Hey there,
I'm playing disc priest in raids atm and always been a fan of this spec.
Now I've started to wonder if it would be able to make "Disc dps" viable in raids with the right spec, stats, glyph etc..?
Here a suggestion to spec; http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#bVIbuzhVMIo0bZfxx0fbVi:u
I've tried it out on a dummy tonight and only got like 2100dps with t7'ish shadow gear (for hit). I noticed that it might req. alot of crit to proc the instant smite talent (like 30-40'ish?) enough.
I tried with pure holy fire / smite spam, and SW:P / holy fire / smite and they did like the same dmg. I was able to crit for like 5.5k with smite while having holy fire debuff on the target.
The only problem I'm seeing is that I'm going oom fast (after like 2mins of spamming) and not having enough crit for talent proc to get free instant smite.
Anyway, would this might be worth trying to gear and enchant for? or will it never be a viable spec as dps in raids?
Thanks alot in advance :)