After reading up on all of the different forums and informational websites about the different specs, shot rotations, pets, gear, stat weights and DPS charts, I still can't find the desire to switch from Beast Mastery. I understand that as we are right now we'll never (rarely maybe) top the damage charts against other Hunters in SV or MM, and that Blizzard has stated that they are OK with BM having lower DPS because it's a simpler playstyle for PvE DPS Hunters, but that doesn't change the way I want to play my class or feel about my character.
SV-MM > BM is the current state of things right now depending on gear and encounter from what I've read, but do people forget that BM adds 3% damage to every person in the raid? regardless of where they happen to be in relation to the Hunter *cough* Retadin *cough*? Do they realize that a BM pet can stun and hold attention for a pretty good amount of time with the proper care? and even if they die, WE might lose DPS but we may have saved the healer or other DPS from death and it only takes us a few seconds to recover and we're back in the DPS race (we're last probably, but whatever).
I am rambling at this point but I've always felt that too many people focused too much on e-peen and DPS numbers and didn't take into account the other utilities you might be offering on the side besides just high personal DPS. I have pride as a BM Hunter and know full well that I won't top the meters, but I'll love my class, know how to play it well and contribute in other ways that people may not notice but I feel good about... besides there's nothing really quite as satisfying as unloading all your CD's on BW and tearing the hell out of whatever you wanted to kill with a big red beast chewing it's face off.... and you walking away from a 3+ man elite quest target without so much as a scratch.
Just my 2 cents, but does anyone else feel the same as me?