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Invasion of the Palibads.Follow

#27 Oct 04 2009 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Since this thread is about defence for regular dungeons I took you to be talking about them. Even the level 80 ones really don't require that much defence.

Even in Normal Lv80 dungeons, you don't want your tank eating criticals.

If I recall, the bosses are at least Lv81 which would take a def of 530 to be uncrittable against a Lv81 mob, right?

I remember running Oculus, it was _hard_ and I'm not talking the drake phase, that mage I remember he hit pretty hard with his physical hits, and then the boss where you teleport around on the platforms, those groups hit like trucks (for a normal dungeon) too if I recall. I know I wouldn't want to be eating criticals there either.

And then you got HoL... or HoS, too. Or CoS.

I can't think of any places in these dungeons where I'd want to be taking critical hits.

At Lv80, fresh 80, in full Lv78-80 BoEs, 530 def is easy to attain. To step into a dungeon without it, you'd have to purposefully not equip cheap tanking gear you can pick up out of the AH as soon as you dinged 80.

535 will likely take a little enchanting or a BoP or two, or a couple thousand gold for things like a Titansteel Shield Wall (which you *should* pick up asap anyways).

540, definitely need enchants and gems, no way around that. BoPs would be very nice at this point too, and if you can reach 540, chances are you probably have at least 24k health and you should be starting heroics anyways.

Very few people go to Normal Lv80 dungeons; you get no emblems of conquest for doing so, you'd almost need a group of friends who aren't quite geared to step into heroics (any DPS who knows their class/rotation can pick up the full crafted blue PvP set and step into a heroic and do enough DPS to clear the dungeon).

So, when you ding 80... one should ask themselves... "should I just cheap-*** my way through Normal Dungeons for a couple weeks to get BoPs in Normal, or just skip that and do a few days of Argent Tournament to come up with the money to buy a REAL tank set that will get me through N-ToC and into H-UK and the like?"

I think the answer would be pretty clear to me. Why purposefully gear to 'barely be good enough' when 'easily able to' is not hard to come by? Face it, a full set of Tempered Saronite/Daunting isn't expensive. Titansteel Shield Wall goes for about 1k-1.5k on most servers, that'll take you 5-10 days at max worth of dailies (which you should be doing anyways, the Teldrassil/Sen'jin Protector is just too awesome of a weapon to pass up) will give you the money for that, and not to mention, you will be needing Sons of Hodir rep anyways. Also, if you enjoy Dual-speccing, you'll want to do Knights of the Ebon Blade for the boots. I remember getting 350-400 gold per day doing Argent Tournament, Knights of the Ebon Blade, and Sons of Hodir. Doing that, 3 days would get you the Shield Wall, and another 2 maybe 3 would get you your Tempered Titansteel Helmet.

It isn't hard, TBH.

Edit: The Priest in the OP said he is Lv79... that means he's probably doing the "Level 80" dungeons -- HoS, HoL, Oculus (*shiver*), CoS, etc. I can't imagine why he'd want to step into the <Lv75 ones.

Edited, Oct 4th 2009 10:53am by Zariamnk
#28 Oct 04 2009 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
Technically there really isn't a hit cap, as in you can keep stacking hit and it still benefits you just you won't notice till the next expansion because you'll be reaching the level of hit required for hitting mobs 4 levels above you rather than 3.

At least, that's what I was referring to when I said hit doesn't have a cap. I'm relatively sure I'm not wrong.

Your definition of 'cap' is different from everyone else then. 'Cap' refers to the point at which a single point more of a certain stat will have 0 benefit. Since there are currently no lvl 84 raid bosses, there is in fact a 'hit cap' as was previously posted.

As for Divine Plea, if you're a tank, then yes, you should have it glyphed, and you should be using it as much as possible. That's 3% damage reduction + Righteous Fury's 3% = 6% damage reduction just from those two alone.

RF=6% so its actually 9% reduction.
#29 Oct 04 2009 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts

RF=6% so its actually 9% reduction.


I was thinking it was 3%, my bad.
#30 Oct 05 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I hate the "Don't use this term" argument.

Reading some of these posts reminds me of High School - where you'd be sitting there and the teacher says, "Well that can never happen because it would need to be the temperature of the sun for that to occur" and some social ****** would point out that, 'Well, it could technically happen if the experiment were performed on the surface of the sun...'

