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3.2 HealingFollow

#1 Aug 04 2009 at 8:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
* Beacon the tank, fol spam with some hs's any damage spikes on raid. At giant spikes feel free to drop a HL in the middle of a caster or melee group that is tight enough. If you are using Grid you may just want to set it up so it shows Beacon on targets! So you keep uptime 100%. 30-40% of my healing is Beacon.

* Sacred Shield + FoL Hot feels cumbersome, I played around with it. Will have to see how it pans out, but my hunch makes me want to say keep SS up but don't really worry about the HOT except on a couple situational fights. I might change that opinion though, there were a couple times where tanks were spiking where a ss + fol was noticeable. But when I check wws tomorrow I am going to bet its negligible to a fraction of a %.

* Mana, I can't HL spam anymore. I can use HL though. I noticed the nerf but it was definitely mangeable.

* JoL I didnt bother too much, ret pally was on it, prot pally on jow.

* 51/20/0 with Tuskarrs. You don't need the 8% crit anymore, and like the people doing Hardmodes already knew, Bubble + Sac = Sex. It basically allows you to trivialize spike damage or heavy hitting transitions.

* really shined when they were tanking 2 jormungars in Coliseum. XT was nice though the encounter was bugged tonight. Ignis I beat the druid and priest on healing meters.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#2 Aug 04 2009 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,896 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Ignis I beat the druid and priest on healing meters.

Healing meters are for noobs. Comparing healing when healers have been assigned to different targets is pointless. Comparing overhealing when some people's overhealing from certain spells doesn't actually show as overhealing (I'm looking at you, druids) is fail too.

#3 Aug 04 2009 at 11:54 PM Rating: Excellent
212 posts
Actually, it is quite difficult for a pala to beat a well played holy priest or druid when there is raid wide AoE dmg to contend with.

Before all the posts come in saying "I beat them all the time lol!" I said well-played. If you beat your priests and druids, big gz, you're probably a better player.

If the 3.2 changes have meant that pala raid healing has improved to the extent that the druids/priests can be beaten on meters then I'd say that is relevant information. Even though Bodhi is partial to the odd (dozens) self gloryfing post, he's in a great position to tell us how changes affect the "end game". I doubt the regen-nerfs will even register on easy mode bosses but only a handful on this board know can comment on hard modes. Myself, I've only done hard modes on 10 man.

We've long been the automatic choice as tank healers and also been derided as raid healers. I'm still not clear on what our role will be when patch hits (EU, patch hits today).

Edited, Aug 5th 2009 4:02am by bawbaag
#4 Aug 05 2009 at 12:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
* JoL I didnt bother too much, ret pally was on it, prot pally on jow.

What do you judge then? Alternatively, have you not taken JotP and gone elsewhere in the Holy tree?
#5 Aug 05 2009 at 4:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I judge to keep JotP up, but I didn't get a chance to judge to keep 100% uptime on JoW or JoL. JoL wasn't padding my meters. You need JotP since haste is perhaps the strongest pally stat now (to a point, there will be a cap)

Northern Beasts I was doing a steady 4.7k hps. To contrast that we were testing out a new holy paladin last night who insisted on healing like it was 3.1 and I did 3.4k more hps than he did and doubled his effective healing on tanks. XT was bugged so we didn't go to far in Ulduar, also heard Freya animations for the lightbeams weren't working so we figured on coming in once they hot fixed stuff, give raiders a chance to update addons, get regemmed etc.

While healing meters = sh'it, I can personally say that after having shelved my paladin for a bit I had a blast last night. Sorry but spamming HL on a tank who is taking massive rng spikes on hardmodes is not fun. Being bottom of the meters and spamming 1 button on 1 target for most hardmode fights was lame. While it has changed more to keep buffs up Beacon/SS and spam FoL there is still a need for HL and HS. Was a little more fun and it was nice to be able to fill a raid healing niche on a paladin.

Edited, Aug 5th 2009 8:15am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#6 Aug 05 2009 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
I heard something about Boss damage being scaled down a little to allow for the absense of a HL bombing pala. Anyone seen evidence of this so far?

Bodhi, I also wanted to ask what role you see yourself in the raid now? My thoughts were that disc priests + 1 other (possibly a LHW shammy) would be on tank heals, Holy Priests and Droods still on the raid, palas on raid too aiding with Beacon on tank?

