I believe a new thread would be more beneficial, seeing as people can come and ask and it will only be about specs. So... If you have a spec question, ask it HERE!
Now, on to the main point here. I will attempt to post proof of what I am saying, as in giving examples of where I got the specs from, etc.
-Level 80-
Enhancement: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hVhNVZhbxsoxdIhusouVo:Nhf
Proof: http://elitistjerks.com/f79/t67034-enhancement_bis_gear_set_up_discussion/
Elemental: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hEh0qcdItGfzAo0xxco:bkMo
Shaman Tavern wrote:
Answer: To achieve the highest DPS you should use the following glyphs. Lightning, Flame Shock, and Lava. Glyph of Totem of Wrath has now fallen behind in dps due to the fact that it does not scale. The exception to the rule is if you are still using 2 piece Tier 8 then you can replace Flame Shock with Totem of Wrath but once you start using Tier 9 four piece Glyph of Lava replaces Totem of Wrath. I also mentioned the minor glyph Thunderstorm since you should be using this spell more with the mana drain our new rotation has with Chain Lightning.
--You will notice that all of these top-end raiders do indeed have the Totem of Wrath glyph. That is because if you have the Conqueror's 2 piece set bonus (Adds crits to Flame Shock) you should not use the Flame Shock glyph.
Restoration: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hZ0xxcZx0euIeoxkrIRt:L
--This is where it gets confusing. Since healing isn't just about producing the biggest number possible, (As in DPS) there are different variations on healing specs. The one above is the most simple spec that can do many things. I left two glyph slots open since they are subject to change. The only thing that would be constant between healing setups would be Earth Shield, since you will always have Earth Shield up.
If you need something for just raid healing, this may be better. http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hZ0xxIZV0euIxoxkrIRt:L0i It switches out the talents that benefit Healing Wave (Reduced cast time, 25% bonus power) in favor of reduced totem cost and better shielding. There's also the Healing Stream glyph as an option for raid healing.
Tank healing you can go two ways, LHW or HW. HW: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hZ0xxhZx0euIeoxkrIRt:LaA LHW: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hZ0xxIZV0euIxoxkrIRt:LqA
Healing is a tough spec to compound into one simple 'best' spec. Maybe we should take a look at some other top-ends and see what they're doing? http://www.wowarmory.com/character-talents.xml?r=Frostwolf&n=Askledarea&group=1 - http://www.wowarmory.com/character-talents.xml?r=Cenarius&cn=Skyhoof&gn=Impulse - The same spec it seems, and same glyphs.
Feel free to use any one of these, create your own, or copy someone else's, it really doesn't matter. Whatever fits you best. I always used a hybrid tank/raid spec so that I could do either and not hold myself down by only excelling in one, rather being adequate in both.
-Not level 80-
Enhancement is heavily recommended until at least Outlands. Restoration is a nice, typical offspec if you have dual spec, since it will allow you to heal runs you might not otherwise get into. Leveling as Restoration main spec is not recommended, unless you don't mind it taking longer than the other two specs.
As with all guides/stickies, this is subject to change and editing! Suggestions are welcome!
Edited, Oct 15th 2009 3:07am by CestinShaman