AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
Enhancement doesn't have it that much better. We're classed as physical dps and share a lot of itemization with hunters, but we still have to deal with the spell hit cap. I'm actually using a caster trinket on my shaman right now because it gives 55 hit rating, and it's kind of surprising how much of a difference it makes. I logged out tonight with 203 hit rating and I need 420 to reach the spell hit cap. Counting only hit rating on raid set gear, I'm looking at 112-116 hit rating up to 10-man T8 and since 25-man raids are pretty much toast on my realm for Alliance guilds, 10-man gear is where I need to focus my attention. That leaves rings, trinkets, necklaces, feet, belt, and wrists + gems and enchants to come up with over 300 hit rating to hit the spell hit cap. Something tells me the only gems in my gear that aren't yellow will be the prismatic/green ones I use to activate my meta gem >.<
I've always found shaman in general to suffer a bit in the itemization area. Shaman and druids, actually...the ******* children of the itemization scene. That's not to say it's impossible to gear them well, just that we have it a bit harder than some other classes.
I think I know which trinket you mean--I think I'm still using it too. >.<
This one, right?
Once I got past a certain point with my gear though, basically to where I could do Heroics, I found that getting hit capped was actually not too difficult--and now I probably have more expertise than I need, too, so I should probably start swapping out for Agi or AP gems. Titanium weapon chains on both weapons, hit rating trinket from H Nexus, belt from H UP... bracers, helm, and chest are from Naxx, but other than that I have pretty crappy gear and it feels like hit cap was pretty attainable.
Of course now I need to start breaking 2k DPS on the dummies.