#7 Aug 05 2009 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
I think the changes to Beacon make us kings of 5-man healing now. While that's not very relavent if your raid is doing (or fast approaching) hardmodes, thanks to the Emblem changes heroics in general and the new 5-man Heroic in particular are relavent to a lot of the rest of the population (I'm right at the edge of that).

My personal experience last night was a scaled-down version of Bodhi's. Insane throughput if the raid damage worked out "right" for it, seeing some value in the FLoT but using it as a major tool will be situational, mana regen a concern but not a problem yet, sticking with 51/17/0+3 until someone convinces me otherwise.

Unfortunately, we didn't face any content hard enough for me to use Divine Guardian, so I can't confirm or deny whether it cuts out at the damage cap if bubble is up.
#8 Aug 05 2009 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
hello i am a lv79 pally 10% from lv80, but this change scares me a bit.

the BoL change is nice, now i can heal other targets all the time, but keeping BoL and SS on ALL THE TIME is very mana consuming (SS trains like 12% each 30 sec right? BoL is in the 800 mana per 1min).

and the major mana regain we have, is cut from 60% to 30%... only a half is left.

i am currently 51/1/18... i went for the ret tree for its extra 8% crit.

but since with only get HALF of the mana returns of what we used to get in patch 3.1, is the 18 talent point spent in the ret tree still worth it?

if you spend 18 points in protection tree, you well get an 11% increase of total heals done, since now FoL will be more heavily used, should i re-spec and go for 51/18/2?

#9 Aug 06 2009 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
TyroPally wrote:
hello i am a lv79 pally 10% from lv80, but this change scares me a bit.

the BoL change is nice, now i can heal other targets all the time, but keeping BoL and SS on ALL THE TIME is very mana consuming (SS trains like 12% each 30 sec right? BoL is in the 800 mana per 1min).

and the major mana regain we have, is cut from 60% to 30%... only a half is left.

i am currently 51/1/18... i went for the ret tree for its extra 8% crit.

but since with only get HALF of the mana returns of what we used to get in patch 3.1, is the 18 talent point spent in the ret tree still worth it?

if you spend 18 points in protection tree, you well get an 11% increase of total heals done, since now FoL will be more heavily used, should i re-spec and go for 51/18/2?


Eh? You're ret, but you want to heal?
#10 Aug 06 2009 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
i am currently 51/1/18... i went for the ret tree for its extra 8% crit.

Pretty sure this meant 51 Holy/1 Prot/18 Ret and the poster was saying they subspecced Ret for the crit as opposed to subspeccing Prot.

Edited, Aug 6th 2009 3:17am by Maulgak
#11 Aug 06 2009 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I haven't really had a chance to heal anything after the patch. But after reading a few of posts here I wondering if I should change my spec from the 51/2/18 to the 51/20. I was kinda happy to see that some of the new epic gems have some mp5 stats along with sp and int with them.

Bodh, you metion that Haste is pretty important now. What should your rating be at? I think mines around 200 last I saw.
#12 Aug 06 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
Bodh, you metion that Haste is pretty important now. What should your rating be at? I think mines around 200 last I saw.

Completely arbitrary and I have no evidence to support this but I reckon 500 Haste as a minimum working towards 600 ish or whatever the GCD cap is.
#13 Aug 06 2009 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
TyroPally wrote:
hello i am a lv79 pally 10% from lv80, but this change scares me a bit.

the BoL change is nice, now i can heal other targets all the time, but keeping BoL and SS on ALL THE TIME is very mana consuming (SS trains like 12% each 30 sec right? BoL is in the 800 mana per 1min).

and the major mana regain we have, is cut from 60% to 30%... only a half is left.

i am currently 51/1/18... i went for the ret tree for its extra 8% crit.

but since with only get HALF of the mana returns of what we used to get in patch 3.1, is the 18 talent point spent in the ret tree still worth it?

if you spend 18 points in protection tree, you well get an 11% increase of total heals done, since now FoL will be more heavily used, should i re-spec and go for 51/18/2?

Even before 3.2, I kept SS up all the time - with Divine Guardian, the duration is doubled, so SS, like BoL, lasts 60 seconds. With half again the mitigation due to the extra procs from DG, I found it to be worth it even before the FLoT came around. Admittedly, we weren't pushing progression content last night, but the FLoT ticks were about 12% of my total healing on boss fights. That's probably best case, because I was playing around with my spell usage to try to maximize the return, but even 5% free bonus throughput would be a nice partial compensation for the regen nerfs.

