Hi guys,
I've been away from the game for about a year now and about 2 years from my hunter.
He was my first toon that I levelled to 70, the max back then, and moved onto a mage and shaman that are both 80.
I'am now looking at coming back to the game and would like to start back with my hunter again and level him to 80 but a lot has happened to the class since I last played him.
I'am looking at going BM whilst levelling to 80 then will concentrate more on SV spec as that seems to be the raid preferred spec from what I have read.
But my biggest headache right now is my talent tree.
With my other classes I could jump onto this site and read the faq that would always have a standard tree you could use as a good guide.
I dont see one on the hunter forums.
I tried looking up some of the contributors here in the armoury to see what they have done, a lot dont show up and those that do arent BM.
I've looked throug the faq here but it didnt really answer my question.
Is there a link where I can have a look at a BM talent tree to see what is preferred these days?,
Level 80 would be good so I know what to look for.
And pets have tree's now to I see, so a steer in the right direction there would be helpful to.
Thanks guys for any help, really appreciate it :)