Maulgak wrote:
As far as the arachnid quarter of Naxx, let me educate you a bit :)
Hmm, I just did this last night (stupid Authentication issues preventing me from continuing the said run), so...
Anub'Rekhan: If you're the boss tank there is an ability (Locust Swarm) he does that you will need to run away from, and it is much easier to get away from it in time with a speed boost. It stacks a DoT on you and silences you (stops all abilities, even auto-attack). Anub'Rekhan slows down himself, so it's quite possible to stay out of range of this ability with a boot 'chant or PoJ. 10 man you can stay in, but 25 man you'll want to move.
PoJ is also nice as a Paladin OT, which I was. You can DPS Anub a bit and then when you see the Raid Warning that an add is coming, PoJ lets you go run over towards where the add comes from and get to it hopefully before it starts attacking healers and ranged DPS. That's quite a distance you'd have to run, and I was glad to have had PoJ.
Grand Widow Faerlina: The only real movement to this fight for the tank is when she casts a Rain of Fire on you, you just move out of it. Speed increase doesn't matter here.
Again, from the Paladin OT's perspective, it was nice getting to, and keeping up, with the MT as they moved her away from the fire, etc. Also, I was able to join in on the fight as soon as my adds were down. Its little things like this that add every second, and if you're running with a lower-geared raid, sometimes that 1% can matter.
Maexxna: The tank doesn't need to move at all. If you're picking up adds though, they're pretty fast, and you very well may be running all over the place picking them up. She also webs people to the wall, so after you're "cut down" a speed increase will help in getting back to your position, but it's by no means mandatory.
Again, as an OT, the adds.... omg. I hated that fight lol. I tried everything from dropping a Consecrate right near Maexxna, to running around throwing shields and hammers, I just couldn't keep those stupid spiders away from the casters. I ended up running several of em down. The lack of PoJ would have made it so that it would have taken me at least 5 seconds longer per add phase to get the adds. Considering she released like 4 sets of spiders, if I recall, that's 25 sec that I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off instead of adding some extra DPS on the boss. Like I said, in a lesser-geared raid, that extra little bit can count.
A speed increase I don't think (point out if I am wrong here) is ever "mandatory" or I'm sure we'd probably have it baked into our normal movement speed. But when you can move out of "the fire" a little bit faster, you take less damage, save the healers mana. When you can get to the target a little bit faster, start your rotation sooner, build threat quicker, etc.. Would be interesting to know how many fights where a boss has died seconds before an enrage timer would have been wipes had the raid members (particularly melee) not had speed 'chants/talents :)
One more thing I'll say here, if you're just starting Raids as a Paladin, you may get asked to OT more than MT. The whole spirit of OT, is to assist the MT in tanking duties. This means grabbing at least one, maybe two mobs off of the MT (ask them, even, how many or what they want you to help tank) in Trash pulls, and also, a big thing here, is if the MT goes down, your job is to immediately grab the boss. Be ready to assume the role of MT if the MT goes down for any reason. Don't ponder it, don't ask, just target the boss and use every threat ability in the book. That's your job; to keep stuff off the DPS and heals. In my first run of Naxx10 last night, the MT went down on Faerlina *and* Maexxna, and I wound up saving the raid by taking over as MT, throwing my threat abilities on those bosses. I wasn't geared quite as good as the MT, but it was enough to keep tanking the mob until the DPS could finish it off.
Just because you're an OT doesn't mean you can be lazy and just wade through the instance doing nothing but tanking 1-2 mobs and just DPSing boss fights.
PoJ helps an OT a lot, because the OTs are the ones running around picking up adds, running back and forth from DPSing the boss to grabbing adds, etc. Also, if the MT dies while you're running around doing your OT stuff, you need to get to the boss ASAP; that boss is currently picking off your raid members one-by-one and every millisecond counts.
Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 9:27pm by Zariamnk