Add in that it certainly looks like Divine Sacrifice doesn't break at the damage cap if you're bubbled (due to DC events, our 8-man Naxx inadvertently became 6.5 on Patchwerk, but DS lasted full duration, and I think an enraged Patch will do more than 30K in 10 seconds). This being the case, I don't see how the nerfed crit from the Ret subspec can compare with the mitigation from Prot subspec. In fact, I'd go whole hog, 51/20, if you don't run regularly with a tree - that gets you the full 11% (you weren't seriously considering taking 3/3 Improved Devo over 2/2 Divine Guardian + 1 point, were you?)
#14 Aug 06 2009 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I was concerned with not being able to HL spam after the patch, since every forum pallies were complaining it would be a huge loss of mana regen, which it was. But to be honest im not having that many issues.

Yes its a loss in mana regen and i can definately tell, before the patch my mana would never drop below 50% even when im constantly spamming the tank, or raid, or whoever.

We stepped into 25man Trial of the Crusader...lots of healing going around, LOOOOONG fight, 3 mobs back to back no rest in between. 2 Healers died early on, and i was still able to spam HL for 75% of the time. Occasionally in drops of action i would spam FoL, reminded me of old times ;-). But i dont see any reason why pallies cant still do what they were doing before. Especially since i know alot of healers play without actually targetting the person they are healing, which allows them to easily get a few smacks of Seal of Wisdom. More difficult for me since i prefer to target the person im healing.

Mana is still NOT an issue imo, just need to learn when you can FoL without endangering anyone, learn to use your CDs wisely, coordinate with other healers when you are going to Divine Plea so they can pick up slack and you should be more then fine.
#15 Aug 06 2009 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
I wouldn't go full 51/20, since the Devo aura +healing buff doesn't stack with the druid one. If you find yourself in 5 mans, 10 mans etc without a tree druid then go for it. If you are a 25 man raider you can dump some extra points in Holy.

Beacon uptime at 100%, with a lot of FoL, with HL at damage spikes is going to be the new healing. Not sure what you were seeing, while I can use HL for spikes, I will never be able to spam HL on a tank like with IC/Thorim Hardmode for 4+ minutes straight. Also in 3.2 if Holy Light is making up more than 30% of your total healing you are doing something wrong, that is a fight dependant statement though.

5 healer, 1 pally, 1 shaman, then some combination of druid/priest filling the last three slots. Paladins are flexible, beacon on MT can heal OT or else heal spike damage on raid. We put a shaman or priest on tanks.

Bubble + Divine Sac = sex. This is an EXTREMELY powerful tool, which is why almost every top end pally has gone this route. Mainly because they are geared to the point that they don't need the crit and also because the damage mitigation helps trivialize a number of damage spikes in hardmode content.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#16 Aug 06 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Eh? You're ret, but you want to heal?

no i never been a ret pally... have been holy pally all the way... i just got to lv80 yesterady~~

before this patch, i was thinking when i reach lv80, my talent tree would be 51/2/18.

but actually yesterday i just went for 51/20 (and i needed to re-spec)....... never been to heroics yet even... will find out how it goes...

the reason for going 51/20, is that with the importance of keeping SS up all the time in patch 3.2, i would need to have the prot talent Divine Guardian(it makes SS lasts 1 min instead of 30 sec), but this is a 15-point talent, in fact after spending 2 points on divine guardian, its 51/17/0, and i only have 3 talent points left.

so i could either go for benediction in the ret tree, or improve devo aura in the prot tree, i either get a 6% reduction of instant casts, or 6% more healing... the increase of healing seems more promising.

but over all... this change in 3.2 made me feel un-easy as a pally healer...

i mean.. before this patch, all i need to worry about is stacking super high Int and Crit, and i am set.

now i am not sure what to do... patch 3.2 no doubt make healidan more versatile, we have improved BoL, FoLot, bubble+Divine Sacrifice tactics(if used well could be a powerful save.. but wouldn't reflect on any meters right?), and a 3-min cool down Hand of Protection...

but for some reason.. i just feel the old set-up of High Int and Crit + spamming HL...... is more "fault proof", with the old patch's mana efficiency... things seems to be less likely to "go wrong"(now i have to alt between FoL and HL)...........
#17 Aug 06 2009 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
I mean, Ive healed thru P1 and P2 of IC hardmode healing the Steelbreaker tank. And ive gone into P3 with well over 80% mana. I cant see the small nerf we received changing that DRASTICALLY.