Then all the normal people would just stare at Dan (that was the guy from my high school) and realize that one day he'd marry a woman that he bought from a magazine and that even in her broken English, she'd still treat him like crap.

Get a life - Def Cap = 535/540...
#31 Oct 05 2009 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
Borsuk wrote:
I hate the "Don't use this term" argument.

Reading some of these posts reminds me of High School - where you'd be sitting there and the teacher says, "Well that can never happen because it would need to be the temperature of the sun for that to occur" and some social ****** would point out that, 'Well, it could technically happen if the experiment were performed on the surface of the sun...'

Then all the normal people would just stare at Dan (that was the guy from my high school) and realize that one day he'd marry a woman that he bought from a magazine and that even in her broken English, she'd still treat him like crap.

Get a life - Def Cap = 535/540...

Theoreticals like "You could if you performed the experiment on the Sun" (which is an impossibility) is a far cry from using an outright confusing/misleading term like "Defense Cap".

"Defense Cap" implies that anything over 540 is worthless, when you couldn't be any further from the truth.

Once you are "Hit capped", then yes, adding any more +Hit is worthless -- you can free up some +Hit if you gemmed/enchanted for it and not lose anything.

Once you are Crit Immune at 540, and you end up with, say, 545 or something, it is OK to keep that, you're not wasting itemization points outright. You might not be completely optimal, but at least you're not utterly wasting it like you would +Hit once you got Hit capped.

If we keep running around saying "Defense Capped" is 535/540, then people will think erroneously that 541+ is worthless. It is better that we do what we can to ensure the misconception doesn't get started (or any more widespread) in the first place. There _are_ still new tanks gearing up, just like the some of the thread-starters in this and general these last couple weeks.

Now, stacking Defense to 560, 570+ etc godly levels is of course Not Optimal by any means, but it doesn't hurt to have a few extra points. My tank had, for a little while, 552 because I had just swapped a cape and a ring. I dropped her down to 542-ish in favor of getting a bit more stamina and replacing some lost Dodge Rating, and I noticed Block and Parry chance dipped nearly half a percent on both. Not exactly a "small" change. Not a big one, but not a small one.

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 3:56pm by Zariamnk
#32 Oct 05 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Technically there really isn't a hit cap, as in you can keep stacking hit and it still benefits you just you won't notice till the next expansion because you'll be reaching the level of hit required for hitting mobs 4 levels above you rather than 3.

Zari - this is the type of post I was addressing.

Who cares that the next expansion will require higher hit. Common sense, normal people, reasonable people, people who work and function in real life (RL for those who don’t know what that is) realize that this post is retarded stoopid.

“Well, Technically, if you were to play the game in 1 year, the hit cap would be different.” This is so obvious that it shouldn’t need to be pointed out. Someone had to point out to the poster that “They have a different definition of Hit Cap”

I call that marching to the beat of a different drummer… And that drummer rides the small bus to school.

If I show up to a raid and some guy has 23 hit, cause he’s determined that in the next ExPac this will be hit cap – I’m kicking him out.

“ahhh, well technically, there is no hard hit cap, you just won’t see the advantages of my excessive hit because my hit exceeds the amount you need.…”

“You’re gone.”
#33 Oct 06 2009 at 5:01 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
For those that do not want to become a Palibad due to unfiltered garbage in this thread:

At level 80, to be crit immmune for raid bosses requires 540 defense. If your tanking heroic bosses its 535 and if you happen to run with this 'effecive health tanking glyph' its 536 for raid bosses. Going over this is not a bad thing. It increases your avoidance (miss, parry and dodge) as well as increasing your mitigation (by increasing your block rating). No one does it anymore because these days raids (talking about Uld and TotC) favour physical mitigation (armor and block value) and large healthpools to sponge mana from healers soak heavy hits from raid bosses that would otherwise kill an unlucky avoidance tank that relies on the RNG to survive.

It's accepted by most progression tank folk now that avoidance is only worth stacking after you can comfortably take two hits in a row and not die without a heal landing.

I believe Blizzard are doing away with defense altogether in the next expansion, making crit immunity a talented skill similar to feral druids. Until then the above applies to anyone thinking about tanking.

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 1:03pm by arthoriuss
#34 Oct 06 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Paladin is among the easiest tanks to know how to gear. Follow the following

1: Are you defense capped?(540)
If Yes, go to 2. If Not, fix it.

2: Do you have 26 Expertise buffed?
If not, find out how you managed to not cap it and work on that, but continue anyhow.

