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Arms PvE -- Rotational or Conditional?Follow

#1 Oct 11 2009 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
So I'm fairly new to being an Arms warrior in PvE.

Yes, I chose to go Arms instead of Fury as I've heard that is actually viable these days.

Wow, has Arms ever changed since TBC... jeez.

Anyways, I am now Lv80 and I'm geared enough to do well in Heroics. I get Overall DPS of 1500-1800 depending on the dungeon and how good the tank is (and how aggressive I can get with Bladestorm without getting roflstomped...).

Anyways, everyone talks about a "Rotation", but one of the things that I enjoy about Arms Warrior is that it is more Situational -- We have abilities that can only be used under certain conditions.

Basically, I'm finding that my Arms ... uh... rotation? ... goes something like this:

1). Charge if possible.
2). Rend, to apply the debuffs. The DoT doesn't hurt either.
3). Mortal Strike whenever it is off CD and/or I have rage for it.

Now, to the conditionals:


Overpower is available, use it obviously.
Execute AND Overpower are available, Overpower -> Execute (Overpower uses less rage and has a higher chance of crit which would either refresh or apply debuffs gained from scoring a critical hit).


Neither Overpower nor Execute is available, I use Slam if I have enough rage. If not, I use Rend instead. Rend might cause a Parry or Dodge (which will make Overpower available) and/or refresh debuffs/DoT. There's a chance I'd get an auto-attack in where somewhere too, which also might cause a proc of Taste for Blood or Sudden Death.


There are 2 mobs, I use Sweeping Strikes.
There are 3+ mobs, I use Bladestorm if I think I will survive it/tank will hold aggro from it. If Sweeping Strikes isn't on CD and the tank is known to be good (Paladin or DK), I'll pair Sweeping Strikes AND Bladestorm (they stack!) together and commence with the facerolling.

That "rotation" + conditionals can easily fill an entire battle. There is a very rare occurrence where MS is on CD, and I have no Rage for Rend or Slam and Overpower/Execute are either not usable or I have too low rage. This is when I pop bloodrage.

Does this sound about right for how to do Arms in PvE? Anything else I should be doing?
#2 Oct 12 2009 at 2:14 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
If both Overpower and Execute (Sudden Death) are available, wouldn't you want to use Execute first?


According to the tooltip, Sudden Death, when maxed, allows you to keep 10 rage after using the Sudden Death Execute. This leaves more than enough rage to use Overpower. However, if you use Overpower first, you will spend 5 rage which will be taken from the additional damage Execute could've done.

Furthermore, Taste for Blood procs on a Rend proc every 6 seconds, not auto-attacks.

Create a Bladestorm macro that'll warn the tank. When I'm tanking I'm usually keeping an eye out for the Warrior, in case he starts his Skillstorm frenzy, but sometimes I miss it long enough for him to drop. A good suggestion would be using Omen to check how much threat you gain on a mob (use an elite to test on so it doesn't die within a few hits) when you pop Bladestorm. Then you just have to wait for your threat to fall behind enough for you to use it in AOE situations (make sure you're checking aggro on an off-target and not the main target).

The reason you want to alert the tank is because it allows him to apply some AOE threat via Consecrate/Death & Decay, or in case of my Warrior, use Shockwave for your convenience.

Edited, Oct 12th 2009 12:17pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Oct 13 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts

Hmm, true, I hadn't thought about Overpower that way.

And thanks for reminding me about TfB; I had forgotten what exactly proc'd it; I spent the talent points a long time ago and then set the warrior aside, and did other things for a few months, then dusted the ole warrior off and brought him up to 80, on the way there I started having a real blast leveling him and I've found Arms to be very fun in Instances too. lol.

As far as the Bladestorm macro, I'll have to try that; it is very rare I die from popping Bladestorm (1 in 10 times). I play a paladin tank, I'm pretty good at eyeballing threat; I'm rarely wrong. But, as I'm getting more gear, I find that I do pull aggro a little more often than I'd like, and warning the tank (and healer!) is always good.

