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Holy sh*t!Follow

#1 Aug 16 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Forgive the bad joke title, I couldn't resist.

Anyway, I have a priest who is now lvl 58.
I started her to level with a friend, who was leveling a shaman to catch up to the hunter I rerolled to on Kazzak.

So, what I did was the logical thing (I thought) I specced shadow.
Shadow = dps = leveling quick, holy/disc = healing = painful and slow leveling.
Anyway, at lvl 34 I was getting back to my hunter and my friend leveled his shaman up trying to catch up to my then lvl 62 hunter.
The priest was left to rot euh, rest for a while.

When I got back and tried solo leveling I ran OoM so quickly and it all felt so slow, and while talking to a friend who leveled a priest and asking how he did it he suggested going holy.

Now my first reaction was very skeptical, I mean how can that ever work.. healers kill slow!
But I decided to go for it anyway and went with this spec at level 34.

The idea behind the build is obvious I guess, very mana efficient and holy fire > Smite while the DoT is up > wand until Holy fire is ready and repeat.
And personally, I was amazed.
It's so much more mana efficient than shadow at that level and killing was quicker too.

I entered BG's at level 47, because the pieces could replace some very weak pieces I was wearing and it was the most fun I ever had in battlegrounds.
There's really nothing quite like topping the healing meter, topping Honorable kills, being high on damage done and in the top 3 killing blows.
Of course I did play really aggressive and taking a killing low by finishing someone off with Holy Fire before healing up the guy who's at 50% hp. Smiley: tongue

I really really enjoy playing my priest in BG's as such an aggressive healer, it really makes me feel like I can do it all, and all at the same time too!

Anyway, thursday I was lvl 47 and I'm at 58 now (dinged this morning, been away the rest of the day) so that shows how much fun I have while leveling.
I'm specced 18/28/3 now, which looks really silly (to me at least) but it works amazingly well.
And I'm going to keep going in disc until I'm nearing 80, at which point I'll switch to a more conventional xx/1x/0 PvP healing build :P

Ok, so now I've been rambling and I realise there's very little point in this post except me talking about having fun.. or something.
So to not make it a complete and utter waste of time a quick question to follow: anyone got any really good disc PvP video's or guides or something that'll help me become a good PvP healer? Smiley: smile

Edited, Aug 16th 2009 8:20pm by Aethien
#2 Aug 16 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Thanks a lot for this post, you've just confirmed something I've always thought possible but never bothered to test - that it's more effective to go Spirit Tap > Meditation > Shadow stuff with a possible full respec at 60 than immediatly going Shadow from the get go.

Edit: As for disc priest PvP videos, I can't say I know any. There just don't seem to be a lot of awesome priests around. Probably mostly because we don't have any awesome mobility skills and being an awesome priest involves spamming PW:S and Penance.

Edited, Aug 16th 2009 9:06pm by Mozared
#3 Aug 16 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
Rapture is sex. Solves all mana issues and greatly reduces the need for Spirit Tap. Once I got Rapture I dropped Tap and barely noticed a difference.

I rock this build. Got about most of level 67 in a day's worth of BGs. Likely going to BG to level to 68 then instance grind while doing BGs till I hit 80 then go quest. Well I will probably start questing mid 70s but more to get the Hodir grind going than anything else.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Aug 16 2009 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
I have a lot of fun as disc in Wintergrasp. I'd say key is to keep moving. As disc, you can throw multiple shields, renew, PoM, stop long enough for a penance when it is up. Devine Hymn is unbelievable if it is up. I guarantee it will be fun for you and frustrating to the opposite faction.

Here are the most popular disc builds.
#5 Aug 16 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I've already checked around on the builds, I'll probably go very defensive in my build to compensate the lack of resillience I'll have.

And I'll be doing arena's as quick as possible (just need me a rogue) to get gear and experience.
I should be able to get a good amount of PvP gear quickly, and people love healers in BG's :)
#6 Aug 17 2009 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
When I BG with my priest I have next to no resilience.

Having sexy shields and PS helps a lot. I have been amazed by what I can live through with shields, PS and maybe Scream to get em off.

Blade Storm sucks. Run from it as it does hurt. A lot.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Aug 17 2009 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
I started playing in Wintergrasp some. I'm not much of a pvp person. Focusing on pvp a bit, I've gotten to 881 resilience in a couple of weeks. After I've gotten everything I want from emblems in PVE, I'll focus some more on my pvp gear. The most fun is escaping from the apposing faction, and continuing to shield / heal the raid on the run.
#8 Aug 17 2009 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
I suspect that at level 34, Shadow isn’t faster at levelling than a smite build with spirit tap, but at 40 and beyond, shadow’s DPS and mana efficiency should leap ahead. Shadowform is just that good.

