an of Knives: The damage done by this ability has been reduced by 30%.
Throwing Specialization: This talent no longer causes Fan of Knives to interrupt spellcasting.
Throwing Specialization: This talent no longer causes Fan of Knives to interrupt spellcasting.
Such a shame, I have FOK as my offspec and it was quickly becoming my mainspec for heroics and pretty much anything but raid bosses
Its pulling 3-4k single target dps when cooldowns are up and 2.5 when they arent.
The biggest disapointment is losing the spell intterupt, I was able to get the less-rabi achievement simply with fok + AR + combat potency, was just in a pug group, no one was trying for the achievement but we got it because fok was able to stop every transformation. It also makes a lot of fights much easier for tank and healer when your interrupting several offensive spells, fears etc on many boss fights.
the dps nerf isnt the main thing as poisons do make up for it especially the way they scale with AP now, but I will be sorry to see the interrupts go