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Gems / enchantsFollow

#1 Sep 15 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Anobis!

Got a few more questions to you!

I do have tailoring/enchanting, hence i can not use JC gems in my blue sockets.
What should I have there? Currently I'm using the +10sp & +10 Sta (don't remember the exact numbers).
But with the spirit-stat buff and such, maybe it would be better to use +spirit instead? For more crit.

Same goes for leggings enchantment.

What do you think?
Or should I level JC :(
#2 Sep 15 2009 at 10:11 PM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
Hi, sorry I am not Anobix but to answer your question, spellpower/spirit in blue sockets for meta, spellpower/spirit thread on legs. Also jewelcrafting specialized gems are no longer prismatic so jewelcrafters also have to match colors now. =(
#3 Sep 15 2009 at 10:35 PM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Toxicityoh wrote:
Hi, sorry I am not Anobix but to answer your question, spellpower/spirit in blue sockets for meta, spellpower/spirit thread on legs. Also jewelcrafting specialized gems are no longer prismatic so jewelcrafters also have to match colors now. =(


However, unless you're going for a meta gem requirement, don't try to match the sockets unless the bonus is actually worthwhile. If it's something like a bit of stam or int, you'll likely find yourself better off just socketing a pure spellpower gem.
#4 Sep 15 2009 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for quick reply! :)

I was thinking about your boots.
1st why the enchant? For some specific boss?

But mostly,
17 sp, 10 spirit vs 23 sp.
Is the 6 sp worth more then 10 spirit?

Your gemming seems to be varying? Sometimes match sockets and sometimes not, I can not really figure out how you gem your own gear?
#5 Sep 16 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
If all of your gear has two blue sockets, put the two purified gems into those sockets (spellpower/spirit). If the socket bonus is equal to about 7+ spellpower or more, then it is most likely worth matching the sockets for (at higher gear levels +7 haste or more also applies)

The enchant for boots should generally either be icewalker (hit+crit) or the speed+stam enchant (tuskar's vitality or whatever it is called). The theorycrafting is that if you are already hit capped and you move for at least 6 seconds (could be wrong on the number) a minute during fights it is generally more worth it for the movement speed so you can start/stop faster and continue casting.

As for yellow slots, same rule applies for the socket bonuses, at lower gear levels (read: frostfire builds) the general consensus is to gem spellpower/crit. After T7-ish (and beyond, when fireball becomes a realistic spec for not needing to gem/enchant for hit, etc) spellpower/haste oranage gems take over the crit ones.

Hope that helps.

Oh, and if you ever wonder what you could do better/etc just load your character up into Rawr. I have a guide in my sig on how to use it.
#6 Sep 17 2009 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
U can also check and there u will find what gem would be max dps. And they keep in mind that u can get the bonus-stats if u gem it in the right colour.

So sometimes it tells u: put in 2 x 23 spellpower, but sometimes (depends on the bonus) they give u another gemchoice (usually +12 spellpower + 10 crit)
#7 Sep 17 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
I am not a big fan of MaxDPS because it takes standardized stat priorities and doesn't take the variable priority systems that come up as your gear changes -- unless something has drastically changed since the last time that I used it.

That and the website is unbelievably slow (just trying to use it now...) Just got it to work, it doesn't even have support for the arcane/fireball spec.

Edited, Sep 17th 2009 11:33am by Anobix
#8 Sep 17 2009 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
Just a sidenote, probably is posted elsewhere but would apply to this thread, once you get 2pc t9 and have the molten armor glyph, it is 70% of spirit to crit rating. So the 12 spellpower/10spirit gem is really 12sp/7 crit. That plus a 5
spellpower socket bonus becomes 17sp/7crit if you have to match one socket. It is pretty close to a 23 sp but not quite as good. As you get closer to 4000 spellpower raid buffed the gap closes a lot though on crit-sp value. My gear is kind of
off right now on keeping close to stats because of the change from t8 to t9(hit is way over until i switch out gloves/pants). Couple of weeks and I should be close to final gearing for this tier except for a few 245-258 same piece upgrades and will balance out my gems at that point most likely giving up the +5 spellpower socket bonuses by going to all red in those
pieces and making +7 and +9 bonuses match sockets(as long as only one of the gems is non-red.

Edited, Sep 17th 2009 7:34pm by Toxicityoh
#9 Sep 17 2009 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah I tried rawr a bit, but I don't have the time to dig into stuff to much.
I rely on asking questions here and skimming trough ej nowadays.

