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New holy paladin seeking adviceFollow

#1 Aug 21 2009 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Hey there, I'm a new holy paladin (just respec'd wednesday)and I was wondering some tips on healing..
my first actual instance healed was UK - we had a few wipes, but that was probably because our tank was a DPS spec'd Death Knight with dps gear, so if I didn't spam FoL we'd all die

I was just wondering the order of heals I use, when it is best to use Hand of Salvation/sac. and what times are best to use Divine Plea.

Also - I want to dual spec ret/holy, what are easiest ways to get 1000g fast? besides PvPing and selling the pvp epic gems for 150g ea.


edit: I also read sticky posts

Edited, Aug 21st 2009 9:21pm by Oromo
#2 Aug 21 2009 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
Basic tactics for paladin healing.

Beacon and sacred sheild the tank. Use FoL to activate the HoT on the sacred sheild then heal the rest of the raid using FoL and Shock, use Holy if you have to. Try to keep the HoT up and make sure to refresh Beacon when you have to.
Use Sacrifice when there is big spike damage.
Pro Tip: In raids Divine Sacrifice with bubble can be used along with Divine Plea so you get 12 seconds to regen mana with Seal of Wisdom as well while the 40% reduced damage means the other healers will cope fine without you.

Beacon on the tank means you can heal the rest of the raid without being overly concerned with the tanks hp.
#3 Aug 23 2009 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
212 posts
What's said above plus a couple more:

Judge at least every 1 min to keep your Haste buff up.
Cast HL to keep Light's Grace up so you can get that quick HL in when needed.

Pro-tip 2: Always use bubble before hitting Divine Sac....
#4 Aug 24 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Above plus a couple more:

Seal of Wisdom has two benefits beyond the obvious - it makes Judgements, on average, return a little mana (so you don't need to worry about the cost and can concentrate on the benefits) and it allows you to recharge your batteries by meleeing mobs in your vicinity.

The high level of tanking threat makes Hand of Salvation situationally useful, but I am trying hard to remember that it's there when I'm under pressure. Hand of Protection, too.

On fights with movement or with phase changes, that's generally downtime as far as healing is concerned, and thus a good time for Divine Plea. Another wrinkle you can do with DP is to have a /cancelaura macroed in so that a second click will get you back to normal - this allows you to steal a few ticks of regen without risking being overwhelmed.
#5 Sep 13 2009 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
I normally just bacon the tank and SS. Then I spam heal everyone with FoL (doesn't matter if you overheal there because you won't go OOM casting FoL). If there is not another pally I usually do judgment of light for haste buff and to make my job easier. Avenging wrath is good during tough fights. Remember that bubble will drop your aggro. Use divine plea on downtime and remember that the weaksauce heals while that is up are better than not healing at all because you are OOM. If I have to use Holy Light I pop Divine Illumination because that can take a toll on your mana. You can PM me if you need anything clarified.
#6 Sep 14 2009 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
410 posts
Keep Beacon up. Get a good timer for it and learn how to use it. I use DoTimer.

Sacred Shield is worth keeping up. You can track it with DoTimer as well.

The SS HoT... well IMO its not worth keeping up. Mainly because I beacon the tank and SS the tank. To get the HOT I'd have to target the tank to cast FoL, which is counter productive to Beacon healing. I usually SS and FoL the tank right before the pull so he starts with the HoT, and then I don't worry about it too much.

Divine Plea whenever its up. You can use wings to counter DP's reduced healing.

Glyph of Holy Light is very good.

Lay on Hands - I'm doing better, but I could still use this more often. Its no good if you never use it.
#7 Sep 14 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
410 posts
Also, Decursive will make you very popular.
#8 Sep 14 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
Pyrenus wrote:
Also, Decursive will make you very popular.

I'm not so sure. I'm a big believer in having one raid frame. I don't think it matters if you prefer a healer-specific (Grid, Healbot, VuhDo) or general-purpose (XPerl, Pitbull) - as long as you can tune it to give you all the information you need in one place.

My Grid configuration shows me the debuffs I can do something about in the center icon, and gives me a corner indicator for curses (which, of course, I can't do anything about). This allows me to do my jobs (staying alive, healing, cleansing) while only dividing my attention two ways (the raid frame and the environment). On some fights, there is so little time to react to environmental hazards, having three places to watch would be dangerous.
#9 Sep 14 2009 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
410 posts
I understand what you're saying. I shouldn't have said Decursive specifically. For me it works well, but I don't use Grid or Healbot. (XPerl + Clique)
#10 Sep 14 2009 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
970 posts
Pyrenus wrote:
I understand what you're saying. I shouldn't have said Decursive specifically. For me it works well, but I don't use Grid or Healbot. (XPerl + Clique)

The more experience I get (less than some regulars here, I freely admit) - and especially as we get close to hardmodes - it becomes clearer to me why it's a constant theme in "serious" forum UI discussions to make people's interfaces simpler, to shrink the footprint or make more information available in the same space, to reduce the number of places to focus, to maximize the space where you can see what's actually happening in the raid. Never to increase the footprint, or add bells and whistles, or spread vital information around the screen, or present the same thing in two places (or, worse, in two different ways in two places).

