as DesertScarab stated
You are way way way too heavy on hit. With arcane you can have a passive 6% hit giving you one of the lowest caps in the game. I believe you need a total of 6% to be capped against level 82 mobs (highest you will see in a 5man) - which unfortunately means you wasted a lot of money on ebonweave gear when you should have purchased the spellweave ones.
So you have 0 reason to even be focusing on hit gear and especially gemming/enchanting for it.
Your meta gem is just awful. Get a chaotic skyflare.
Are you trying to be ready for PvP because your first trinket is pretty bad -- you shouldn't be getting hit, and your second one is bad for PvE unless you are soloing grinding I guess.
As has been stated, get the sundial for (40?) badges, look around for some BoE epics that would drop in Naxx/Ulduar on the AH (if you have the money to buy them). Such as combustion bracers, gloves of token respect, and a cloth legs that drop from Ulduar (leggings of lost love or something like that).