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Elites and 2/3-man questsFollow

#1 Jul 05 2009 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The first toon I took to level 80 was a Death Knight who went mostly Blood for the entire process. I could solo just about every elite quest on the road there, except for one Wanted quest in Dragonblight and the dungeon quests, of course.

Then I decided to give my Paladin a spin...

Who the hell broke my Paladin's survivability? Soloing multiple normal mobs is like stealing candy from kids - and then beating them up afterwards - but elites? They just chew me to pieces. And it's not like my Death Knight gets a bunch of healing tools at his disposal.

Frost Presence gives him 60% more armor, 10% more health and 5% less damage taken.
Death Strike heals for 10% of maximum health and does decent damage thanks to spec.

Granted, my Death Knight had 60% more armor and took 2% less damage (my Paladin had Blessing of Kings and talented Righteous Fury up), plus he could heal with one of his attacks, but what about my Paladin?

Higher DPS, a lot less armor and roughly the same health and magic damage taken.

Holy Light heals for 5,000-ish.
Flash of Light heals for 1,400-ish.
Crits on strikes gives insta-heals.
Instant self-heal for 100% health.
20% damage/healing boost.

And I seriously got raped on an elite that I remember was a tedious fight on my Death Knight. Tedious! I even tried doing the elite with a Mage for some DPS support. No luck. Really, does 60% additional armor matter that much? I tried with a sword & board, but that didn't work either. Less damage done just prolongs my death.

Oh, and while I have you, I'm about to get dual-spec and was wondering if the Holy build in the FAQ (it appears to be mildly out of date) is still the way to go, or if priorities have changed.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2 Jul 05 2009 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
678 posts
I was able to solo most quests with my ret/prot ( I changed a couple of times just for fun) paladin, but since DKs are getting the nerf bat, you should also consider the fact that they are a little OP compared to other classes.

In fact, I'm leveling a druid right now and am also able to solo most elites, though it is a bit harder than it was on my paladin (I blame gear as the paladin was t5 stuff).

Hmmmm, there is one quest in Howling fjord which was impossible to do on either my paladin, shammy or druid. And boy, did I try on all three.

BTW 60% more amour is a big deal.

Anyhow, good luck and sorry if I'm not of too much help. Perhaps if you linked your armory ...
#3 Jul 05 2009 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I soloed just about every group/elite quest in NR with my Paladin, and most of the time leveling through to 80 I was Ret spec. I just kept my Prot gear on me at all times, and when I had to go up against elites, I threw on my Prot gear and kept my Ret spec (obviously this was prior to dual spec). Just putting on sword/board wasn't enough usually, but putting on the full set, I was fine. Once hitting 80 and going back to Prot spec, it was even more laughable. Soloed all but 1 or 2 of the group quests in Icecrown, including the "Ring of Blood" style questline, though I must admit the final quest in that chain was still a b!@#$.

I assume from you saying "Crits on strikes gives insta-heals" etc.. that you were also doing these as Ret spec? I'd advise doing what I did and use a full Prot set (if you have it), or if you don't just swallow any pride and find a group.
#4 Jul 06 2009 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Yeah, I'm Ret/Holy, so unlike a lot of other Paladins, my alternative to laying down the smack is to cast pretty colors at people. Still, my Death Knight did all of the quests in his leveling DPS gear. All he had to do was change his "aura" if you will.

Here's my Armory for those who care.

And I'm not whining. I just can't believe how hard soloing elites is on my Paladin compared to my Death Knight. It's been a long, long time since I had to find a group for anything other than instances. I'm not used to it. It unnerves me.

Edited, Jul 6th 2009 5:40pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Jul 06 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
I stayed ret all the way through leveling in Northrend (aside from a quick respec to prot around the mid-70s which I only instanced with a few times before going back) and I almost never grouped up for any of my group quests, and I completed all the ones I was given.

If you really want to crank up your survivability (while hurting your dps a lot obviously), you can have almost unlimited mana by switching to Seal of Wisdom. By doing that and casting Holy Light after taking a few k damage, the fight will take longer, but you will eventually kill the mob. Some are harder than others, and you'll have to gauge if they are an outlast or a burn-down mob as well.

Also if the mob doesn't hurt that much, or is prone to interrupt your HL, using Seal of Light instead can achieve essentially the same result, except you don't have to cast HL as often.

Actually, I can think of only one group quest I had to group up for to complete and that was one of the ones in Dragonblight where you have to summon down I think a Frostwyrm and kill it. That one was for the Horde, I'm not sure if there's an Alliance equiv.
#6 Jul 06 2009 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The quest I had issues with right was the one where you need to kill the big jade owl near Ysera's little oase.

Damn bird does a gust thing which blows you back and slows your casting/attack speed by a lot (5-second Holy Light?). I just can't heal through the damage (1.5k on plate w/o shield) if I need to deliver some sort of DPS as well. I'd spend all my time spamming Flash of Light, until the gust thing and then I'm done.