3: Enchant/Gem with Stamina(without losing 540 defense)
A lot of PALIBADS think "stam stacking" is poor. They are wrong. Horribly wrong. Your gear will have enough avoidance to allow you to stack Stamina. Never gem or enchant Hit, Expertise, Dodge, or Parry unless they are in a good gem slot. For example: 2 Regal Dreadstones for Meta in Red slots that offer +12 stam bonus. This is because you get 22stam/10dodge and work for Meta.

4: Save gear with 100% avoidance or 100% stam bonuses for special fights.
In some fights max stam is nothing since the hits are often and wimpy. In others, avoidance does nothing at all and it's all about soaking up damage. Having both sets makes you very versatile.
#35 Oct 06 2009 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
I've noticed recently there has been a very bad change in how people are playing.

1: Not def capped.
2: Seal of Wisdom/Light/Justice
3: Not using Divine Plea.
4: Not talenting into Seals of the Pure.

I dunno what is going on but please, PLEASE if you intend to play Paladin read the F.A.Qs.
It's not just players of Paladins. I blame ToC. It is now possible for a fresh 80 to ignore the Wrath progression path of running dungeons and heroics and instead try to leech on to a series of ToC runs and be rewarded with a very good gear set.
#36 Oct 07 2009 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Kompera wrote:
SarionBelmont wrote:
I've noticed recently there has been a very bad change in how people are playing.

1: Not def capped.
2: Seal of Wisdom/Light/Justice
3: Not using Divine Plea.
4: Not talenting into Seals of the Pure.

I dunno what is going on but please, PLEASE if you intend to play Paladin read the F.A.Qs.
It's not just players of Paladins. I blame ToC. It is now possible for a fresh 80 to ignore the Wrath progression path of running dungeons and heroics and instead try to leech on to a series of ToC runs and be rewarded with a very good gear set.

The problem with that, though, is that they only drop 1-2 trinkets and, what, 2 pieces of armor for each spec? Maybe 3?

There are if I recall, 8 pieces of "armor", 2 rings, a neck, and a trinket. I know there's a neck and 1 trinket for each spec, and 2 of the 8 pieces of "armor". There are no weapons that I've seen in N-ToC, at all.

You're not suddenly going to be able to skip Heroics (especially since they drop Emblems of Conquest). Now, you _could_ skip Naxx and OS and go straight to Ulduar if you ground Heroics enough (and H-ToC will give you -more- stuff), but still.

Being able to skip stuff doesn't automatically make one a ******. I was able to skip some stuff on my priest, and I do just fine DPS with my Shadowpriest, given my absolute lack of experience in playing a ranged, caster DPS. Many of these builds/characters are so easy, with a little research and/or willingness to take some suggestions.

Tools will always be tools.
Retards will always be retards.
Good players will always be good players.

This is true, regardless of their gear level and/or ease of getting gear. Most of this stuff in the game is not hard to learn, you don't have to do Naxx 500 times just to learn how to raid; 2-3 times should be enough, easy. Once you learn the fight, and see it at least once in live-action, any smart person should 'get the hang of it' within an attempt or two.

Another part of the problem, is the willingness of people to carry someone through a run, 'because we need a person!'.

If you get a DPS that is only doing 500-800 DPS, talk to the guy and see if he's willing to hear you out on how to be a better DPS. If he's a ******, or stubborn, kick him. Don't help him progress until he learns. If you get a tank who isn't crit immune and is way under-geared and is lacking simple BoEs that he could get effortlessly, don't help him progress!

We need to start teaching people to shape up or ship out. I'm not saying to be rude to people, but damn, you gotta draw a line somewhere. When I see someone showing up for N-ToC wanting to tank and they've got 20k health and 450 defense, there's no way I'm going in there with that. If the rest of the group still wants to go, they can go without me.
#37 Oct 07 2009 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
496 posts
My point was more to make it clear my frustration with what I saw as people nitpicking with a term that is widely accepted.

Zariamnk wrote:
If we keep running around saying "Defense Capped" is 535/540, then people will think erroneously that 541+ is worthless. It is better that we do what we can to ensure the misconception doesn't get started (or any more widespread) in the first place. There _are_ still new tanks gearing up, just like the some of the thread-starters in this and general these last couple weeks.

has changed my mind.

Basically because I also thought that while 540+ was not worthless, compared to other stats it was a complete waste of time.

