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Changes You would like to see in CataclysmFollow

#1 Aug 30 2009 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
I have read similar thread on MMO-Champion and I thought we could use it here, on Alla. My ideas:

1. New spell: Conduit of Nature - Nature powers are channeled through you. You merge with your totems to gain their strength. All effects are diminished by 25%. Lasts 30 seconds. 2 min cooldown.

This would allow shamans to get more use from their totems on predictable mobile phases of fights. Numbers can be different, of course. This would require shamans choice (something that Blizz encourages).

2. Make current Water Shield and Lightining Shield chest enchant similar to weapon enchant. Internal cooldown can be adjusted to cope with it. Additionally make shields something more fun. Water shield can work like emergency buttons for resto. Or each orb could make Healing Waves do some additional splash healing. Lightning Shield could make Windfury proc instantly (let's say 30 sec cooldown-but can be changed to make it non OP).

3. New Spell: Fire Within: Your Magma or Searing Totem's fire jump to enemy causing it to become vessel of destructive power. 30 seconds cooldown.

I admit that this idea was inspired by one of posts in MMO-champs thread. This would simply cause totem to jump to chosen enemy. That could work as elemental way to deal extra aoe damage without the need to run to enemies and then run out. This would share cooldown with fire totems. If it's casted then next fire totem can be placed in 30 secs. If not cooldowns work like usually. If it's dispellable then I don't think it would be too OP for PvP. It could have diminished power in comparison to totems if needed. That would give fire totems some use in very mobile fights where enemy constantly runs out of range. It would also give enh some extra edge in very mobile PvP where enemy is either out of range or destroys totem very fast.

Tell me what You think about it and maybe post some of Your ideas.
#2 Aug 31 2009 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
208 posts
I have almost no experience as a shaman, but I like your ideas. Totems were the one thing that prevented me waiting to play a shaman as long as I did. At only level 21 I already feel a bit like a dog on a leash. I wonder if there is some way to make shaman totems more like paladin auras? If anyone played Warhammer I'm thinking of something akin to Chosen aura twisting. I wasn't a big fan of twisting, but maybe if you only had to twist every few minutes instead of every few seconds it would be fun?

If you're not familiar with Warhammer a Chosen's aura would last for (forgive me if the exact numbers are incorrect) 12 seconds after you started a new aura. Which ment that you could have two auras (or 3 if you really were quick) over lapping.
#3 Aug 31 2009 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
794 posts
I do believe that Blizzard wants to keep totems the way they are. Having call of elements now means that Shamans can setup for situations as they see fit and throw all 4 totems they need in one gcd. I honestly think that is more annoying than before since your opponents will have to target each of them and destroy them one at a time (4 gcds not including targeting time). They are no more totem stomping macros that work anymore so its not trivial.

hope the clutter on some of the talent trees get pruned out though.
#4 Aug 31 2009 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
I'm honestly more perturbed by shields at the moment than totems.

I'm hoping a change to Water Shield will come along with the conversion from MP5 to spirit, especially from a PvP standpoint. As it stands now, as a Resto Shaman, I have infinite mana if someone is beating on me for as long as I can tank them without Earth Shield, but if I need Earth Shield to survive or they're attacking my DPS, I go OOM quicker than the other three healers. There has to be a middle ground somewhere in between those two extremes.

Lightning Shield is pointless. It took a deep Enhancement talent to make it worth anything at all. Why not just give the shield a chance to trigger on damage by default?

Resto Shaman also still need some way to deal with damage other than, "Just heal through it." We're still getting neutered by anything with a Mortal Strike effect. Even if we can survive the damage for a while with Earth Shield up, it's really just delaying the inevitable as our mana pool burns like the Hindenberg. Something along the lines of the former Spirit Link would be unique, or maybe they could turn Earth Shield into an actual absorption shield. I'm open to anything Blizzard could come up with.

Edited, Sep 1st 2009 2:10am by Gaudion
#5 Sep 01 2009 at 4:51 AM Rating: Default
794 posts
Gaudion wrote:
I'm honestly more perturbed by shields at the moment than totems.