It’s possible to be a good BG PVP healing priest without a ton of resilience. But once you get a ton of it--I'm at 1,100 myself--you’ll be amazed by what you can do. I’ve been having new kinds of fun in AV recently, which thanks to the XP-for-PVP addition is filled with lower level, woefully geared players on both sides. It’s interesting to discover just how much of an impact a few well-prepared players can make if they apply their power in the right places.

#9 Aug 17 2009 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
I love Blizzard's response to someone complaining about dieing even after they had resilience.

If you don't notice the difference between say 300 resilience and 1000 resilience (especially after 3.2) then I think the kind of buffs you're looking for are a little beyond the scope of WoW.
Lead Systems Designer
#10 Aug 18 2009 at 1:20 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Hey, I have resillience!
26 of it! >.>
#11 Aug 18 2009 at 1:35 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Nice, Aethien. I saw your build when you posted it on a different thread, it reminded me of what I levelled with from mid 60's to 80. It covers damage and healing pretty efficiently.

As far as BG's and pvp gear, I have a rudimentary pvp set (mix of hateful and deadly with 800 resil) that I use most of the time. But when we are digging in on defensive, I will switch to my raid gear if I have time to mana up. The difference is quite noticeable.

SoL procs are used for healing in raids; In pvp, well, Nova + SoL Smites make for some interesting melee. Jump into the pile of peeps and Nova heal and smite off the procs. They have to tab to find you then!

Yeah, I tend to do goofy things in pvp but I do get serious while raiding. BG's remind me of recess in grade school.
#12 Aug 18 2009 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Yeah, holy nova in a big pack is a guaranteed instant smite/flash heal.
And if the nova hits 15-20 people like in the big fights in AV it's not even a waste of mana!
#13 Aug 18 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
As disc I used Holy Nova when there are at least 5 people around. Doesn't matter if the mix is all foe or friendly.

Proper use of Holy Nova also involves jumping. Spinning in the air is optional.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Aug 19 2009 at 5:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Muhahahahahahaha. Welcome to the Dark Side, Aethien. No. Wait. I mean the Light Side. Yeah.

So. As others have mentioned, Shadow will be more efficient than Holy or Disc after level 40ish. It's also a darned lot of fun. I'd suggest a respec somewhere along the line toward the higher levels, just to check it out; it never hurts to learn all your class's trees.

That said, Disc and Holy are not nearly as inefficient for leveling as they once were, and at this point, the difference is small enough that you should just level in whatever spec you think is most fun.

Also it depends on how you're leveling. I've been leveling a new priest (I need lots!) Shadow, but now I'll be leveling the rest of the way with my husband's warrior and I'll respec Disc with Smite for that. Spirit Tap is very efficient for leveling solo but it's tough when playing with others, since you won't get the killing blow often enough.

You can, of course, still heal in BG's no matter what your spec. And yes, BG healing is a ton of fun! You can see now why I love PVP even though I hate arena. :)

#15 Aug 20 2009 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
What kind of gear are you stacking as you level? I have 28 Blood Elf (Catharla on Scilla, armory no worky for me right now) I am leveling and I am stacking mostly intellegence and such (getting dugeon runs from freinds to keep me in blues) rather than spirit. I am shadow at this moment, and I was running into to the OOM problem but thought maybe I was over casting with my Holy Fire --> Mind Blast --> Devouring Plauge --> SW:P rotation. I have dropped Holy Fire from the rotation and have noticed a big jump in how much longer my mana lasts, but I am still chain pulling faster than Spirit Tap can keep up. Just wondering what I am doing wrong (gear, spec, rotation). She is a beast though and I am taking red level mobs no problem.
#16 Aug 20 2009 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
AtrophyGFour wrote:
What kind of gear are you stacking as you level? I have 28 Blood Elf (Catharla on Scilla, armory no worky for me right now) I am leveling and I am stacking mostly intellegence and such (getting dugeon runs from freinds to keep me in blues) rather than spirit. I am shadow at this moment, and I was running into to the OOM problem but thought maybe I was over casting with my Holy Fire --> Mind Blast --> Devouring Plauge --> SW:P rotation.

Prioritize Spirit highly at the low (pre-58) levels, right up there with Int and Sta.

