Recently, I have been trying out different specs on my mage. For right now, I am trying alternating between Arcane and Fireball. All through that time, I have been able to get higher dps in my arcane set, although fireball should do more dps. I generally just set that aside saying that it doesn't really count because I have had to replace a great trinket with a hit trinket, lowering my crit and sp (Broodsmother was the one being replaced). But I currently got a new staff (Intensity) so decided to switch it out gear and play fire once more.
I am still lagging behind in my firedps then my arcane dps, which makes me a sad panda.
General notes to add:
Additional trinkets available:
Elemental Focusing Stone
Additional relevant pieces of armor:
t 8.5 pants
Arcane weapons:
The Soul Blade (KT weapon)
Ironmender *** offhand
General raid notes:
Alliance raid with Drainie in group
Have both spriest and boomkin in raid
no "scorch slave" (someone to apply scorch or lock to apply scorch effect)
If I stick 100% with fire, I will probably regem a few things to get closer to hit capped, btw, and I know I should take out those spell / haste gems and put in SP ones, I just haven't yet.
And most importantly, my armor,
Thank you for your time, and your help.