But otherwise, I assume I have it pretty down-pat?

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 6:59pm by Zariamnk
#4 Oct 13 2009 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'm probably not the best one to give advice, considering my own Warrior is level 68 and Protection spec'd, but it seems like a rotation I'd do myself.

An old rotation/priority list was:

Keep Whirlwind and Mortal Strike/Bloodthirst on cooldown.
If no procs, use Slam.
If no rage, just pop Enrageâ„¢...

Oh, wait, that might've been a very old rotation. Smiley: wink

Seriously, though, yeah.

1. Keep Rend up for the procs/debuffs.
2. Use Mortal Strike whenever possible.
3. Use Overpower whenever possible.
4. Use Sudden Death Execute whenever possible.
5. Sudden Death > Overpower.
6. If points 2-4 aren't available, use Slam.

Insert 7. Profit if you want. Smiley: tongue

As for using Rend instead of Slam if you lack the rage, I'm not sure, really. Does it restart the DoT, because you might be cutting procs then. I'd probably just wait for the next swing and go back to points 1-4.

Oh, yeah, Berserker Rage and Bloodrage should be used whenever you hit a dry spot. I'm assuming Berserker Rage has some use in a PVE environment, but I could be wrong. I usually benefit from it all the time, being the tank and all.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Oct 14 2009 at 2:24 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
refer to this flowchart:

no, im serious. the arms side pretty much says how you should prioritize things.

execute first. sometimes youll get 2-3 SD procs in a row due to white attacks.
overpower after execute, unless overpower is about to be refreshed by rend (4s on the buff, 5 if you notice the buff duration right as you use another skill).
MS if SD and overpower are not available.
slam as filler during cooldowns in a way that allows you to maintain enough rage to use all of your attacks. replace slam with execute during the bottom 20%.
assuming you have still more rage, you add in heroic strike for a swing or two, your discretion.

its a rotation in the sense that its all based loosely around rend. you need to keep rend up at all times to keep the OP procs coming, but theres usually a grace period of 3-5s depending on when the last UA popped up. still, rend does decent damage now (bout 5%ish of top arms warrior raid dps) and its necessary to keep OP going. everything else then fits into that rotation on a priority system.

yeah, it is kinda odd that MS isnt a top priority, but the way things usually work out is that you're hitting MS as something of a filler between other skills. the only time youll lag in using it is if you get a string of SD procs followed by the need to use OP. then you might go 7-9s without using an MS instead of just 5ish.
#6 Nov 02 2009 at 1:02 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The Fury side is awesome.

I have convinced several people through the expansion to go Arms when they grumbled about DPS do to not having really good gear. Plus I think Arms is more fun.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Nov 03 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
229 posts
refer to this flowchart:


I died for a good 3 minutes while reading this and another 2 after that reading it again. The sad part is for the arms side it's so true altho I honestly forget about HS/Slam since my arms spec Has a PvP lean on it and slam is a LONG cast for me to fit in.

HYJACK!!! kind of...

Does anyone know a Swing Timer addon? I know that pallies used to have them in early BC but I'mma try to bring it back a bit to max my DPS. Since I'm (amazingly) Uld geared (according to I figured that it's time for me to step up to the plate and do everything I can to min/max my dps since that's how I'm gearing for my tank set.
#8 Nov 03 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
ha ha ha

that flowchart was awesome... but wipe away the tears from laughing too hard, and you see that the arms side of it does make sense... so does the fury side... heck...

Sloniah, for swingtimer, quartz is the good old trusty one.. but there's another that's a bit more graphically nicer looking called AZ Castbar, both are available from wowinterface.
#9 Nov 03 2009 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
What do you want a swing timer for?