I did, like i said, heal through the northrend beasts encounter. Which is longer than 4 minutes. And like i said before, we were down 2 healers. We usually run with 2x Pally, 1x Druid, 1x Holy Priest and either a shaman, holy priest or disc priest fufilling the last role. Not optimal i know but our server is garbage.

Im not sure why you cant spam HLs, but i am still maintaining roughly 60-70% of my casts as HLs and not having any problems.

#18 Aug 07 2009 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
thank you...

i am just a bit puzzle now... should i take the 50% reduction of mana return (from 60% down to 30%) and keep the old 51/2/18 talent tree set-up, or go for the improved 51/20 talent tree (improved in the sense that its not nerfed and the heal on SS is better)?

also i am new to being a lv80 pally healer... is there any addon that i can keep track of my Beacon of Light and Sacred Shield status (specially how long before i need to re-cast)?? i found it very tiresome checking down to the seconds in the middle of all the fights...

thanks for the answer~~
#19 Aug 07 2009 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
46 posts
Just because the mana from heal crits isn't as good as it once was, that does not mean the extra 8% crit in the ret tree is anything to get rid of.

Crit heals mean more heals. And while you might be uneasy about the lack of mana return, it still isn't an incredibly big deal because with divine plea we still get ridiculous amounts of mana back. It means that you can't just spam FoL and HL like the whole raid will die if you don't cast 100% of the time, no breaks. With the HoT effects it should actually be much easier to heal, not harder.
#20 Aug 07 2009 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
ClassTimers is a decently popular addon that will track things like SS, BoL on your target as well as your JotP and other buffs on yourself.
#21 Aug 07 2009 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Bodh, are you using a different Libram now? Maybe the FoL Libram?

TyroPally wrote:
is there any addon that i can keep track of my Beacon of Light and Sacred Shield status (specially how long before i need to re-cast)??

You can configure GRID to show you who has the buff, and you can make a macro using the dbm or BigWigs timer to time them. That way you have a visual on GRID and you also have a timer bar to check.

There are simple macros on WoWWiki under "Useful macros for paladins" but I use one that's a bit more complex so I can keep my primary healing target as my focus and cast it on my focus. I'm at work or I'd post the macro, but I know someone here also uses it because they posted it before, maybe they can post it for you.

I've never used ClassTimers so I can't give you a comparison.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#22 Aug 07 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
thank you guys for replying~

Just because the mana from heal crits isn't as good as it once was, that does not mean the extra 8% crit in the ret tree is anything to get rid of.

i have the same concern and really like the old 51/2/18 setup.

but after some simply calculation, i just have some doubts about 51/20 might perform better over 51/2/18 even in the mana efficiency department.

here is my calculation.

heal used: FoL, assuming 2000 heals using 200 mana (round number for easy calculation).

spell critical hit: 150% increase of heal.

patch 3.1 illumiation mana reduction: 60% (60% is "returned" to you)
patch 3.2 illumination mana reduction: 30%

the difference between the 51/2/18 setup and the 51/20 setup, is the former has 8% more crit hit rate, the latter with 9% more heals (51/2/18 put 2 points in prot tree to get 2% more heals).

the efficiency of 51/20 didn't change in patch 3.2, for a 2000 heal FoL, it outputs 2180 consistently, maintaining the 200 mana consumption on each cast.

so for every 100 cast of Fol, the efficiency of 51/20, is (2180*100)/(200*100), which is 10.9 heal per mana.

for patch 3.1, 51/2/18 setup's efficiency is like this: (8% more crit rate).

for every 100 cast, there will be 8 crit hits (8% more crit rate).

each crit hits will hit for 2000*150%, which is 3000, and return 120 mana, which means it only cost 80 mana.

so the result of every 100 cast is (2000*92+3000*8)/(200*92+80*8) = 10.925 heals per mana.

comparing to 10.9, the 51/2/18 setup in patch 3.1, is indeed more mana efficient than the 51/20 setup.


but for the 3.2 patch, the mana return is drastically reduce to half, it returns only 60 mana now (from a 200 mana heal), which mean the spell would cost 140 mana, so for every 100 cast, the efficiency is:

(2000*92+3000*8)/(200*92+140*8)=10.655 heals per mana

it is a pretty big drop from the 3.1 patch of 10.925.

if we think "percentage".

patch 3.1 51/2/18 setup, increases the efficiency by 9.25%
51/20 setup, increases the efficiency by 9%
patch 3.2 51/2/18 setup, increases the efficiency by 6.55%

if we think about the 9/6.55 "gain ratio", its about a 35% difference in gain, which i think is a lot.

