So I'm fairly new to being an Arms warrior in PvE.
Yes, I chose to go Arms instead of Fury as I've heard that is actually viable these days.
Wow, has Arms ever changed since TBC... jeez.
Anyways, I am now Lv80 and I'm geared enough to do well in Heroics. I get Overall DPS of 1500-1800 depending on the dungeon and how good the tank is (and how aggressive I can get with Bladestorm without getting roflstomped...).
Anyways, everyone talks about a "Rotation", but one of the things that I enjoy about Arms Warrior is that it is more Situational -- We have abilities that can only be used under certain conditions.
Basically, I'm finding that my Arms ... uh... rotation? ... goes something like this:
1). Charge if possible.
2). Rend, to apply the debuffs. The DoT doesn't hurt either.
3). Mortal Strike whenever it is off CD and/or I have rage for it.
Now, to the conditionals:
Overpower is available, use it obviously.
Execute AND Overpower are available, Overpower -> Execute (Overpower uses less rage and has a higher chance of crit which would either refresh or apply debuffs gained from scoring a critical hit).
Neither Overpower nor Execute is available, I use Slam if I have enough rage. If not, I use Rend instead. Rend might cause a Parry or Dodge (which will make Overpower available) and/or refresh debuffs/DoT. There's a chance I'd get an auto-attack in where somewhere too, which also might cause a proc of Taste for Blood or Sudden Death.
There are 2 mobs, I use Sweeping Strikes.
There are 3+ mobs, I use Bladestorm if I think I will survive it/tank will hold aggro from it. If Sweeping Strikes isn't on CD and the tank is known to be good (Paladin or DK), I'll pair Sweeping Strikes AND Bladestorm (they stack!) together and commence with the facerolling.
That "rotation" + conditionals can easily fill an entire battle. There is a very rare occurrence where MS is on CD, and I have no Rage for Rend or Slam and Overpower/Execute are either not usable or I have too low rage. This is when I pop bloodrage.
Does this sound about right for how to do Arms in PvE? Anything else I should be doing?