Well done on educating me!
#38 Oct 07 2009 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
Zariamnk wrote:
Kompera wrote:
SarionBelmont wrote:
I've noticed recently there has been a very bad change in how people are playing.

1: Not def capped.
2: Seal of Wisdom/Light/Justice
3: Not using Divine Plea.
4: Not talenting into Seals of the Pure.

I dunno what is going on but please, PLEASE if you intend to play Paladin read the F.A.Qs.
It's not just players of Paladins. I blame ToC. It is now possible for a fresh 80 to ignore the Wrath progression path of running dungeons and heroics and instead try to leech on to a series of ToC runs and be rewarded with a very good gear set.

The problem with that, though, is that they only drop 1-2 trinkets and, what, 2 pieces of armor for each spec? Maybe 3?

There are if I recall, 8 pieces of "armor", 2 rings, a neck, and a trinket. I know there's a neck and 1 trinket for each spec, and 2 of the 8 pieces of "armor". There are no weapons that I've seen in N-ToC, at all.

You're not suddenly going to be able to skip Heroics (especially since they drop Emblems of Conquest). Now, you _could_ skip Naxx and OS and go straight to Ulduar if you ground Heroics enough (and H-ToC will give you -more- stuff), but still.

Being able to skip stuff doesn't automatically make one a ******. I was able to skip some stuff on my priest, and I do just fine DPS with my Shadowpriest, given my absolute lack of experience in playing a ranged, caster DPS. Many of these builds/characters are so easy, with a little research and/or willingness to take some suggestions.

Tools will always be tools.
Retards will always be retards.
Good players will always be good players.

This is true, regardless of their gear level and/or ease of getting gear. Most of this stuff in the game is not hard to learn, you don't have to do Naxx 500 times just to learn how to raid; 2-3 times should be enough, easy. Once you learn the fight, and see it at least once in live-action, any smart person should 'get the hang of it' within an attempt or two.

Another part of the problem, is the willingness of people to carry someone through a run, 'because we need a person!'.

If you get a DPS that is only doing 500-800 DPS, talk to the guy and see if he's willing to hear you out on how to be a better DPS. If he's a ******, or stubborn, kick him. Don't help him progress until he learns. If you get a tank who isn't crit immune and is way under-geared and is lacking simple BoEs that he could get effortlessly, don't help him progress!

We need to start teaching people to shape up or ship out. I'm not saying to be rude to people, but damn, you gotta draw a line somewhere. When I see someone showing up for N-ToC wanting to tank and they've got 20k health and 450 defense, there's no way I'm going in there with that. If the rest of the group still wants to go, they can go without me.

I thought so too... until I went to ToC on my Mage

Reg ToC dropped:
For BOTH Specs the Shoulders, Ring, Leggings. For Shadow specifically got the Neck, Belt, Wrist, Trinket.

For Heroic for BOTH got Dagger. Then for Healing got the Neck, and for Shadow the Back, Head, and Boots.

Basically a full Shadow set (which I wear as Disc as well due to awesomeness) and to my recollection(no time to look atm) Pally gets basically a FULL set of Prot, Holy, and Ret via Reg/Heroic.
#39 Oct 07 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Caster gear is a lot more generous than plate gear.

There's different slots for different specs, but they are interchangeable. You could put on Healing gear as a mage and get away with it, because +Spellpower is +Spellpower, whether you are using it for Healing or Damage. Hell, Healing gear even has +crit a lot of times, for you.

The only difference is that Healing Gear tends to switch out Hit for Spirit.

But if you've got a healthy enough Hit Rating, equipping some healing gear won't hurt your DPS too badly, especially if you're going from Frostsavage to ilvl200 purples.

Paladins, however, are a different story.

Equipping Holy gear on Ret is fail; there's no +strength on Holy gear. It is all Int/Stam/Spellpower/Crit. The Crit helps, the Stam is meh, and the Spellpower is meh.

Equipping Prot gear on Ret is meh, you at least get +Strength, but no Hit or Crit and the Defense/Avoidances are nigh-useless to a Ret.

From what I could tell, in N-ToC, there are 2 pieces (or is it 3?) for Prot, Ret, and Holy. Cloth, there's 2-3 Caster and 2-3 healer pieces and a caster Necklace and Trinket.

Since Casters can mix gear, that means you can get 4-6 pieces of gear for a cloth caster (more if you're a Druid/caster Shaman!).

Casters are hella easy to gear, for this reason.
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