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DPS: hybrids vs puresFollow

#1 Sep 17 2009 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
it has long been the feeling of most that pure dps classes should outperform hybrid classes. this has been echoed by the Devs in recent times. most recently GC:

All classes should have buffs. All damage specs should do competitive dps, with the exception that the four pure classes should do slightly higher dps. Different versions of the same buff should not feel wildly different with regard to talent expenditure, personal dps loss, up time, duration or scaling. We will continue to work to improve all of those issues. However, in almost all cases, individual skill, gear and group coordination will have a larger effect on your performance than anything we can do to buff your class.

it has been said that the difference in dps should be up to and around 10%.

my issue is this: if all classes bring buffs now, why should there be a dps disparity? why should hybrids be taxed 10% because of the class they chose? in PvE, a dps is a dps. take a Ret paladin in raid. he will dps. he will not tank. he will not heal(other than his exclusive buffs).

a warlock can heal to an extent, a rogue and hunter can tank to an extent, a cute. should a Holy paladin take a 10% healing tax because he can spec into Prot? should a warrior also be penalized because he has a talent tree with alot of defensive skills?

i think this way of thinking should have went out during the end of tBC. one might consider the balance issue of PvP when arguing this point. like how a rogue needs to put out more damage in lue of his lack of healing. pretty valid point, however PvP has so many more factors like: teammates, burst, defensive abilities, offensive abilities, etc.

in PvE, dps is dps. /discuss
#2 Sep 17 2009 at 6:48 PM Rating: Excellent
28 posts
what you fail to take into account is dual-speccing and even without dual-speccing, hybrids can perform multiple roles based on particular situations' needs, albeit not as well or efficiently as others specced into those roles. A pure dpser cannot however do those things unless he is exceptionally gifted in the ways of Hax.
#3 Sep 17 2009 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
496 posts
Because you're going to get an incredibly objective response lacking any bias whatsoever in a hybrid class forum.
#4 Sep 17 2009 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Pure dps classes bring only their dps to a raid and nothing more, generally speaking. My ret brings buffs and replenishment and blessing of light/wisdom not to mention a boatload of utility with offhealing, hand of protection/sacrifice etc etc. The rogue in my guild can only dps. What's the point of having the rogue there if the ret does completely equal dps, and passively adds a ton of other things?

edit: This is a pretty salient point since that is exactly the situation at the moment. Me and a friend i've known for years are raiding TotC 10 man atm. Our gear item levels are basically identical in every slot, and we both use spreadsheets and theorycrafting websites to balance stats for max dps. And we're still doing nearly identical dps, to within 20-50 on a comparably fair fight like northrend beasts. (He'll pull ahead on rogue fights, like XT-002 where he can blow combats many CDs on a burst phase, i'll pull ahead on koralon or whatever where there are more targets to hit. Otherwise we do identical dps).

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 2:41am by ArtemisEnteri
#5 Sep 18 2009 at 12:42 AM Rating: Excellent
3,229 posts
Agree with the comments so far. For free I can switch between tank and DPS and for 50g I can slip into my holy gear and heal. It's a small price to pay for being so versatile, irrespective of the whining that I've done in the past.
#6 Sep 18 2009 at 4:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Pure dps classes bring only their dps to a raid and nothing more, generally speaking. My ret brings buffs and replenishment and blessing of light/wisdom not to mention a boatload of utility with offhealing, hand of protection/sacrifice etc etc. The rogue in my guild can only dps. What's the point of having the rogue there if the ret does completely equal dps, and passively adds a ton of other things?

in the past, this was true. according to GC, all classes should bring a certain amount of viable buffs to raid now. this can be seen here

lets take warrior vs rogue. what extra does a Fury warrior bring over a rogue that gives him a 10% dmg tax? the warrior's ability to leave the instance and respec to tank? thats not an advantage. so this warrior does less dps than the rogue, by design. that warrior has also spent much of his time and many badges to acquire tanking gear, thus limiting his dps potential further.