*** of course, i am not assuming the problem of "over heal", the 9% gain from 51/20 could all be over heals if not used right, but again... the unpredictables nature of crit hit heals also have an over heal problem. ***

and you have to consider, with the 51/20 setup, your SS would last "twice" as long (basically saves you 400 mana each min, assuming we want to keep SS up all the time.. i really don't care about the 400 mana, but i don't have to spend time tracking and recasting SS every 30 sec), and you have the valuable "Buuble + Divine Sacrifice" tactic from the 51/20 setup.

i mean... i really love the mana efficiency of 51/2/18 in patch 3.1 ..... and i really hope Blizzard could give us the improved BoL without nerfing it (why nerf us? is pally healer going to be "overpowered" just with this improved BoL?). but mathematically i think the illumination nerf is too big of a cut and makes spending 18 talents point just to get 8% more crit not that worth it.........

#23 Aug 24 2009 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
Odd that no one mentions my build. 51/5/15
After all my mana is better then the 51/20/0 pally as he still has to HL to keep targets alive.
So becuase of this he gets less crits on heals. Which is why I out heal him as I get splash on HL Glyph and he does not.
Also even with my DP up more then the other Holy Pally he is casting FoL while I still crank out HL and FoL and HS.
At the end of the night I always have EHPS number one spot. FoL does not save lives, HL does.
As for SS I hardly use it, unless I see a target dying. I put it on tank for start of fights but then it only goes on low health targets.
Hit them with FoL or HS then back to tanks.
By the way the 51/20/0 build will be dead soon as the changes in Protection will force that.
Good news as they might fix Holy tree then.
#24 Aug 24 2009 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
crazeecracker wrote:
I mean, Ive healed thru P1 and P2 of IC hardmode healing the Steelbreaker tank. And ive gone into P3 with well over 80% mana. I cant see the small nerf we received changing that DRASTICALLY.

Poor example, since P1 and P2 on Hardmode are pretty much easy mode Iron Council. And by pretty much I mean exactly the same in terms of damage on tanks.

Really it is a matter of gear and content.

1) If you are gearing up, if you are working on Naxx or even working on Yogg in 25 man then go some variation of 51/X/15, because the crit is worth having.

2) If you have Yogg down and are working on hardmodes then you should be geared to the point that you dont need it. Also Divine Sac + Bubble on hardmodes is pretty much the bees knees. Which is why pretty much every top 100 world holy paladin is Holy/Prot most of the time.

Edit - I haven't been paying much attention to the ptr but

By the way the 51/20/0 build will be dead soon as the changes in Protection will force that.

But how does affect 51/20 unless they are nerfing Bubble Sac finally and I missed the notes? :Talents

* Judgements of the Just: The reduction in cooldown to Hammer of Justice provided by this talent has been reduced to 5/10 seconds instead of 10/20 seconds.
* Touched by the Light: This talent now provides 20/40/60% of the paladin’s strength as spell power instead of 10/20/30% of the paladin’s stamina.

Edited, Aug 24th 2009 11:35pm by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#25 Aug 26 2009 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
What is the best Libram for Healing? I want the pvp one (300ish spellpower to FoL) but the season is almost over and ive never done Arena before... is there a PvE alternative that ive missed?

Divine Plea, Bubble, Divine Sacrifice. Im so glad I specced for this... Cuts damage so you can leave all healing to other healers while you regen mana, gives you time to get a few melee swings in for mana regen as well. You can easily get more than 50% of your mana back without endangering the raid. Of course in the harder modes when Divine Sac is kept for specific times it may be harder to get your melee swings in.
#26 Aug 27 2009 at 2:51 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Personally, I still prefer the Heroism emblem libram that reduces Holy Light cost by like 340 something mana. Even though I'm not spamming it anymore that's a huge cost reduction.

There are very few encounters where I don't have big enough heals. I grab the talents to increase healing, but as far as gear and glyphs I aim for longevity.

If you're talking about arenas however, that might be a different story. Mortal Strike and other mortal strike like abilities may make a higher need for higher spell power. But I don't know. I don't arena.
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