Full time work, gf and a moto-cross that just won't get enough attention :( in my opinion is useless, it dosen't help at all for finding optimal gear.
#10 Nov 11 2009 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
Okay, so I'm in a new hard mode raiding guild now (yay!) and on our forum my guild leader and I have a slight disagreement on how to gem, so I was wondering everyone's opinion here. Figured I might as well bump this thread. Just for clarification, he's a kitty druid, but he says he reads theorycrafting on several different classes (maybe all of them? I'm not sure on that).

He thinks it's perfectly viable to gem for hit if you are under hit capped, which of course, based on Anobix's past advice I disagree with. I'm hit capped anyways, so it doesn't make a difference for me personally. His argument is that several of the top geared mages on our server use hit gems, so it must be okay.

What I'm really looking for advice for though, is he's saying that haste could possibly be more important to gem for than SP:

Ok now that we have covered that, the question remains, what do you gem for once you have reached your hit cap? This is a topic of much debate on the theorycrafting forums I read on a regular basis. In my mind it works out like this:

Haste > Spellpower > Crit

1 Haste = .75 DPS
1 SP = .95 DPS

So why would you go haste? Procs! If you stack haste you are casting faster, which means you are going to get more spells off, get more ABs off, etc. Your DPS will benefit more from that than the .20 DPS increase SP gives you.

I did point out that once you reach the soft haste cap, there's no longer any point to stacking haste, but other than that does he have a point? Should I be treating haste gems like I do SP gems, by putting them in all the sockets I can? If so, should I be using full haste gems or the SP + Haste ones?

Also, if you disagree with him, should I re-gem if that's what he wants me to do, or should I stay firm saying that this is the advice I was given from the best mages I know? Smiley: grin
#11 Nov 11 2009 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
I think Anobix mentioned in another thread, haste soft cap is almost impossible as Mage.

1: MaxDPS is terrible. RUN AWAY.

2: Always gem based on the rule of the armor, not what you need unless you are VERY fresh to the class.
2 Purified Dreadstones Meta
ALL Yellow slots with a decent bonus = Reckless Ametrine
ALL other slots = Runed Cardinal Ruby.

You MIGHT wanna do more Purified if the bonus is real nice but that's up to you.

Overall I don't see it possible to have enough haste. ALL gear I aim for now has Haste on it. I dropped to like, 261 hit. That requires a Draenei and Arcane spec.

For Fire and lolFFB I have no idea. All Anobix there.

As for enchants, SP/Haste ftw.
#12 Nov 11 2009 at 6:48 PM Rating: Good
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
Okay, so I'm in a new hard mode raiding guild now (yay!) and on our forum my guild leader and I have a slight disagreement on how to gem, so I was wondering everyone's opinion here. Figured I might as well bump this thread. Just for clarification, he's a kitty druid, but he says he reads theorycrafting on several different classes (maybe all of them? I'm not sure on that).

He thinks it's perfectly viable to gem for hit if you are under hit capped, which of course, based on Anobix's past advice I disagree with. I'm hit capped anyways, so it doesn't make a difference for me personally. His argument is that several of the top geared mages on our server use hit gems, so it must be okay.

What I'm really looking for advice for though, is he's saying that haste could possibly be more important to gem for than SP:

Ok now that we have covered that, the question remains, what do you gem for once you have reached your hit cap? This is a topic of much debate on the theorycrafting forums I read on a regular basis. In my mind it works out like this:

Haste > Spellpower > Crit

1 Haste = .75 DPS
1 SP = .95 DPS

So why would you go haste? Procs! If you stack haste you are casting faster, which means you are going to get more spells off, get more ABs off, etc. Your DPS will benefit more from that than the .20 DPS increase SP gives you.

I did point out that once you reach the soft haste cap, there's no longer any point to stacking haste, but other than that does he have a point? Should I be treating haste gems like I do SP gems, by putting them in all the sockets I can? If so, should I be using full haste gems or the SP + Haste ones?

Also, if you disagree with him, should I re-gem if that's what he wants me to do, or should I stay firm saying that this is the advice I was given from the best mages I know? Smiley: grin

It's really debatable and depends on how close you are to hit cap. If you are short by 4hit I wouldn't gem for it, if you are multiple% short, it may be worth using an orange gem for hit/spellpower instead of haste/spellpower. Really, at this point in end-game I would think most people have as many pieces of gear in their bank as they are wearing to swap out incase they get a different upgrade to make sure they are hit capped, etc.