if we look at the simple math, its so skewed:
(ideal and simplified)
ex) if a pure does 10k dps and a hybrid does 9k dps. any combination of 9 pures(there are 4) vs any combination of 9 hybrids(there are 5) will potentially gimp you, artificially, by 9k dps. this is 1 whole additional hybrid dps!

you gimp your raid by 1 additional dps because your hybrids have the potential to be a non-dps?
#7 Sep 18 2009 at 4:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Except the hybrids are adding magical buffs and boss debuffs that add up to much much more raid damage than having an extra "rogue" or "mage" level dps.

That raidcomp thing you linked to is interesting, but very flawed. It's claiming rogues provide poison and finisher move debuffs that in reality will never be present because no rogue is going to use expose armor instead of envenom, or wound instead of instant/deadly. If they did, their personal dps would be way below the tanks let alone other dps raid members. Concordantly, all retribution buffs and debuffs are completely passive.

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 8:40am by ArtemisEnteri
#8 Sep 18 2009 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
If hybrids didn't have a damage tax, no rational person would level a pure DPS class for PVE.

"Let's see, I can level a Rogue, or I can level a Paladin. Well, the Rogue can DPS. The Paladin can do the same DPS. But if I get bored of DPS or my guild needs me for something else, I can heal or tank."

Advantages to taking a Paladin from level 1:
(1) Ability to tank
(2) Ability to heal

Advantages to taking a Rogue from level 1:
(1) Flair*

*May or may not qualify as an advantage, depending if you're into stealthy leather-wearers.

Again, from the perspective of a guild at 80, what point is there in recruiting someone who can only do one role (specialist - Rogue) if a generalist (Paladin) can do that role just as well and can fill additional slots if needed?

Assuming similar damage, no person (with knowledge of the game) without a severe emotional attachment to the rogue class would take rogue over a paladin, either for leveling or at 80. That, in a nutshell, is the reason for the "hybrid tax."

You can disagree with it, but it's unlikely to change any time soon.
#9 Sep 18 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
tabstopper wrote:
If hybrids didn't have a damage tax, no rational person would level a pure DPS class for PVE.

"Let's see, I can level a Rogue, or I can level a Paladin. Well, the Rogue can DPS. The Paladin can do the same DPS. But if I get bored of DPS or my guild needs me for something else, I can heal or tank."

Advantages to taking a Paladin from level 1:
(1) Ability to tank
(2) Ability to heal

Advantages to taking a Rogue from level 1:
(1) Flair*

*May or may not qualify as an advantage, depending if you're into stealthy leather-wearers.

Again, from the perspective of a guild at 80, what point is there in recruiting someone who can only do one role (specialist - Rogue) if a generalist (Paladin) can do that role just as well and can fill additional slots if needed?

Assuming similar damage, no person (with knowledge of the game) without a severe emotional attachment to the rogue class would take rogue over a paladin, either for leveling or at 80. That, in a nutshell, is the reason for the "hybrid tax."

You can disagree with it, but it's unlikely to change any time soon.

This is exactly right and exactly why I quit my Mage.

My Paladin can tank OR DPS. On my server(a very over populated one) we have enough DPS to demand perfection and ignore the scrubs. This means finding groups on DPS = tough unless you only group with people you know.

My Paladin is invite prone just by logging in because of being a tank. Why would anyone "gimp" themselves by not having any versatility and still do the same damage as a class with 2-3 uses?
#10 Sep 18 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone realize this is a game anymore?

Reasons to choose rogue>pally.
1) I effin like it more.

And thats all there should be to it.

I would think that anyone who thinks in terms of end game guild needs and progression would probably level 2+ toons for that specific reason. If you aren't willing to do that, then the (alleged) 10% shouldnt matter.

As far as healing goes, there is no PURE healing class. If there was I would assume it'd be the best healing class and have a built in +10% to SP coefficients, rolling hots, aoe heals, and TRIPLE BACON!

