Hello all! Thanks in advance for any help you can offer me.
I am an "old school" WoW player, most of my time having been in "classic" WoW and a bit being in Burning Crusade. Left before Lich King ever came out so as you can imagine I am quite lost on how things are running.
Long story short I have decided to go Death Knight. Lucky for me one single toon escaped the "great scourging" of my accounts once I quit. I still have a 61 Undead Warlock who is stripped and trashed but that does not really matter if I am rolling a DK =P.
My main question is what is the situation like for Death Knights at 80? I can imagine they are probably the most played class. For the most part I am completely a PVP player, I love BGs and World PVP (Arena to an extent but no where near as much as the former two). Is it still possible to gear yourself via Battlegrounds for PVP via Battlegrounds or has that changed? By that logic is there also a guide somewhere that gives a list of "Pre 80 PVP" gear for the Death Knight? Craftable or otherwise.
Gear brings me to my next question. How hard is it to get in a group, heroic or otherwise? Is there a stigma against "Death Knight tanks" or are tanks even in short supply anymore? My main love for the game is PVP but obviously you have to get geared for it to be competitive. So in short what is the grouping situation like?
Thanks in advance for any help you all can offer. I used to be a WoW guru but now I feel like a complete nub, so much has changed.
Edited, Aug 30th 2009 6:39pm by DuckandCover