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Troll Druid > Nelf Tauren DruidFollow

#1 Aug 15 2009 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
It's true.

Troll Balance Druid.

Beserking at 40% life + Haste Pot + Engineering Haste Enchant + Hero/Bloodlust = The first time a player may clip starfire w/o having a boss mechanic speed up your casts.

I know I'll be rerolling.
#2 Aug 15 2009 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
546 posts
Troll Druid? I must of missed the memo... So please forgive my ignorance... Are they opening up the druid class to additional races??
#3 Aug 15 2009 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
3,272 posts
Its part of the "datamined" and I use the term datamined loosely here, speculation that in the next expansion blizzard will allow trolls to roll druids.
#4 Aug 15 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
Strong chance I'll go Worgen druid as well.

NEs could have descended from trolls so I guess the troll druid make sense.

Worgen as druid make sense for other reasons.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Aug 15 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
No. Just... no.

If they allow other races to roll Druids, I'm so quitting this crap.

Edit: I thought trolls descended from the night elves and, like nagas and satyrs, were just "mutated" elves.

Edited, Aug 15th 2009 10:36pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#6 Aug 15 2009 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
1,764 posts
Didn't they change berserking to so that it's a static amount of haste and not based on health? I think allowing Tauren Shamans or NElf Mages is worse than allowing trolls to be druids. Maybe that's just me...
#7 Aug 15 2009 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
3,272 posts
Well, I can see the Nelf Mage being plausible.

The highborne had an affinity for magic beyond that of nature and the moon. So with that new highborne showing up in Darnassus I can Blizzard tying the highborne back into the nelf community therefor allowing mages to exist.
#8 Aug 15 2009 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I don't care about the racial, I'll be doing it because of the pure sexy awesome a Troll Druid would be.

Bear form with tusks? Hell yeah.

I think allowing Tauren Shamans or NElf Mages is worse than allowing trolls to be druids. Maybe that's just me...

You mean Tauren Paladins, right? Shaman is kind of a staple class for Tauren already. Smiley: tongue



Edit: I thought trolls descended from the night elves and, like nagas and satyrs, were just "mutated" elves.

Mazra, if you can find the right in-game book (I think it's in Booty Bay, possibly elsewhere as well), it suggests that Night Elves evolved from ancient Trolls who lived near the Well of Eternity and were altered by its power. I don't remember whether any trolls showed up in the War of the Ancients books, but they're definitely a very old race. Satyr and Naga, on the other hand, we actually get to see created during the books (well, Naga is implied but obvious), and High Elf origins are pretty well-known as well.

Edited, Aug 15th 2009 3:34pm by isyris
#9 Aug 15 2009 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Twin Empires is the book, and yes it's in Booty Bay.
#10 Aug 16 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Yeah, I meant Tauren Paladins. Was thinking about the dwarf Shamans too, but that's not as much of a stretch.
#11 Aug 16 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
If they allow other races to roll Druids, I'm so quitting this crap.

I always thought no, not because I dislike the races or lore reasons but because each race would then need unique artwork for each form. When they struggle to get our forms re-done and heck the new ones are still borked (Left leg in NE cat is broken, Left leg in both bears forms is off, etc...). I have a hard time seeing them devote the time and energy to it for just one class. :<

Edited, Aug 16th 2009 12:32pm by GryphonStalker
#12 Aug 16 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Lady isyris wrote:
Mazra, if you can find the right in-game book (I think it's in Booty Bay, possibly elsewhere as well), it suggests that Night Elves evolved from ancient Trolls who lived near the Well of Eternity and were altered by its power. I don't remember whether any trolls showed up in the War of the Ancients books, but they're definitely a very old race. Satyr and Naga, on the other hand, we actually get to see created during the books (well, Naga is implied but obvious), and High Elf origins are pretty well-known as well.

