Anyway, I think troll druids, while cool (did you see some of the fanart on Cat form?), make one hell of a conflict. Remember that you can't just take a race and make them druids. They need to be accepted into druidism by the gods and so on. Earthmother and Elune (some theories speculate that they are the same being) would have to approve of them.
I was just wondering from someone who is a bigger lore geek than I am (not calling names, just anyone :) ), would it be possible as mentioned elsewhere that the Troll Loas would be able to grant the powers of Druidism and not just The Earthmother/Elune? I mean, they have plenty of them ;) And they're all (as far as I know of at least) a god of some animal from the jungle gods of Zul'Gurub to the ice gods of Northrend.
Also to the comment regarding the Argent Dawn:
About the tauren paladin i think its awesome in my own opinion then again paladins ae nothing special just people who believe in the power of the light right? So I think everyone should be able to be a paladin plus I think ive seen other races in the Argent Factions all over the game no?
This is taken from WoWwiki:
The Argent Dawn admits members of any race and profession, so long as they are dedicated to the opposition of evil in the world.
You do not need to be a Paladin to be admitted to the Argent Dawn, and we know the Argent Crusade is a union of the Argent Dawn and The Order of the Silver Hand, so again, Paladin is not a prerequisite. As far as anyone being able to believe in the Light, you have a point there, just some races may never do that (and Undead paladins? Would be an abomination of everything a Paladin is imho).