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Warlock Q&AFollow

#1 Jul 02 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
2,069 posts
Link from MMO-Champion

Interested to find out more on the shard changes...

Blue Tracker wrote:
Warlock Q&A with Ghostcrawler and the World of Warcraft Community Team

Community Team: We’d like start this Q&A off by asking a question that players of all classes often ask in regard to the very purpose of their class. In this case, we’re looking specifically at the warlock.

Q. Where do warlocks fit into the larger scope of things currently and where do we see them going from this point forward?

A.The warlock is a caster -- a ranged damage dealer. They can fill only one role, which makes them a “pure” class as opposed to a hybrid. Warlocks have a reputation for trafficking with darkness, and their spells and abilities reflect this -- demons, curses, drains, fears. All warlocks rely on damage-over-time spells and demonic pets to some extent. The Affliction tree focuses on damage-over-time spells, curses, and shadow magic in general. The Demonology tree emphasizes the damage and abilities done by demons. The Destruction tree gives up a little of both to become a little bit more like a mage with direct damage and fire magic. Overall, the vision is for warlocks to feel less fragile than mages. They have historically had higher health pools and easier to sustain mana, but fewer emergency escapes. Keeping the mage and warlock feeling distinct is a big challenge. They fill a similar role and share similar gear so sometimes even the profiles of their character art look similar.

Going forward, we want to try and make the warlock experience more different from the mage. Our new plans for Soul Shards will help here. We want to make them a core mechanic instead of a minor feature that can be neglected at best and feels tedious at worst.

We’re happy with the relative damage done by Affliction and Destruction. Depending on which Lich King patch you look at one or the other are slightly on top, but they’re close. Demonology still seems to lag a little behind. We think there is still room for a strong Felguard build in there. It might be that the pets still require too much management or it could just be that the rotation isn’t as interesting as the ones Affliction or Destruction use right now. Demonology suffers from a little bit of the same problem as the Beastmaster hunter, which is when the pet is such a big part of your damage you are crippled in moments when the pet is killed or ineffectual.

Except for a brief moment early in Lich King, warlocks have been under-represented in PvP and we want to see more of them. We don’t want to get there through fear bombs, though. In fact, we think the damage locks can do is in a pretty good place. The problem is survivability, especially when stunned. Now some of the 3.2 changes are going to chill out damage across the board and we are increasing the survivability of pets in PvP. Both of those changes should help warlocks, who historically have been a little better in endurance fights than quick scrums. If those changes aren’t enough, we’re prepared to make additional ones.

Lich King made the warlock pets more interesting but we think there is still a lot of opportunity here. Some of the pets have abilities that just don’t get much use (Imp Fire Shield anyone?) while other pets could benefit from a couple more abilities. The voidwalker for example does all of his damage through just a simple autoattack. While we are slightly positioning the imp as a Destruction pet and the felhound as an Affliction pet, we think we can make the choice of what demon to use at a particular time more interesting. The succubus has too narrow a niche, and the voidwalker is still used mostly as a level-up pet.

Q. What is it that makes them unique compared to all other classes?

A.Demons are a big one. Warlocks are a pet class, but they gain more of their own power from their pets and can make their pets do more than say a hunter or death knight. The way they do damage is different from a mage because a lot of their damage, even for Destruction, comes from damage-over-time spells instead. Warlocks bring some utility that doesn’t strictly increase raid damage, so we feel like it’s fine to keep those abilities unique to the lock -- things like summoning and health stones. But again, we think the real way to keep warlocks from feeling like mages with pets is to do more with the Soul Shard mechanic.

Q. Soul Shards is subject that has been a constant amongst warlock players since the launch of the game. While we've made some minor improvements over time, players still find Soul Shards to be an annoyance. Are there any plans in motion to make further improvements to the warlock Soul Shard system?

A.Yes. As we have hinted on occasion, we have a revamp of the entire system in the works. This is a big change, beyond the scope of the 3.2 patch, but we are confident -- CONFIDENT -- that the new system will be something warlocks finally enjoy. (I’m sure I will never, ever regret saying that.) We hope to be able to talk more about it at BlizzCon, but the basic idea is that shards provide a combat boost when needed without becoming a resource that needs to be farmed. Currently too many of the shard abilities are maintenance-like things such as demons and stones. Blowing a shard should be a big deal -- an exciting moment. We want to make shards fun and remove the hassle, but we want to make them a core part of the warlock experience and not a marginalized feature.

