I was wondering if anyone here could help me put together a list of certain PVE boss fights where hunters can use specific abilities (beyond Misdirection) to help the fight go a bit smoother.
One that comes to mind is the Naxx fight - Gluth: Frost traps and kiting the zombies until Decimate when they can be AOE'd down.
Another is the Trial of the Crusader 'The Two Jormungar' encounter: keeping up Aspect of the Wild to help with poison effects.
These are two I can think of off the top of my head ... but I'd like to look into it further. Having a list of encounters where we can be more effective then just shoot and kill can help our class, and newer players of the class, become more efficient, effective, and valuable in a variety of encounters.
I, for one, am unsure at times when Tranq shot is useful - or when wyvern sting could be used in PVE.
If anyone would like to add to this thread it would be most appreciated.