If you're level 28 why don't you have Mind Flay yet? You want to hit them with Mind Blast or Holy Fire, then cast a DOT while backing up, then Mind Flay until they reach you (once you get Shadow Reach filled in you'll have room for 2 whole Mind Flays at max range). I believe the choice between Mind Blast/Holy Fire and Shadow Word:Pain/Devouring Plague changes as you level with ranks and such.

At this point they're probably low enough to wand to death. You want to wand for the last bit of the fight (say roundabout 20%) so you're out of the five second rule for the duration of Spirit Tap. It's very important for priest leveling to keep a good wand.

Once you get VE and Shadow Form, you won't have any downtime any more, unless you pull way too many mobs.
#17 Aug 20 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
I just started leveling as shadow recently, as stated in another thread. I have to say, I can take on 3-4 mobs at a time with little to no problem. With my wife's warrior at my side, we're unstoppable! The only spec I haven't tried, but will try eventually, is holy. Discipline and Shadow both rock. This is my new favorite character, even though I'll have a new, new favorite in a week..
#18 Aug 20 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
At this point they're probably low enough to wand to death. You want to wand for the last bit of the fight (say roundabout 20%) so you're out of the five second rule for the duration of Spirit Tap. It's very important for priest leveling to keep a good wand.
That's the other thing I love about going 13/0/3, no need for the 5sr spirit tap stuff.
with spirit tap you always get 100% mana regen if you have those 13 points in disc.
#19 Aug 20 2009 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
That's the other thing I love about going 13/0/3, no need for the 5sr spirit tap stuff.
with spirit tap you always get 100% mana regen if you have those 13 points in disc.

There's definitely something to be said for this route. If I'm going Shadow my preference is to sprint up to Shadowform as fast as possible (after level 30 mana regen ceases to be an issue anyway, I find), but that's a matter of personal preference.
#20 Aug 21 2009 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
704 posts
teacake wrote:
AtrophyGFour wrote:
What kind of gear are you stacking as you level? I have 28 Blood Elf (Catharla on Scilla, armory no worky for me right now) I am leveling and I am stacking mostly intellegence and such (getting dugeon runs from freinds to keep me in blues) rather than spirit. I am shadow at this moment, and I was running into to the OOM problem but thought maybe I was over casting with my Holy Fire --> Mind Blast --> Devouring Plauge --> SW:P rotation.

Prioritize Spirit highly at the low (pre-58) levels, right up there with Int and Sta.

If you're level 28 why don't you have Mind Flay yet? You want to hit them with Mind Blast or Holy Fire, then cast a DOT while backing up, then Mind Flay until they reach you (once you get Shadow Reach filled in you'll have room for 2 whole Mind Flays at max range). I believe the choice between Mind Blast/Holy Fire and Shadow Word:Pain/Devouring Plague changes as you level with ranks and such.

At this point they're probably low enough to wand to death. You want to wand for the last bit of the fight (say roundabout 20%) so you're out of the five second rule for the duration of Spirit Tap. It's very important for priest leveling to keep a good wand.

Once you get VE and Shadow Form, you won't have any downtime any more, unless you pull way too many mobs.

Yea, I do have the enchanting wand that is correct to my level. I have not made an extreme effort to go find the absolute best in slot at all times, but if there is one in an instance or crafted I will try for it, and I do wand them after SWP, they are normally on me by then, but at around 40-30%. I don't do a lot of backing up and moving as I am dotting, but I guess I could ad some flavor instead of just standing there.
#21 Aug 21 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
As disc I used Holy Nova when there are at least 5 people around. Doesn't matter if the mix is all foe or friendly.
Proper use of Holy Nova also involves jumping. Spinning in the air is optional.

I love using my pvp holy spec in the old BGs! My pve gear is much better than any pvp gear so I just ignore resil. My strat is to PoM then run in circles (while jumping) spamming holy nova. The heals on my group outway the dots and the constant dmg eating away at the other group is enough to allow my team to finish them off. Once I have successfully pissed off the bad guys and they start to ignore everyone else in the BG but me, PWS, Angel, renew, Nova spam, win!

Not to mention bubble sprint is amazing in WSG the flag carriers love me >:)
#22 Aug 21 2009 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
AtrophyGFour wrote:
I don't do a lot of backing up and moving as I am dotting, but I guess I could ad some flavor instead of just standing there.

I believe you need to practice movement in battle, it's expected of priests these days.

Horsemouth wrote:
Proper use of Holy Nova also involves jumping. Spinning in the air is optional.

Smiley: nod
#23 Aug 21 2009 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Trylofer wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
Proper use of Holy Nova also involves jumping. Spinning in the air is optional.

Smiley: nod
If you can't do a 360 while in the air and spamming holy nova you're doinitwrong!
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