Q. Most DPS classes can spend three (or less) talent points to decrease their threat by 30%, while warlocks must spend four talent points in two different trees to gain a 10% drop in threat. What are our thoughts on this, and why the discrepancy?

A.There are a couple of situations like this in the warlock tree. The essential problem is we want locks to be able to go down their different trees. When you have something important like threat-reduction or range, it either needs to go very high in the trees where everyone can reach it, or you need to have duplicate talents that essentially accomplish the same thing. The problem with the latter approach is that confusing things can happen when you get both talents -- either they stack (which is too powerful) or they don’t stack (which can be confusing or make talent builds difficult). The way we have tried to solve the latter problem is having some talents affect Fire / Destro and some affect Shadow / Affliction. Of course the problem with that approach is that warlocks use both kinds of damage spells. We recognize that we need to solve this problem, but sliding a lot of talents around is not the right way to do it, and also beyond the scope of 3.2. See below for a partial solution for the threat problem though.

Q. As a follow-up to the last question, would we consider giving warlocks a better "aggro dump" ability? Currently, their one "aggro dump," Soulshatter, has a long cooldown and costs a reagent.

A.We are going to lower the cooldown of Soulshatter to three minutes. We don’t think the shard cost is a big expense in PvE situations. Threat-dump abilities are tricky to balance. We don’t want these spells to feel rotational -- you aren’t supposed to do say Curse of Agony, Immolate, Soulshatter, Curse of Agony, Immolate, Soulshatter. They are there for emergencies.

Q. In PvP, warlocks feel at a disadvantage against melee classes (and hunters), particularly rogues. What are our thoughts in this, and are there any plans to provide warlocks with a little more help in this area? Additionally, players have often suggested allowing Demonic Circle to be usable while stunned, is this something we'd consider?

A.The reason we don’t like making Demonic Circle usable while stunned is that changes the ability from a remote evacuation into a stun-breaker. Our concern is locks would never use it except for the stun removal, which makes the spell a lot less cool. Circle is definitely one of those abilities that requires a lot of finesse. Clever locks can do amazing things with it and beginner locks might not get as much benefit out of it. It’s probably also fair to say that stuns (especially chained ones) have become too important in PvP, especially now that we have toned down the impact of some of the other forms of crowd control.

Q. Pet survivability is something that comes up often. Do we see this as a concern, and if so are there any plans to increase warlock pet survivability and/or consider decreasing the warlock's dependency on pets in PvP?

A.It is a concern. We never wanted it to feel like it was stupid to attack the pet -- like they were so unkillable that you just have to endure damage from the pet while you chase down the lock. You have to remember that locks were once really dangerous in PvP (this was back when we added resilience for DoTs) and so everyone was nervous about making their pets too powerful. It’s just incredibly frustrating to be on the other end of that and finally get a pet down only to have to then face the warlock. However times have changed and we think pets are too fragile now. We tried buffing their health a few times, but we think it’s finally time to add resilience to pets and fix it right.

Q. Continuing off of the previous question, are we happy with pet scaling currently? One constant request by warlocks in PvP, is to allow scaling for resilience. Would we consider making this change?

A.Yes, pets are never going to scale correctly as long as there are some stats that affect the master but not the pet. If the lock gains crit and haste, the demons don’t benefit as much as if the lock had gained spellpower. This is a problem. We need to make pets just scale with all stats. Technically, this is not a “flip the switch” kind of change. It’s complicated so it’s going to take some time to do right. We’ll get resilience and spell pen done first.

Song of the day:
May 26, 2011 -- Transplants
#2 Jul 02 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I'm glad they said they'll buff pets again. Felguard became so fragile after the last patch.

The Imp's fire shield does seem rather useless, now that I think of it. Maybe if it applied to the entire party, it'd be better... though really, I don't see why it would apply to the whole party.

Would love to see at least 1 more pet or as in my thread below, a "tame demon" ability.

I think a 4th "tree" would be useful. Not a real tree, but... more like things to put points into that don't require points into other things in the "tree". Just requires lvls per talent. This would be an ideal place for threat reducers and other "minor" things that can avoid requiring a lot of points into the other trees, but rather require a character lvl instead. Would make so someone who wants a heavy demonology or affliction build wouldn't need to put points into destruction, if they only want the threat reduction.
#3 Jul 04 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
260 posts
I'm thrilled they're going to make our pets more survivable and maybe help us out vs stuns.