Your guildy was partly correct, towards the top level of mage gear haste and spellpower come close to a 1:1 ratio of dps. The only issue is hitting the haste cap (GCD of 1 second) which really isn't possible unless you are using all of your cooldowns and a haste pot during bloodlust to get under that mark -- which should just tell you to time your consumables differently.

I would generally learn towards what Rawr would calculate for me though as for which pieces benefit from the gems the most and how to go about doing it, although sometimes it over-values hit.

#13 Nov 11 2009 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
When we've got a Boomkin or Shadow Priest in the group, I use my Abyssal Rune and the Crit trinket you get from heroic emblems (I got it back when you could actually earn heroic emblems) and I'm short about .4% hit, which I figured wasn't that big of a deal. When we don't have either of those I switch out the crit trinket with the hit trinket from Auriya and I'm over hit capped.

What do you think about my gear though? Would it be better to equip the SP and Haste gems in yellow sockets or keep going with the SP gems unless the socket bonus is really good? Or should I just forgo the SP gems altogether unless there's a red socket bonus that's good? My guild leader seems to think that I should just use the SP and Haste gems and nothing else, but maybe I'm misunderstanding him.
#14 Nov 12 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
You are a good amount over hit cap.

Beyond that I want to commend you. Your gear is very respectable yet you've not downed most raids. That tells me you have done your research and know what to use at the very least :)

#1 Question before I move on.
How much Triumph do you have? Your SCORE allows you to do TotGC10, and easily roflstomp TotC10/TotC25. Free 30-45 Emblems a week, plus if you do Ony/VoA/Daily Heroics... I skip all of those because I am lazy :/

Mage T9 is -very- good.

A quick upgrade and a not so quick one...

Ony10/25 Head is amazing until T9.25(emblems+trophy) and well, I used T8.5 body until last week when I bought Merlin's so, yeah it's pretty sweet.

As for gems...
Not sure why the Purified is in your legs, when it's a Yellow socket unless you didn't have Bejeweled at the times.
I'd recommend swapping a Purified into Bejeweled, Reckless into your pants, and if you intend to keep it, a Reckless into Staff.
This is because PERSONALLY I am in love with haste. Yeah the bonus is lol4crit, but its an excuse to grab 10 haste!

It's all opinion, you can do whatever you like and with that great gear you will still roflstomp things.
#15 Nov 12 2009 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
Right now I have 74 Triumph badges. That's after downing 4/5 in ToC 25 and VoA 10 on Tuesday, as well as yesterday and today's dailies, and my guild is doing a ToC 10 and Ony 10 tonight as well. I'm not sure whether I want to save up my badges for trophy gear, or once I hit 100 badges just go buy the two pieces of regular T9.

I actually swapped my gems in the wrists and the legs last night. It's showing as updated on armory, but I'm guessing you're looking at wow heroes? Not sure why it isn't updated when armory is... So right now I have the purified in the wrists and runed in my pants. When I bought the bracers on the AH, they came enchanted and gemmed with the runed cardinal ruby, and I had put the purified gem in my pants for the meta gem requirement. After I got the bracers I obviously saw that it made more sense to switch them out since the bracers have a +5 SP socket bonus. I don't know, I'm still of the mind that the haste gems (while useful) aren't as big of a benefit to my overall DPS as the rubies are unless the socket bonus is good. And yeah, 4 spirit and 4 crit are just not worth it.

As far as my gear goes, honestly I just got really lucky on a ToC 10 run one week. On that run I got the staff, the legs and the belt because my former guild just did not have any active cloth dps besides me. We did have a Moonkin on that run, but he was off spec so I got priority and they were all good upgrades for me. I'm still wanting to replace the stupid boots, but thus far I've had crappy rolls on the good boots out of ToC 10.
#16 Nov 13 2009 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
wow-heroes has a 10 hour delay or something. Blizz filtered it because of the bandwidth it uses.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Nov 14 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Sigh, I'm so sick and tired of people using Wow-heroes. Zomg, my gear score is derpyderp, that means I can go to [insert dungeon/raid here]. </rant>

I don't care what your gear score is/etc. All I care about is if you don't stand in fire, know how to switch targets correctly, don't pull aggro and can do your rotations well enough to do the DPS you should be doing. I don't care if you have a '2100 gs' or 3000 gs, just do your job and it shows.

Edited, Nov 14th 2009 11:11am by Anobix
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