Oh and to the OP: DPS is not DPS in a raid environment. DPS needs to be controlled. DPS needs to be ranged/melee (whatever suits the fight better). DPS have other assignments (sheep, stunlock, interrupts, etc)
#11 Sep 18 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
<Not useful, removed it.>

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 1:38pm by tabstopper
#12 Sep 18 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
28 posts
also, tommy, not every warrior has to run out of the instance to respec. see: dualspeccing.
#13 Sep 18 2009 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
holynazzi wrote:
Does anyone realize this is a game anymore?

Reasons to choose rogue>pally.
1) I effin like it more.

And thats all there should be to it.

I would think that anyone who thinks in terms of end game guild needs and progression would probably level 2+ toons for that specific reason. If you aren't willing to do that, then the (alleged) 10% shouldnt matter.

As far as healing goes, there is no PURE healing class. If there was I would assume it'd be the best healing class and have a built in +10% to SP coefficients, rolling hots, aoe heals, and TRIPLE BACON!

Oh and to the OP: DPS is not DPS in a raid environment. DPS needs to be controlled. DPS needs to be ranged/melee (whatever suits the fight better). DPS have other assignments (sheep, stunlock, interrupts, etc)

Except no, that is not how the world works. If you "effin like it more" then you shouldn't care about the DPS discrepancy. Obviously if you play for fun only(not min/maxing, raiding) then you're casual. As much as Blizz caters to casuals entirely too much, the high end of the game is not meant for you and never will be.

If you play to enjoy something, go ahead. You could make an Elemental Mage and focus on ALL THREE TREES or be a Hunter who melees. Either way you're having fun(I guess) but you will be terrible. Same thing applies. Blizz designed certain classes to run certain specs for certain situations. If you don't like it, solo or quit. :D
#14 Sep 18 2009 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
in the world of "lvl 0-80 & raid ready in 3 weeks" who doesn't have an alt to do something different?

should paladins and druids be gimped in healing and tanking as well because they can fill all 3 major rolls?

back in the day, a pally's lack of dmg used to be justified by his buffs, utility, and intangibles he brings. now with, like GC said, all classes having buffs, the ground should be leveled. if one class needs to have stronger presence in a raid, this should be done through raid contibutions such as additional buffs and utility..NOT through artificial output imbalancing.

its strange that in the time of "bring the player, not the class" and "give everyone buffs" and "give everyone AoE" that they still make classes unbalanced on purpose.

if i like to play Ret and wish to never tank and to never heal, then i need to be okay with the fact that my potential will never be that of a rogue, mage, warlock, or hunter. i call FUBAR on that.

FWIW, i played a mage heavily in tBC. i put out far better dps than my pally ever could and it was much easier. my mage also had a far less negative impact on the raid(ie. Prince in Kara..omg). our raids didn't require more tanks or healers(which i had a priest anyway) so, for a time i gave up on pally in raid because i couldn't keep up with my lesser gear mage. but he was a hybrid, so it makes sense.

Oh and to the OP: DPS is not DPS in a raid environment. DPS needs to be controlled. DPS needs to be ranged/melee (whatever suits the fight better). DPS have other assignments (sheep, stunlock, interrupts, etc)

dps IS dps. as dps your job is to get the boss to zero while having the least negative impact on the raid. if you are assigned something else, then you are not dps atm. cleansebot is cleansebot, etc.
#15 Sep 18 2009 at 5:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
If I sacrifice everything to play a class that can only DPS, I'd be right pissed if I couldn't top meters or come damn close, assuming I am geared, know my class, and play it to its full potential.

Tommyguns wrote:
its strange that in the time of "bring the player, not the class" and "give everyone buffs" and "give everyone AoE" that they still make classes unbalanced on purpose.

Actually, they're trying to make classes balanced (on purpose). Your class is just balanced around doing marginally less damage than classes that can only DPS. Balanced != same DPS.