I got it done eventually because a Rogue from Horde side tried to solo it (and failed miserably). I tried helping out, but the Rogue dropped and I picked up aggro. I had 10% health left when it went down (that's not even one hit from it), having blown Divine Shield, Avenging Wrath and Lay on Hands.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Jul 06 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
146 posts
I leveled to 80 as prot
started out in tier 6/5
solo'd everything with hardly any issues
tried it ret for a bit and got my *** handed to me quickly went back to prot
ret is pretty squishy
#8 Jul 06 2009 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
Ohh yeah he was one of the harder ones, to be fair I don't think I actually did that one until I was around 78 or so, and by then I had a pretty good new weapon from Revered Kaluak. I think I was just able to burn him down before he burned me down but I remember that one being a close one, like surviving with only a few hundred hp left.
#9 Jul 06 2009 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I had the opposite problem, things my ret could tear through my DK struggled with. I'm not sure why really. I'm just incredibly comfortable on my ret paladin. I soloed everything in dragonblight (including Sarathustra,and General Abbendis) by throwing up Seal and Judgement of light, and throwing out holy light now and then. To be fair, i had to pull non elites toward me during the abbendis fight to act as divine storm hp-batteries.

If my mana started to drop, i'd hit divine protection and divine plea and the reactive healing would keep me alive more or less. Lay on Hands is a 20 minute cd, so you'll always have it during tough elite fights. Just don't ***** up when to use it. Health pots/mana pots too.

To be fair, i stormed through Northrend in a week in season 4 gear with a S3 wep and i was the first person on my server to solo Onyxia at 70 so i had some practice with that kind of thing after 3.0.

Edited, Jul 7th 2009 12:06am by ArtemisEnteri
#10 Jul 06 2009 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
You get wrecked when you're actually CASTING spells in melee range by anything that hits hard, if you're a ret hybrid trying to cast FoL's or HL's on yourself it will just turn into a race where you heal yourself for 1200 but take 1000 extra damage trying to get that cast off.

If you're holy you can solo lots of mobs but it takes a long time..prot is the best spec for soloing elites/old bosses/etc but leveling prot is slower then leveling a DK, especially as blood. But if you want insane survivability go prot, defense gear, JoL, SoL, etc, prot is pretty beastly. Just slow at the normal mob to mob stuff.

Fastest way by far is just go ret, accept the fact you have to group for most elite 3+ man quests and ask in general every 10 minutes while you blast through every solo quest in the game. Theres a few elite quests my mage could solo, basically if they're snareable they're soloable, but if something hits hard and is immune to snares and roots theres no way.
#11 Jul 06 2009 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
I'm not going to math out how exactly you can win doing what I was talking about earlier, I just have results. I only grouped for 1 group (5-man) quest in the entire time I leveled as Ret in Northrend, and I didn't abandon any of them throughout my leveling. I had a few diffferent strategies on how I would kill an elite depending on their abilities and how hard they would hit. The zones I went through (in order) were Borean Tundra (70-72), then Howling Fjord(73-74), then Grizzly Hills(75), then Sholazar Basin(76-77), then finally Dragonblight(78-80). So I was higher level when going through Dragonblight which made it a bit easier (also I could fly... made it a LOT easier) but my record still stands.
#12 Jul 07 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
The wanted quests,i was able to solo on my Protadin,very simple to me. I can see why a ret/holy would have trouble though,Healadins are not meant to take dmg,rets truly can heal themselves and put some dmg on the board,but again arnt meant to take dmg at all.
#13 Jul 08 2009 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
CapJack wrote:
I'm not going to math out how exactly you can win doing what I was talking about earlier, I just have results. I only grouped for 1 group (5-man) quest in the entire time I leveled as Ret in Northrend, and I didn't abandon any of them throughout my leveling. I had a few diffferent strategies on how I would kill an elite depending on their abilities and how hard they would hit. The zones I went through (in order) were Borean Tundra (70-72), then Howling Fjord(73-74), then Grizzly Hills(75), then Sholazar Basin(76-77), then finally Dragonblight(78-80). So I was higher level when going through Dragonblight which made it a bit easier (also I could fly... made it a LOT easier) but my record still stands.

Wasn't saying you were wrong, I was speaking more from a simple SoB and grind the mob till it dies trying to heal when you take big hits standpoint. If you're using different seals and strategies you can do quite alot with ret..but to be fair I've never heard of anyone doing dragonblight at 78+, usually it's a 73-74 zone that people move into after HF+BT. I see a LOT of level 71s in the zone, and like you said T5+T6 gear as well plus loads of experience.

Your average ret paladin just running around with seal of blood in quest greens will get rocked by most elites, thats what I was talking about with the pushback and barely being able to outheal the mobs damage, quickly going OOM etc..
#14 Jul 09 2009 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
Death Knights can tank in nearly any spec.

Ret Paladins can't; there's very little if any survivability in the Ret Tree other than lolbubble.

You could do some weaker Elites with Ret, on the simple strat of just burning it down before it can hurt you, but I've found it to be unreliable.