I've been reading too much WoWwiki and after that three-hour sitting where I read about night elven lore, I must've mixed up some of the stuff. Makes sense that some of the trolls would be "cleansed" by the well and turn into night elves, though I thought it was the other way around, with some elves being corrupted by the burried god thingies. Maybe it's a mix, with a caste of pre-trolls being excluded from the pre-night elves, so they evolved differently from each other.

Anyway, I think troll druids, while cool (did you see some of the fanart on Cat form?), make one hell of a conflict. Remember that you can't just take a race and make them druids. They need to be accepted into druidism by the gods and so on. Earthmother and Elune (some theories speculate that they are the same being) would have to approve of them. Somehow I don't see Elune giving trolls the go order to learn druidism. Maybe I'm biased or stuck in old school lore, but in my opinion it would be just as much an abomination as draenei learning shamanism.

I'd actually prefer if they had made dwarves shaman instead of the draenei. I would've preferred if draenei never entered the game, but you can't have the cake and eat it too.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#13 Aug 16 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Druids /are/ in kind of a unique position lorewise, with the whole unified class organization across both factions... there are npc druids that aren't affiliated with the circle at all, though (specifically I'm thinking of the lost ones in Zangarmarsh who turn into owls), so it might not be too far of a stretch, especially with the return of the gods from ZA. Including a bear, a lynx, and an eagle....hmm. Smiley: grin I think it could work out very well, actually.

Other classes do pretty well combining different backgrounds anyway (human, dwarf, blood elf, and draenei light priests, undead shadowpriests, troll witch doctor kinda thing, night elf moon priestesses) so it should be possible for Druids as well.
#14 Aug 16 2009 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
I dont freakin care if we get a new Stag FORM! Like Malorne, YES PlEASE!!!
They could either add it to a existin tree like they did to the bear and cat or simply a fourth talent tree for every class eh? Not bad~... I wanna be a cute stag like malorne so baaaad ;-;

Also im kinda curious how trolls forms will look, but im a rabid fan of the druid lore so yeah.. dont mess with it so much please blizz?

About the tauren paladin i think its awesome in my own opinion then again paladins ae nothing special just people who believe in the power of the light right? So I think everyone should be able to be a paladin plus I think ive seen other races in the Argent Factions all over the game no?
#15 Aug 17 2009 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Anyway, I think troll druids, while cool (did you see some of the fanart on Cat form?), make one hell of a conflict. Remember that you can't just take a race and make them druids. They need to be accepted into druidism by the gods and so on. Earthmother and Elune (some theories speculate that they are the same being) would have to approve of them.

I was just wondering from someone who is a bigger lore geek than I am (not calling names, just anyone :) ), would it be possible as mentioned elsewhere that the Troll Loas would be able to grant the powers of Druidism and not just The Earthmother/Elune? I mean, they have plenty of them ;) And they're all (as far as I know of at least) a god of some animal from the jungle gods of Zul'Gurub to the ice gods of Northrend.

Also to the comment regarding the Argent Dawn:

About the tauren paladin i think its awesome in my own opinion then again paladins ae nothing special just people who believe in the power of the light right? So I think everyone should be able to be a paladin plus I think ive seen other races in the Argent Factions all over the game no?

This is taken from WoWwiki:

The Argent Dawn admits members of any race and profession, so long as they are dedicated to the opposition of evil in the world.

You do not need to be a Paladin to be admitted to the Argent Dawn, and we know the Argent Crusade is a union of the Argent Dawn and The Order of the Silver Hand, so again, Paladin is not a prerequisite. As far as anyone being able to believe in the Light, you have a point there, just some races may never do that (and Undead paladins? Would be an abomination of everything a Paladin is imho).
#16 Aug 17 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
You do not need to be a Paladin to be admitted to the Argent Dawn, and we know the Argent Crusade is a union of the Argent Dawn and The Order of the Silver Hand, so again, Paladin is not a prerequisite. As far as anyone being able to believe in the Light, you have a point there, just some races may never do that (and Undead paladins? Would be an abomination of everything a Paladin is imho).