Tommyguns wrote:
if i like to play Ret and wish to never tank and to never heal, then i need to be okay with the fact that my potential will never be that of a rogue, mage, warlock, or hunter. i call FUBAR on that.

Really? You call ****** up beyond all recognition on the fact that your class, which can tank, heal, or DPS, and brings some awesome raid buffs, has its damage potential marginally limited compared to a class that can only do damage and brings lesser buffs? You have some strange standards.

Just for fun, I put together a list (from your source) of the common buffs /debuffs a combat rogue brings and compared them with a retribution paladin:
Combat Rogue		   Retribution Paladin 
Healing Debuff (WP)	   Passive Healing (JoL) 
4% Dmg Taken Debuff	   3% Damage Buff 
			   AP debuff 
			   Blessings (AP, MP5, Stat% depending) 
			   3% Haste Buff 
			   3% Crit taken debuff

So they bring two, to your seven. And several of your's (JoL, Replenishment) are absolutely huge. This doesn't begin to touch the ridiculous utility that a well-played ret brings to a raid through Hands, Cleansing, and healing if need be. Or the auras that you can provide.

Put yourself in a rogue's shoes for a second. If you saw that list, and knew that you couldn't do more DPS that a ret (though even right now, it's not automatic, unlike past expansions), you'd go through the roof, and rightly so.
#16 Sep 18 2009 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Should Hybrids do equivalent deeps to straight deeps class?

I honest think things are the bees knees right now. Back in Vanilla wow, TBC certain classes were *** until deep into the development cycle. Ret paladins were threat capped, itemization was sh'it and no one wanted them at all. There exceptions to the rules once you got deep into BT and SWP but by then TBC was 4/5ths done. Boomkins, elemental shamans, etc were all craptastic. Even feral deeps. Hell MM was crap and people barely used it even for the raid buff, now if you have 2 hunters one is MM.

Now raiding is extremely flexible and you can bring all offspecs and there dps is reasonable. Hell our hybrids only go below 6k dps on a bad day.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#17 Sep 18 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Just for fun, I put together a list (from your source) of the common buffs /debuffs a combat rogue brings and compared them with a retribution paladin:

Combat Rogue Retribution Paladin
Healing Debuff (WP) Passive Healing (JoL)
4% Dmg Taken Debuff 3% Damage Buff
AP debuff
Blessings (AP, MP5, Stat% depending)
3% Haste Buff
3% Crit taken debuff
So they bring two, to your seven. And several of your's (JoL, Replenishment) are absolutely huge. This doesn't begin to touch the ridiculous utility that a well-played ret brings to a raid through Hands, Cleansing, and healing if need be. Or the auras that you can provide.

kinda my point. wouldn't it make sense if pures were given a better assortment of combat buffs/debuffs rather than a straight % dmg increase. i will not argue that pallies bring a retarded amount of combined buffs...they always have.

and here's the catch: once that one Ret spot is filled, a second Ret brings only his hammer. same holds true if all of those buffs are already represented by other classes. however, after the rogue brings his buffs, a second rogue would still add hybrid dps + 10%.

also, if we compare what a Fury warrior brings to the table vs Combat rogue, you will find it's very similar. however the rogue is still potentially doing warrior dmg + 10%.

edit: i realize that there are fights where warriors will just pwn...this is either a favorable fight or temporary unintended class design. same for DKs.

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 11:35pm by tommyguns
#18 Sep 18 2009 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
and here's the catch: once that one Ret spot is filled, a second Ret brings only his hammer

In general that's true, but an extra AM(aura mastery) or DS(Divine Sac) can be really beneficial to certain hardmodes.
#19 Sep 19 2009 at 2:58 AM Rating: Excellent
tommyguns wrote:
and here's the catch: once that one Ret spot is filled, a second Ret brings only his hammer. same holds true if all of those buffs are already represented by other classes. however, after the rogue brings his buffs, a second rogue would still add hybrid dps + 10%.

The second Ret also brings additional blessings, more passive mana regen through JoW, and a second aura if needed. As well as more hands, cleanses, and if need be healing.