If you really wanna solo Elites, you do it as Prot with a good tank setup. It will take you longer, sure, but it is much safer. I've done many group quests, solo in Northrend as my Prot setup, though there are some quests that you just can't solo.

As far as my DK, I never attempted to get a tank setup, or an "Elite Solo" setup for her, however I did manage a couple Group2 quests with her on my own. I find that having to bite my nails waiting on Rune Tap and Death Strike cooldowns is a bit more stress than I care for; I would rather just use Healing Light, lol.

The Beauty of Prot, is that you will never run out of mana, and as long as you can defend yourself long enough to regain one holy light's worth of mana, you WILL win, regardless, unless the mob does something cheap (spell interrupts will absolutely destroy you, knockbacks are highly annoying, but managable if predictable, etc) or enrages when near death or adds respawn (you DID pull him somewhere safe, RIGHT?).

But back on the subject of Ret, Rets were never meant to be shieldless tanks like Death Knights are. They don't have any extra survivability, everything in the Ret Tree, is geared to dealing more damage.

Edit: After reading the OP again, some more thoughts:

1). Go sword and board. Seriously. The Prot Tree is useless without your shield. With BoSanc, most of your mana regeneration will come from Blocks. No shield = No Block.

2). Get the Glyph of Divine Plea, and talent that talent that makes Divine Plea refreshed by your melee attacks. use a fast tank weapon. This ensures that your Divine Plea never wears off (thus you maintain 3% damage reduction at all times, along with the simply powerful mana regen). If your self-healing falls behind, cancel Divine Plea before healing yourself and put it back up once your health is doing OK again.

3). I'm sure you know the normal prot rotation, if mana is ever an issue, drop Hammer from the rotation if there's only one mob. You could even drop Consecrate too, if needs be, if it means keeping enough mana regen to cover the cost of your heal spells.

4). Use Ret Aura, obviously. that extra armor from Dev won't mean much of anything to you, as far as damage taken.

5). Use Holy Shield every time its up. This adds to your DPS, and adds survivability -- Win/Win.

Other than that, if you still can't solo it at 80, then it just wasn't meant to be solo'd. Some quests in Northrend are particularly lousy for this, it seems Blizz decided to give most of those mobs either knockbacks, spell interrupts, or ridiculous mana drains. Most of the Icecrown Group Quests are like this, the mechanics of those quests include one of the aforementioned abilities to try and limit soloing. They know Warriors can't solo this stuff unless they are geared out the wazoo, paladins can't if they are getting spell interrupted (which locks out the ENTIRE actionbar, making us powerless, as EVERYTHING a Paladin does is considered a "Holy Spell" save Auto-Attack), knocked back constantly (can't cast if you're constantly flying through the air), or being mana-drained (no mana, you're dead).

However, they didn't come up with a death knight counter yet. Death Knights' heals are all instant (no spell interrupts or knockbacks), don't take mana (they laugh at mana drains, thought hey wouldn't laugh so much if mana drains worked on Runic Power, oh wait, yes they would. They heal with Runes, not RP).

That is why Death Knights can solo stuff Paladin's can't. However, there's a limit to how much a Death Knight can heal; he gets small heals from hitting things, he has Rune Tap, which uses a Blood Rune AND a Cooldown, and he has Death Strike which uses 1 Unholy and 1 Frost AND requires 2+ diseases up on the target to be of any use. Multiple mobs and/or mobs that do too much damage are what DKs hate, as far as soloing stuff goes...

Edited, Jul 9th 2009 9:38am by Zariamnk
#15 Jul 09 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Ret Paladins can't; there's very little if any survivability in the Ret Tree other than lolbubble.

what about the 2k insta-heal every 3rd hit? and DP+HoSalv > bubble

the only miniboss that i got frustrated on was the big guy near Winterguard Keep. he has a frequent groundstomp and hits really hard. the only other notable fail is in Icecrown. the boss is easily 5-shotted, but the understudies you need to kill to summon him mana-drain-knockback all day long.

soloing a miniboss will sometimes take a death or two to figure out the timing and you will need to use all your tools(incl LoH). but they can all be done at the appropriate levels.

heck, my first Chillmaw kill i did solo with 3 people watching. /dance
#16 Jul 09 2009 at 8:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Chillmaw suddenly made me the most popular guy in my guild. I figured out the bombs are fire damage, so you can completely trivialize the encounter with the appropriate aura. Just like onyxia.

Has anyone tried Molten core as ret? I like the idea of walking around with Sulfuras. I just assumed it would be impossible without trying first, though i read a hunter thread about soloing on elitistjerks which suggests it wouldn't be difficult at all. And i have Zul'gurub on farm status for the achievement/mounts and it's starting to get very dull.
#17 Jul 09 2009 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Has anyone tried Molten core as ret?

i did up to Garr and Baron Geddon while messing around for TF mats. i had no reason to go any further. i dont really see any problems getting through the rest. the right resist gear definitely helps. warning: MC is long and tedious solo.
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