge up, though often times an ice lance keeps your damage rolling.
Any use of BF before the set bonus is a significant DPS loss.
About Arcane being stronger, I'm not 100% sold on this. IF and IF there is a discipline priest and you can manage to keep taking good damage, arcane can do some amazing ****. However, without said Disc, Arcane is only marginally higher than frost (in equal gear) on equal fights. I pugged Saurfang this week, and had MANY opportunities to try out different DPS specs. Every DPS was ranged, so I got the rare honor of being the 'target dummy' DPS (Pug, my DPS was obviously highest) after a few tries.
When I was killing beasts, I was averaging around 6K in both frost and arcane, but I was dying with less mana in arcane.
The 'target dummy' attempts were what really got me thinking. It's not difficult. Stand in melee range to reduce how much (blood boil? Blood nova? I'm terrible with spell names) the 'ranged' abilities hit me, blast things.
I did around 5 runs with him standstill.
Log of a few of them. You'll have to forgive the sparse logs, my computer for reasons unkown bogs down if the log gets too big, so I try to remember to stop / start it between fights. My memory obviously sucks.
My arcane burst was MUCH higher, around 12K DPS at peak, but my frost DPS was overall higher (the attempt we cleared him, I was frost).
I believe my final attempt on him I was averaging.... 7600? 7800? That attempt is in the log. My BEST attempt in arcane was the try we got SF down to 10%, I was doing 7200. Granted, I got very lucky with that last frost run in regards to Deep Freeze and the such, but it was an eye opener.
My arcane build seems to line up with all the top builds, and I tried a variety of rotations, but I could not find one that balanced DPS with mana consumption, and the lower DPS comes from more regen down time. By the time SF was down to around 15%, I had already used all 3 mana gems (thank the gods they are off the GCD like trinkets), evocated at least twice, and used my 'healer' trinket for another mana boost. So much downtime means less overall damage and DPS.
Edited, Mar 17th 2010 11:29am by jaysgsl