I'm hoping a change to Water Shield will come along with the conversion from MP5 to spirit, especially from a PvP standpoint. As it stands now, as a Resto Shaman, I have infinite mana if someone is beating on me for as long as I can tank them without Earth Shield, but if I need Earth Shield to survive or they're attacking my DPS, I go OOM quicker than the other three healers. There has to be a middle ground somewhere in between those two extremes.

Lightning Shield is pointless. It took a deep Enhancement talent to make it worth anything at all. Why not just give the shield a chance to trigger on damage by default?

Resto Shaman also still need some way to deal with damage other than, "Just heal through it." We're still getting neutered by anything with a Mortal Strike effect. Even if we can survive the damage for a while with Earth Shield up, it's really just delaying the inevitable as our mana pool burns like the Hindenberg. Something along the lines of the former Spirit Link would be unique, or maybe they could turn Earth Shield into an actual absorption shield. I'm open to anything Blizzard could come up with.

Edited, Sep 1st 2009 2:10am by Gaudion

At this moment, I do not use Lightning Shield as enh while Imp Water Shield kinda made water shield really great for healing. Static Charge as a talent is a rather bad idea since you need gcd to recast it, you lose mana like a leaking cauldron without replenishment and it interferes in my magma spamming. I rather magma spam than have Lightning Shield do something it was not meant to do.
#6 Sep 04 2009 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I would like to see Shamanistic Rage to be changed into a cannot be stopped unless killed buff, and have the mane regeneration it offers be permanently on but lower in amount. As it stands now while we have gotten a lot of buffs to are maneuverability i still find my self constantly cc'd in some way repeatedly with nothing to do but wait it out.

I would also like to see magma totem hit invisible enemies to give us at least some way of revealing and dealing with rogues, every rogue i have spoken to has stated that an enhancement shaman such as my self is viewed as a free kill, and i feel it. Often i am being singled out by rogues who pop out kill me and go poof again just to wait for me to come back so they can do it again.

Edited, Sep 5th 2009 1:41am by Aldredge
#7 Sep 05 2009 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
if magma totem isnt dropping rogues out of stealth that sounds kinda like a bug. i know on my lowbie rogue magma totem will bring me out of stealth when it ticks, altho earthbind doesnt. i know other forms of periodic damage (rain of fire, blizzard, consecration, death and decay) will also bring rogues out of stealth.

if your magma totem isnt bringing rogues out of stealth id report that. test multiple ranks of the totem too; maybe its just a bug with higher rank versions.
#8 Sep 05 2009 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Well just tested it and mine is revealing them, i remember using it a long time ago in a attempt to reveal rogues and it never seemed to work.

I suppose i just end up versing non idiots all the time and they avoid it.
#9 Sep 05 2009 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
lots of rogues nowadays spec the subtlety tree as a sub spec, which gives them faster move speed while stealthed. sometimes its enough to get inside the magma totems range and get to you before it pulses again.
#10 Sep 06 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
794 posts
not to mention those with sub specs can shadowstep and get right on top of you anyway.
#11 Sep 22 2009 at 1:30 AM Rating: Default
Would be nice if Elementals Shaman could drop AOE totem ranged. Like new talent in Elementals Shaman talent tree:

Revenge of Elements 1 points - This talent Calls fire elemental that drops magma totem next to targeted enemy.

This is only thing that I see currently as broken in Shaman class is the fact that Ranged caster needs to run melee range to do AOE DPS. I feel dull to spam ranged spells from melee range all of time while cleaning trash in Naxx as elementals shaman but current design of class forces in this.

I do understand that Blizzard don’t want to give everybody everything and I understand that maybe shaman is not suppose to be good in AOE dps because Shaman is hybrid but what I don’t understand why class is designed in the way that enhancement shaman can still have AOE and single target dps same time. All shaman AOE skills are designed to be used from melee range. If Shaman is designed to be melee class why bother implementing one talent tree as ranged DPS in the first place?
#12 Sep 24 2009 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
162 posts
I would like to see Ghost Wolf usable while not outside with inside the speed dialed down to 15% to match Pursuit of Justice and Unholy Aura buffs. Also making it instant cast w/o Enhancement tree talent points would be nice to see.