As for buffs being provided by other classes, there isn't one class that single-handedly provides all of a ret pally's buffs; both of the rogue's buffs are also provided by arms warriors (the mortal strike effect can also be provided by fury warriors and most hunters, never mind that reduced healing is not even useful in most PvE encounters). The chances that a raid will have other people who between them cover every single buff a ret pally can provide are fairly slim.

To cover the vindication debuff, they'd need warrior, druid, warlock, or possibly a prot pally. (And even then, 2/2 vindication is stronger than all of them without 5/5 improvement talents. Demoralizing Roar requires bear form, so in practice only feral tanks will use it.)

For the damage buff, they'd need a BM hunter. (Especially unlikely, since BM is not a particularly good raid spec compared to marks and survival.)

For the haste, they'd need a boomkin.

For replenishment, they'd need a survival hunter, shadow priest, destro lock, or frost mage. (And again, frost is the worst raid spec for mages. Also, since replenishment only affects 10 raid members each time it procs, it doesn't hurt to have 2 people who can provide it in 25-mans.)

For the crit taken debuff, they'd need an elemental shammy, an assassination rogue, or possibly another pally.

The passive healing from JoL can only be provided by another pally (which still gives you the option of using JoW for the passive mana regen); the same goes for JoW.

Blessing of Kings can only be provided by another pally; Might can only be provided by a warrior or another pally, but unlike battle shout doesn't need to be refreshed every 2-3 minutes, and holy and prot pallies are less likely to have the improved version; and Wisdom can only be provided by a shammy or another paladin, though resto shammies and holy pallies are likely to have the improved version (though the shammy can't drop cleansing or healing stream totems if the have to use mana spring instead).

In all, you need at least 6 people to cover every buff a ret pally provides, at least 4 of which are themselves hybrid classes, and 1 of which is not a spectacular raid build. (Warrior, elemental shammy, BM hunter, boomkin, holy or prot pally, and one of: survival hunter, frost mage, S priest, or destro lock.) And even with those 6, a ret pally still has a place: adding a ret pally means that both JoW and JoL are up and allows the shammy to drop healing stream or cleansing totems. It's extremely rare to have all 6 of those in a 10-man, and it's pretty damn uncommon even in 25-man (it's obviously impossible in 5-man).
#20 Sep 19 2009 at 3:02 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Back in Vanilla wow, TBC certain classes were *** until deep into the development cycle

Oh god, oh god. I'm having TBC flashbacks man, someone hold me.

It was HORRIBLE. I realize some people may not have played ret back then, so i just want to fully describe what it was like. I was kinda strictly ret back then too, not being too interested in the other trees until recently.

If you whispered someone who was looking for dps in trade, you would be laughed at. Ths was for the daily heroic, let alone raids. Seals lasted 30 seconds, and judging would remove the seal, leading to a little dance across the keyboard to reseal after every. single. judgement. (It took me about a week after 3.0 to get this purged from my muscle memory) Your dps was about half that of a comparably geared mage or rogue, but that wasn't the worst part. Even just doing this meagre amount of damage would have you threat capped. If you were the only paladin in a group, you would use the old Blessing of Salvation instead of Might.

I basically spent all my time pvping until patch 3.0, getting honor bought S2 gear and occasionally filling in a dps spot in my cool guild's kara runs not really contributing much but having a lot of fun because i had ever seen a raid before and the boss fights seemed spectacular to me. My first ever epic was the Mithril Chain of Heroism from Chess. I think i was dpsing with a Crow Wing Reaper filled with god knows what gems, probably unenchanted. Not that PvP was much better, since you had mages and hunters kiting you all over the place, unkillable Cheat Death/ShS rogues and priests and shamans dispeling your seals as you tried to hurt them.

#21 Sep 19 2009 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Not to mention the mana regeneration issues. Or the fact you were brought along to 25mans for only your leet +3% crit buff.
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