Especially with a new player, or a player new to raiding, I wanted to emphasize that there will never be a better time to start this process. Decursive, in its day, filled a vital need (so I hear, I wasn't around at the time). Since then, raid frames have improved, and the allowable functions for addons have been tightened - so it adds value, yes, but it's not unique anymore. A raid frame can provide the same information, in a place you're already looking.

Everyone who's been doing a job for a while has accumulated some things that are quirky, and which work for them. The more streamlined you can force yourself to be when you start, it seems that the fewer of these quirks you'll accumulate.
#11 Sep 30 2009 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
I've been reading on a few sites that holy/ret helps undergeared paladins get by until they raid and in most cases pick up the holy/prot spec

Can anyone tell me which they prefered while gearing up?

I've ran toc a lot and I've found that without bub sac I wouldn't have been able to heal through a few phases with some tanks (dks, lower geared people)at my gear level, so I'm a bit confused.

#12 Sep 30 2009 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
212 posts
Speccing into Ret is where you pick up the Crit talents, if you go for the full 18 points, you'll add another 8% crit. This is good for some increased throughput (but is unreliable) and increased regen through illumination. At the gearing up stage, a lot of palas will pick this up to increase their personal healing ability.

Once geared to the level needed for the content you are running, most good paladins will drop the ret points and spec into Prot to pickup Divine Sacrifice. This is a talent that (when used with a bubble) absorbs 30% of the raid damage for 10 seconds. This is a VERY powerful talent, especially in later raids where there is a lot of raid damage.

Hope this helps you.

EDIT: Just thought I'd add that i geared up prior to the illumination nerf so 8% crit was a big deal back then. I think that Heroic ToC is about the only instance that you might need to use bubble sac. It's the new HoL for us palas. If I were leveling up now, I'd almost definitely go for the Ret tree for the crit.

Edited, Sep 30th 2009 12:19pm by bawbaag
#13 Sep 30 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
Well i'm only 78 (680 spellpower, 12k mana, ftw?) so I was mainly talking about reg toc as of right now

But I'll have to give it a try when I get home and see how it works for my playstyle I guess..I really like the oh !% button of bubble sac but maybe the extra boom from my heals will help negate it. I've kind of already made up my mind I want to be holy/prot which is bad because i've never tested the other =P

#14 Sep 30 2009 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Gem Intellect

Look for gear that has Haste/Mp5 or Haste/Crit. Aim for 500+ haste.

Download Healbot, while we can argue that Grid/Clique is better (cause it is), there can be no argument that for a new healer Healbot has the smaller learning curve.

If someone is greater than 75% health then cast FoL. If someone is less than 75% health cast HL. L2Cleanse.

Later on you can worry about throwing up hands of X and more complex stuff but that is the basics. Work on getting it mastered.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#15 Oct 08 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
149 posts
Pro Tip: In raids Divine Sacrifice with bubble can be used along with Divine Plea so you get 12 seconds to regen mana with Seal of Wisdom as well while the 40% reduced damage means the other healers will cope fine without you.

Just a word of warning, the limitation of Divine Sacrifice is often overlooked. Mainly that it only absorbs 150% of your health. In a raid setting it gets burned very very fast, often times in seconds during spike dmg. Not to mention that you must burn your shield everytime you want to use it. As a beginning 80 Pally the points spent in Ret will probably be more benefitial for the increased crit (read bigger heals and mana regen).

As for in combination with Divine Plea, I use DP then activate wings + divine illumination. The wings recoups ur healing handicap so your less like to be surprised. Also use divine plea proactively, rather than wait till your mana is in trouble.
#16 Oct 08 2009 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
ocyen wrote:
Pro Tip: In raids Divine Sacrifice with bubble can be used along with Divine Plea so you get 12 seconds to regen mana with Seal of Wisdom as well while the 40% reduced damage means the other healers will cope fine without you.

Just a word of warning, the limitation of Divine Sacrifice is often overlooked. Mainly that it only absorbs 150% of your health. In a raid setting it gets burned very very fast, often times in seconds during spike dmg. Not to mention that you must burn your shield everytime you want to use it. As a beginning 80 Pally the points spent in Ret will probably be more benefitial for the increased crit (read bigger heals and mana regen).

Those who have done the legwork say that, the vast majority of the time, DS/DG runs its full duration if the sacrificing paladin is not taking the damage (i.e. is bubbled). Sometimes, regardless of shield, the damage reduction breaks early, so the ability can't truly be counted on, but it generally does work as advertised. I haven't mined our combat logs, but my perception is that the damage dampening runs full duration when I use it.

NOTE, however. This is the case as of 3.2.2. Recent blue comments and/or patch notes imply that DS/DG are being reworked for 3.3 - and as a consequence the synergy with bubble will be broken. You will still have to use at least Divine Protection to survive, but the intent is that DS/DG will break after the threshold amount of damage has been directed to the sacrificing paladin, regardless of whether or not that damage causes her health bar to drop.
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