Not necesarilly if we use the excuse of the undead guy being a paladin before he died and still believed there was hope for him and the other forsaken and that classic corny stuff.
I mean, like that DK (not sure if he was a DK or just a dead paladin) guy who still calls the power of light even though he is dead and evil, he is one of the four horsemen I forgot his name.

It wouldnt be THAT weird, I mean forsaken were once human and I dont think every single forsaken is emo or evil, it would be too bland of a race if it was.
But I get the Massive irony that would come from it, just like the Redundant Undead DEATH(D) Knight (Dead Warrior...haha) ... like... duh?

And I still say I want stag form ;-;.. there are so many druids with different animal forms.. I want em all! Theres even a Snake/Serpent form from the guys in wailing caverns.

Edited, Aug 17th 2009 4:22pm by Manikku
#17 Aug 17 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I see Druidism as a way of life and I can only agree with Mazra here, I can't see another race suddenly "allowed" to become Druids. We're talking about the teachings of Malfurion, going into the Emerald Dreams and restoring Azeroth here. You don't exactly wake up one day choosing that from now on you're gonna uphold and and do that. :/

And sure, they got their primal gods, but that's the thing. It's their own pantheon and it has nothing to do with being a Druid. The Troll prophets are mostly Priests who have taken on the powers of their gods, like a warlock would become host to a demon. They basically sap the power of their gods and never really struck me as "attuned to nature".

Same for Worgens. Just because they shapeshift doesn't make them Druids, there's so much more to being a Druid.

Bit of a nerd rant here, but I just don't think either race fits the profile. I'll be really pissed if this becomes true and confirmed by blues and I could see myself quitting for something like that.
#18 Aug 17 2009 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Manikku wrote:
I mean, like that DK (not sure if he was a DK or just a dead paladin) guy who still calls the power of light even though he is dead and evil, he is one of the four horsemen I forgot his name.

Siz Zeliek, he's a Death Knight now, but a former Paladin. His lore states that because he was so valiant in life he still commands the Light in undeath. I'm more convinced he's a special case and not something you could back an entire race gaining Paladin's powers for.

Anyway more on topic, I was reading about Druids on WoWwiki and came across this:

Cenarius is the patron entity of all druids. However, each group of druids has its own special patrons and some even have the ability to transform into a being that looks like their patron.

Leads me a little more in the direction of it being hard to introduce new races to the Druid class. Tauren and Night Elves both have a very, very long tradition of Druidism. Why would Cenarius (while dead, his spirit still resides in the Dream) suddenly admit a new race(s) to Druidism?
#19 Aug 17 2009 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
3,114 posts
Maulgak wrote:

Leads me a little more in the direction of it being hard to introduce new races to the Druid class. Tauren and Night Elves both have a very, very long tradition of Druidism. Why would Cenarius (while dead, his spirit still resides in the Dream) suddenly admit a new race(s) to Druidism?

Playing Devil's advocate, perhaps he needed reinforcements in the emerald Dream fighting the nightmare? Or some lame story about finding the Troll gods there and enlisting their help.
#20 Aug 18 2009 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Quite possible. I'm very interested, if this indeed turns out to be true, how all the changes will play out in the lore. But then, I'm not one of those people who QQ that changes "break old lore", rather I see it as "adding new lore". WoW evolves and changes like a real place would, and seeing it play out is part of the fun for me :)

If Trolls do become Druids though I must agree, they should definitely have tusks and a mohawk like the fan-art mentioned above. That was awesome.
#21 Aug 18 2009 at 12:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I really want to see this fan art you guys are talking about now. Smiley: nod

#22 Aug 18 2009 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I'm looking at the MMO-Champion forum now, I'll see if I can't track it down :)

More food for thought though, found this on a topic there:

When flying from Moonglade to Darnassus, the flight path passes over a troll settlement, where the NPCs are named for the "Shatterspear" clan. Given the location of this town near Moonglade, could this place be connected with the Troll Druids allegedly to be playable in the next expansion?