Oh and while I'm dreaming how about letting Enhancement Shaman keep their spirit wolves out all the time hehehe.
Only the left handed are in their right mind!

Mistress Darqflame wrote:
This thread is done, thanks for playing, come again soon.

Theldurin the Lost wrote:
I said to myself, 'I'm going to punch that dragon in the face!

#13 Sep 25 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
1,450 posts
If anything should be changed:

Take away all of the stupid reagent requirements for spells that other classes have for free.

Water Walking? We need Fish Oil, Death Knights get an AoE version for free.

Water Breathing? We need Shiny Fish Scales, Warlocks get it for free.

Dual Wield? We need talents to get it, everyone else just trains it at a random level.

Cut us some slack.
#14 Sep 25 2009 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
If we had the out at all times , we would be immortal XD . Though having them stay for a little bit longer would be awsome.
#15 Sep 26 2009 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
Moonkissed wrote:
If anything should be changed:

Take away all of the stupid reagent requirements for spells that other classes have for free.

That's what minor glyphs are for. Mages need reagents for Slowfall (unless it's glyphed). Rogues need poisons. Hunters need ammunition. Pallies and priests need reagents for buffing (as to druids, but if I'm not mistaken there's a glyph for that, too). It's not like shaman are the only ones that require reagents for certain things. I have water walking glyphed because I tend to use it a lot while fishing...water breathing not so much. In fact, I've had the same 20 shiny fish scales in my inventory for weeks now. I vendor far more than I actually use, and I never farm them.

Dual Wield? We need talents to get it, everyone else just trains it at a random level.

You're right, hunters and warriors get dual wielding from their class trainers. Whether or not they actually choose to dual wield depends on the gear available to them, spec, personal preference, that sort of thing. Rogues are the only class I know of that uses dual wield 100% of the time (starting at level 10 if I'm not mistaken) regardless of spec. Dual wielding for shaman is intended as an enhancement-only kind of deal, and prevents balancing issues that would occuer in the event that you found yourself with a dual wielding resto/elemental shaman toting a pair of spellpower maces. Imagine the QQ from pallies...
#16 Sep 28 2009 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
AureliusSir: You are correct, that is what minor glyphs are for. I guess I just wished that we could have some glyphs that do something cool instead. I realize that Mages and Druids and Armor-Plated Cheerios need reagents for spells. I guess what I was saying was that:

Mages get Slow Fall; Priests get Levitate. They both essentially do the same thing, and they both cost the same.

Shaman's get Water Walking; Death Knights get Path of Frost. They both essentially do the same thing, and they have different costs.

That is the problem. If you compare Warlock's Water Breathing to Shaman's Water Breathing you will notice the same thing. I have no problem with Reagents, I actually really like them. What I don't like is that some folks do not need to use them.

As to the dual-wield bit... I agree with you again. The flavor of enhancement is certainly augmented by the fact that you can only dual-wield as a shaman if you are enhancement. I hope that in Cataclysm we will see Dual-Wield fall under a Mastery instead of a Talent. The reason I feel this way is that it seems silly that Hunters can train the ability, but Shaman's need to Talent it. That is just an opinion, a preference really.

Anyway, main point of the post is to put on a silly face and say: I know... b,b,but I want it!
#17 Sep 28 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
Jakerp wrote:
I do understand that Blizzard don’t want to give everybody everything and I understand that maybe shaman is not suppose to be good in AOE dps because Shaman is hybrid but what I don’t understand why class is designed in the way that enhancement shaman can still have AOE and single target dps same time. All shaman AOE skills are designed to be used from melee range. If Shaman is designed to be melee class why bother implementing one talent tree as ranged DPS in the first place?

