Well being a long time since I have been to the forum as I was taking a one month or so break from WoW. Also RL issues.
Well I am back and just started raiding. Before taking a break, I stuck clearly with what was told to me before here on gearing this toon.
I just started raiding 2 weeks ago and did 10 naxx with blues and slowly replacing them. I am mainly doing raid heals unless I am asked to heal the OT or MT at times.
My raid assist leader is also a priest and heals the MT. He has more spell power(2.1K) then me but I have more spirit. So far I have never ran out of mana in boss fights.
I was wondering whether is it time to change the gemming and enchants to shift more to spell power. However I am currently comfortable with the way I have geared and happy with the way it has perform in naxx. Next week we may be doing Uldar. (Thanks to all of you here. Best class forum imho).
Your thoughts on this pls but I do know that I need to hit to 2k(min) heals. Currently I am 1.8k unbuffed.
So you think i need to regem my gears more to spell power then spirit. I have linked my toon here. Kindly advise pls. ty
Thank you guys for all the advice and help you have given me. I myself was so worried going into naxx in trying to heal but with good team work we made it. I never ran out of mana for the entire raid so far and I intend to keep it that way.