Picking your character's professions depends on a variety of factors that ultimately only you can answer. It is determined by what your goal(s) are. Your profession choices will differ depending on if you are looking to min/max your stats for raiding endgame content versus dominating the AH versus creating usable items for your character while leveling.
How fast are you looking at level your warlock? If you don't want to slow down too much, gathering professions such as skinning, herbalism, and mining can be done easily while grinding and questing. In my experience, I've found that crafting always slows down progression if you try to do it as you level. Judging from your post, you don't seem to be enjoying the crafting professions either right now. Remember, you can always drop one or both of your gathering professions once you hit 80 and powerlevel a crafting one that you think will better suit your character and playstyle. In the meantime, you can either horde the mats you get through your gathering professions to later use to level a crafting one, or sell them on the AH and be well-funded once you hit the level cap.