You'd think shamans would have something like that druid thunderstorm AoE thingymajig. But alas... only one of us can do it. We can't really call down a rain of fire because warlocks do that... or a blizzard because mages do that... what's left?

I vote for the Hurricane Vortex of Doom, myself.

Rain, hail, lightning, strong winds... all together at once. Sounds like my cup of tea.
#18 Sep 28 2009 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
xNocturnalSunx: That is the best idea ever. Just a huge storm of epic proportions that looks really cool and does a whole bunch of stuff. I would even settle for it doing no damage, just movement slowing, stunning, crazy baby crying madness.
#19 Sep 29 2009 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
The Multi elemental aoe would be cool, but I dunno if bliz will ever give us a channeling aoe...

If they added Forked lightning to throw into our rotation I wouldn't mind as much for aoe tho, hits three targets like chain lightning with same cast time and cooldown, way I see it, it would not have diminishing dmg like CL, lets say if CL hits for 3000 2000 1000 fork lightning would be 2000 to all three targets.

This way we have an actual aoe rotation, I would be down for something like this even if its a little pricey in mana.

It also bothers me only enhancement shaman get spirit wolves... I would like to see it a basic ability and maybe talents to buff it for enhancement... but that might be just me ^^
#20 Sep 29 2009 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
I'd like to see a decent AoE spell as well, and the one that makes most sense to me is Earthquake.
#21 Sep 30 2009 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,450 posts
YuvalR: I like Earthquake. Sounds good. If we do it in or underwater can we get added effect Tsunami?
#22 Sep 30 2009 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
82 posts
Long time ago, when I was playing a Tauren Shaman healer, I used to jump up and down whenever I had time free of healing in fights. When someone asked me what I was doing, my answer was: "I'm practicing my Earthquake spell".

Moonkissed, I didn't think I had to get over such obvious detail, but you correct of course.

#23 Oct 06 2009 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
You'd think shamans would have something like that druid thunderstorm AoE thingymajig. But alas... only one of us can do it. We can't really call down a rain of fire because warlocks do that... or a blizzard because mages do that... what's left?

I vote for the Hurricane Vortex of Doom, myself.

Rain, hail, lightning, strong winds... all together at once. Sounds like my cup of tea.

I have been 3 solutations in my mind. I think Blizzard never gives Elementalist Shaman Channeled AOE like so many other classes but my solutatios are:

1. Talent that allows to drop Fire Nova or Magma totems ranged.
2. Fire Totem that spawn one mini fire elemental that runs toward the targetted enemy and explode causing fire nova effect.
3. Revenge of Storm 1/1 point talent that gives instant cast spells that triples mana cost of CL but removes cast time and cooldown for 20s (Might be too powerful if mana cost is not very large to cause OOM very fast)

These solutations might fix pvp raiding / instancing elementalist AOE issue but they could cause some balance issues in pvp...

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 9:08am by Jakerp
#24 Dec 09 2009 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to see an aoe spell similar to volcanoes shooting up from the ground and blasting an area and shoot lava. Kind of a copy from druids in Diablo 2 but it would be cool lol
#25 Dec 09 2009 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
84 posts
WTB Mobile Totems and Enhancement buff.

I hate the fact that i have to make sure im in range of my totems, or else my dps drops. IMO they should revolve around me like my lightning shield. like a solar system :)

and i hear all the time how elemental is better dps. if we can be either 2 types of dps or a healer, i would expect the 2 different types of dps to be equal. it just goes with playstyle. and i have noticed that i dont do as much dps as elemental's similarly geared.
#26 Dec 14 2009 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
1. NPC totems exist through death. I want my totems to exist through death too.
2. A channeled AoE. Something that doesn't require my Elemental Shaman to run into the middle of a bunch of mobs.
3. Less reagent types. We have 3 glyphs just so we don't need to lug around 3 different types of reagents. I know minor glyphs aren't supposed to do much, but No Reagents could be one minor glyph.

Edited, Dec 14th 2009 4:03pm by tfwagner
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