Not saying I agree, but I'm not not saying it either, hehe. Possibility? Someone being a little bit retarded? Likes cake more den pie? :)

EDIT: ok, didn't take long at all, lol. just Googled it and here's the pic.

Edited, Aug 18th 2009 1:29am by Maulgak
#23 Aug 18 2009 at 12:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Maulgak wrote:
I'm looking at the MMO-Champion forum now, I'll see if I can't track it down :)

More food for thought though, found this on a topic there:

When flying from Moonglade to Darnassus, the flight path passes over a troll settlement, where the NPCs are named for the "Shatterspear" clan. Given the location of this town near Moonglade, could this place be connected with the Troll Druids allegedly to be playable in the next expansion?

Not saying I agree, but I'm not not saying it either, hehe. Possibility? Someone being a little bit retarded? Likes cake more den pie? :)

EDIT: ok, didn't take long at all, lol. just Googled it and here's the pic.

Edited, Aug 18th 2009 1:29am by Maulgak

Smiley: inlove

Thanks for the link!
#24 Aug 18 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Lady isyris wrote:
Smiley: inlove

Thanks for the link!

No problem ;) It was worth looking up if only for that smiley. Made me laugh.
#25 Aug 18 2009 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
When flying from Moonglade to Darnassus, the flight path passes over a troll settlement, where the NPCs are named for the "Shatterspear" clan. Given the location of this town near Moonglade, could this place be connected with the Troll Druids allegedly to be playable in the next expansion.
Not saying I agree, but I'm not not saying it either, hehe. Possibility? Someone being a little bit retarded? Likes cake more den pie? :

That guy should've read the Shatterspear article. Other than being known as the dancing trolls, they are apparently a branch of Gurubashi Trolls who left after Hakkar died. They settled where they are now and are said to be mortal enemies with the Night Elves, making them unlikely candidates for Druidism.

And as you mentioned earlier, with Cenarius dead it's unlikely that Druid knowledge can be passed on like it was to the Night Elves and Tauren. Although I'm afraid they'll say Hamuul took care of that if they're looking for an excuse.
#26 Aug 18 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
Selverein wrote:
When flying from Moonglade to Darnassus, the flight path passes over a troll settlement, where the NPCs are named for the "Shatterspear" clan. Given the location of this town near Moonglade, could this place be connected with the Troll Druids allegedly to be playable in the next expansion.
Not saying I agree, but I'm not not saying it either, hehe. Possibility? Someone being a little bit retarded? Likes cake more den pie? :

That guy should've read the Shatterspear article. Other than being known as the dancing trolls, they are apparently a branch of Gurubashi Trolls who left after Hakkar died. They settled where they are now and are said to be mortal enemies with the Night Elves, making them unlikely candidates for Druidism.

And as you mentioned earlier, with Cenarius dead it's unlikely that Druid knowledge can be passed on like it was to the Night Elves and Tauren. Although I'm afraid they'll say Hamuul took care of that if they're looking for an excuse.

wowwiki wrote:
The trolls' purpose in living here is unknown at this point in time. Certainly it is a strange location for any troll to choose to live: surrounded by mountains and, beyond that, the trolls' ancient enemies: night elves.

Doesn't state in the wiki article that they are warring with the elves.

Also with regards to all of the rampant speculation regarding the Cataclysm and Blizz changing lore.

I think that the Cataclysm, if it is the new expansion, will come with some world changing events in the weeks before it. Like the Scourge invasion but 9000 times more unavoidable. It will allow them a chance to create new lore, of course they could still be tarded and a do it poorly and not stemming from existing lore. But the point being that given such a massive world changing event will likely happen some of the things that seem weird could end up making sense.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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