What scares me is the way they're talking about changing the soul shard situation. I don't mind them becoming more useful and fun, but I can't stand when I try to solo a lower level dungeon and I can't pull shards off anything. It makes me nervous every time my demon dies. I'm afraid their new mechanic might make us even more shard dependent and less able to solo dungeons.
#4 Jul 06 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
57 posts
One 'idea' I thought of was going through the Demonolgy tree and stripping out all the Improved demon talents (e.g. Improved Imp, Improved Scubius, etc.)-- and replacing those with better synergistic talents (maybe something like what Demonic Sacrifice used to give).

However, what would 'replace' those stripped talents would be a 4th talent tree similar to hunters -- each pet having a broad, shallow set of talents that could be customized to your style of gameplay. E.G. If you like using your imp as a mana battery, there'd be a set of talents
r that).

Additionally, I agree Metamorphisis, is disappointing talent -- it doesn't last long enough...
#5 Jul 07 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
dfass wrote:
One 'idea' I thought of was going through the Demonolgy tree and stripping out all the Improved demon talents (e.g. Improved Imp, Improved Scubius, etc.)-- and replacing those with better synergistic talents (maybe something like what Demonic Sacrifice used to give).

However, what would 'replace' those stripped talents would be a 4th talent tree similar to hunters -- each pet having a broad, shallow set of talents that could be customized to your style of gameplay. E.G. If you like using your imp as a mana battery, there'd be a set of talents
r that).

Additionally, I agree Metamorphisis, is disappointing talent -- it doesn't last long enough...

Or do like the can with hunters and allow us to customize our pets talents.
#6 Jul 07 2009 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I'd love to see some sort of pet customization.

They have how many felguard models? Some with axes, swords, polearms... I'd like to pick what mine was holding, even if it didn't change his attacks or power, just looks.

Or even the voidwalker... they have some mobs with armor. Why can't we summon ones with armor? Or even better, improved voidwalker = voidwalker with armor.

Rest of the pets, I'm not sure of changes, as far as looks. Can't think of any, other than color differences.
#7 Jul 08 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
57 posts

Or do like the can with hunters and allow us to customize our pets talents.

That's what the '4th tree' was supposed to be...but unlike hunter pets, make the trees
unique for each demon types -- e.g. imps get an imp specific talent sets -- for example,
improved fire shot, improved fire shield, etc. while voidwalkers would get their own talent
sets -- for example, improved torment, improved sacrifice, etc.

Though I do agree, more demonic models would be interesting -- having your felguard wield a massive sword would look cool...
#8 Jul 24 2009 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
I am sad to see that the Q&A contains no mention of a bug that's been around for ages - when I dismount, there is a chance my Felguard will appear WITHOUT the health and mana bonuses that he should receive from his owner (me). In other words he shows up at <half health and reduced mana. It doesn't matter if he was at full health/mana when I mounted. This noticably impacts solo questing and pvp. Does anyone know if Blizz has elsewhere acknowledged the bug and announced a timetable for fixing it?
#9 Jul 27 2009 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
The pet bug I occasionally see is when dismounting, the pet commands don't appear. This means no control of the pet (duh), which can be hazardous, if the pet was on aggressive or passive, before you mounted. I've tried re-mounting and dismounting in an attempt to fix it, but the only solution I could come to was log out/in.

When I dismount and my demon re-appears (usually felguard), it's health/mana isn't full right away, but does shoot back up, after a second or two. I've never checked his health/mana, to see if it's the health buff issue or not.
#10 Jul 27 2009 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
the pet bar bug is annoying... you have to re-summon the pet to fix it... which in arena is a massive pain... the number of times in the past i've lost a match 'cos i couldn't control my pet is rediculous...
#11 Jul 27 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
@ Jenova - I actually never did try re-summoning my pet, in attempt to fix the problem. Even though I don't use shards often, I don't like using a shard unless I really have to. Suppose it'd be quicker to just re-summon, rather than log out/in though.
#12 Aug 13 2009 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
I've got that pet bug right now. Resummoning my fg didn't fix the problem either... new one still has it. Same goes for dismissing and summoning a new one. Problem still there.
#13 Aug 15 2009 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
Is crit still not really an important stat for locks?

I mean, prior to the patch, I believe it was:

hit until cap > sp > haste > spirit/crit

But from a few locks I've talked to, they tell me that crit is an important stat now. Is this true?
#14 Aug 26 2009 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
crit is still a useless stat for us. for all specs except destruction crit is the least beneficial.. for destruction crit and spirit are equal, so it's your own personal preferance as to which to stack.. personally i prefer spirit
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