What do I do in Arena? As a Hunter in arena, you bring four things to a team: 1) A constant Mortal Strike.
Whenever you cast Aimed Shot, you are putting a ten second debuff on your target, that reduces healing done to them by 50%. As the cooldown for Aimed Shot is 10 seconds (8 with Glyph), that means that you can have 100% uptime on the debuff. This is your number one priority as a hunter.
2) Crowd Control
Hunters have multiple CC spells that you and your team will rely on in arena, though they vary in importance.
Scatter Shot-4 second disorient, 30 second CD. Can be used in melee range.
Wyvern Sting-10 second stun, 1 minute CD.
Freezing Trap-10 second stun (13 with Trap Mastery), 30 second CD (24 with Resourcefulness)
If you want to chain CC a target, you should be using those in a “rotationâ€, factoring in some of your partners abilities, such as a Paladin's Hammer of Justice.
Another key CC ability that you have is Frost Trap with the Entrapment talent. Having an AoE snare for 4 seconds is amazing, and it gets better in bigger brackets (It's much more useful in 5v5 than 2v2).
Hunters can also kite using some of their slowing abilities. To do so, you need to be able to fire a “jump shotâ€. It is done by jumping and using your mouse to turn you 90 degrees, firing an instant shot, and returning to a forward position before you hit the ground. It is much easier to just strafe, as it gives you the same movement speed as forward running, and it still lets you fire instant shots.
Generally, to kite you will fire a Concussive Shot to stay out of melee range of your target, as well as any instant shots that deal damage such as Explosive Shot, Arcane Shot, or Aimed Shot. You can also drop frost traps to help slow your target, and you can kite along the outside of them as well.
If you use a Crab as a pet, you get Pin, an additional 4 second channelled snare with a 40 second CD. It's extremely useful for when you get stuck in melee, and when you're kiting.
Finally, a lesser used CC spell, but just as important as the rest, Scare Beast. Use it whenever you can against shapeshifted Druids, Shamans in ghost wolf, and Hunter pets. It can be a game winner if you use it effectively.
3) DPS
Hunters are known for their DPS in PvE situations, and they do the same damage in PvP, both sustained and bursted. Explosive Shot is insane DPS in every situation, and with Lock n Load, you'll end up getting a ton of free Explosive Shots when you CC people.
4) Drain
Viper Sting should ALWAYS be up on Paladins, Warlocks, Shamans, Priests, Mages, and Hunters, in that order. It drains 4% of the targets mana over 8 seconds, with a 15 second CD, and it gives 300% of the amount drained back to you. Though not as important as having Aimed Shot on your target, you should try to maintain Viper Sting on your target as much as you possibly can.
These four things are why people will want you on their teams, and are the skills that you need to perfect.
Talents: There are two generally acceptable specs for arena, both survival:
0/14/57 or
0/15/56 The main difference is the addition of Focused Aim in 0/15/56. You can switch points around between Expose Weakness, Master Tactician, and Hunting Party if you want to customize it to suit you more.
For glyphs, you should have: Aimed Shot, Disengage, and Explosive Shot for major glyphs, with Feign Death, Revive Pet, and Scare Beast for minor glyphs.
Your pet should be a Crab with
this spec.
Gear: You should get as much of the Gladiator sets as you can, including the weapons. You don't really need any Tier or PvE gear in arena. You need to have two 1 handers instead of a 2 hander, one with a Titanium Weapon Chain, so that you have a reduced Disarm duration. You should have a Relentless Earthsiege Diamond as your meta gem, with one Spell Penetration gem, one Hit Rating/Resilience gem (Depending on whether or not your spec includes Focused Aim), and the rest Agility.
Keybinding: Keybind everything, no clicking. Don't have important spells on keys like 7, 8, 9, 0, H, J, B, N, or any other keys that are far away from your movement keys. Make macros for your pet's abilities and have them keybound as well. I have Pin, Last Stand, Intervene, and Roar of Sacrifice set up this way.
During S1 and S2, when Megatf was on top, I switched my movement keys to ESDF instead of WASD to have more room to keybind everything, and it takes some getting used to, but works well.
I replaced the turn keys with strafe, as I mouse turn, and you should to, it makes a huge difference to be able to instantly turn any direction, rather than taking 5 seconds of shuffling to turn 180 degrees. You need it to be able to jump shot too.
If your mouse has extra keys on it, use them too. I have Flare and a Stop Cast/Feign Death macro on my two side mouse keys so that I can use them both instantly. You can keybind things to your mousewheel too, and I have Explosive Shot and Viper Sting set to down and up scrolls respectively, as they are my most used skills.
User Interface: Make sure that your UI is as clean as possible, with minimal clutter. Its better to run a minimalist UI and have high frame rates than to have a really complex one and have low FPS. Even a few FPS can be an advantage. You need to have your Spell Detail set on maximum, this is EXTREMELY important for seeing when enemies are casting things such as Anti Magic Shell, Icebound Fortitude, Power Infusion, and Enrage. You can set this by going to the Menu->Video->Effects->Particle Density.
You should download Gladius, it's a great Addon that is essential to arena. It shows you enemy unit frames, as well as enemy cast bars, and the status of their PvP trinkets.
Tips: Learn about Line of Sight, it will help in kiting, and avoiding Mana Burns and Fears.
Don't let anything stay in a Death Knight's Anti Magic Zone, or you lose all of your Explosive Shot DPS.
Trinket out of Kindey Shot, not Cheap Shot.
Don't keep your pet on a Shaman with Water Shield up.
Use the environment to your advantage. Disengage over the fire in Org, Disengage from the bottom of Dalaran to the top, and use the waterfall in Dalaran to get separated from melee.
Drink as often as you can.
Make sure you and your team uses Ventrilo, and communicates properly, as it's vital to winning.