Slam doesn't reset your swing time anymore. It just delays it.
#10 Nov 04 2009 at 3:33 PM Rating: Good
229 posts
Slam doesn't reset your swing time anymore. It just delays it.

That is what I'm hoping to avoid. The (minute) delay that slam would other wise cause. Yes I know it's minor and prolly not worth mentioning but if it works (I want to test it) then it will bump my DPS and when I'm (barely) geared for uldlar and i have guildies cranking 1-3k more DPS than me I need to doo all i can to make a strong showing at my first Uld raid tonight.
#11 Nov 05 2009 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
1,331 posts
No. You can't avoid it. Simply put.

If you hit slam in the middle of an attack, you don't stop your attack. At all. You will finish your attack right where you left it off.

Slam doesn't 'reset' your swing. Which is what a swing timer is for.

They totally fixed slam rotations so you do not at all ever have to use a swing timer to use it successfully. Slam functions now as if you used slam perfectly every time in BC.

You cannot fix this (minute delay) with a swing timer. Period.

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 1:47am by devioususer
#12 Nov 07 2009 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
229 posts
That kinda makes me sad... I miss being a little scared when tanking or DPSing heroics and having to have some simblance (sp?) of skill to play this silly game. easier doesn't nessesarily (again sp?) mean better, I wish blizz would think of that when the design the next expansion.

Thank you Scholar Devioususer for the info. It's just as well most of the addons I installed last just pissed me off lol.

P.S. the (sp?) means I'm not sure I spelled words correctly
#13 Nov 13 2009 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
There is a definite rotation to my arms setup...

mortal strike
(there is a half second or so between mortal strike and the first Thirst for blood proc. If i have victory rush available, i will use it here)
Overpower - TfB proc
mortal strike (it will be off of cool down by the time the GCD timer resets after the previous OP)
Overpower - TfB proc
Mortal Strike

the only caveat to this is if Sudden Death procs and an execute comes available. I will interrupt my rotation for this because Execute is devastating
#14 Nov 14 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
does sweeping strikes work with bladestorm?

devioususer wrote:
Slam doesn't 'reset' your swing. Which is what a swing timer is for.

well when you've got 5(ms) and 8(ww) and 3.6(auto) and 1.5(gcd) second cooldowns you're managing, a swing timer could help you plan out your next 3-4 gcds ahead of time. at least that's what we used them for in 1.x... the last time i srsly dps'd as arms...
#15 Nov 14 2009 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts
Nah. Remember how a swing timer would make you lose less swing with slam rotations?

Well, all your working with now is GCD rotations. You don't need to worry about slam eating away at your white dps, any more than the 0.5 seconds that it takes to cast it. Slam works now like if you had hit slam perfectly after you finished a white hit in Vanilla and BC. Slam pauses your current white swing while you cast it, then after you cast slam, your white swing starts where you left it off.

Like so;

3.5 speed weapon

Time    Effects 
  0     Charge - White swing 
1.5     Rend 
3.0     MS 
3.5     White Swing 
4.5     Slam 
  6     OP 
  7     White Swing


So in essence, slam doesn't work like it used to. At all.

Therefore your only managing GCD's, not swing timing at all.

A swing timer allows you to see when your next white hit is going to hit. Which was useful to remove any wasted time between slams and a loss of white damage. I don't see how it's possible to manage GCD's with a swing timer. It's 1.5 seconds between GCD's. That's it. Your not gaining anything from hitting slam right after a white hit. You get the same effect on your white dps if you hit slam right before your next white hit as you would from hitting it right after a white hit. It don't matter.
#16 Nov 15 2009 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
i was talking about knowing when your next chunk of rage was coming in, and which abilities would be off cooldown by the time it got there.

but it was a different time... back then if you got over 50 rage you were one sword spec crit away from topping out and wasting rage, so you had to keep it low enough to never waste it but high enough to get your abilities off and not miss a gcd (it was obviously req for slam too,) hence a swing timer can help plan out the next couple gcd's.
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