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Tame demon?Follow

#1 Jun 26 2009 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Ages ago, I made a request to Bliz that they make a more improved enslave demon ability, which allowed locks to get a demon of their choice (within reason, of course) to be a summonable demon, like the felguard, imp, etc.

The other day, my brother said he saw people in WoW talking about a "tame demon" ability that was being added to the next patch. I've looked over the patch notes on Blizzard's forums and can't find anything about it.

Is such an ability not coming in the patch?
#2 Jun 26 2009 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
1,235 posts
PTR 3.2 notes wrote:

* Fel Domination cooldown reduced to 3 minutes, down from 15 minutes.

PTR 3.2.0 Notes on the WoW O-boards

This is the closest I could find. If they were introducing such a dramatic addition to a class, more people would be talking about it. A lot more.

Edit:*ding* w00t! 900!

Edited, Jun 26th 2009 4:47pm by Rykhorne
#3 Jun 26 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I should have figured, since I saw no threads about it here.

Though I posted anyway, because I saw several people talking about it, along with changes that I know are coming in the patch.
#4 Jun 26 2009 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
357 posts
It's probably speculation about what's gunna be said at blizz-con this year about the next expansion and our next 10 talent points that come with it. All it takes is one person to say "I know I read it somewhere" and people will wanna believe they can tame demons so they will.

Everything I remember hearing about it in the past is that they didn't want to do that because it would make the class to much like a hunter, but this can change. Soon the Warlock Q&A will be out and Blizzcon is around the corner, Until then we know nothing.
#5 Jun 26 2009 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
They could make it less hunter-like by not allowing us to pick skills for the demon. Certain demons would just have specific abilities, just like our current demons.

We also wouldn't need to feed them and they'd cost a soul shard to summon, of course.

If we're only able to have 1 tamed at a time and have a fee to untame them, I think the differences would be enough to show that the classes are different.
#6 Jun 27 2009 at 7:11 AM Rating: Excellent
436 posts
That would be a really cool idea.

Although . . .I don't really remember seeing hardly any demons around to begin with. Some out in Desolace (copies of existing succubus/felguard summons anyway), some in Felwood that dropped the felcloth (satyr-looking things) . . . y'know, I can't even think of any others really I've encountered.

Animals, humanoids, elementals abound everywhere. Demons weem to be pretty rare so this may be a "meh" ability if that's the case.
#7 Jun 27 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
357 posts
The problem is would it be a generic lvl 90 spell or a talent deep in the demonology tree. I think it would go better deep in the demon tree cause affliction uses the pet for dark pact and a little dps and destruction uses the imp due to the random buffs it gives him, but demonology would be all about this. However, then you have to balance the other trees around all the different possible demons that one spec could have. Would having a certain pet make demon overpowered while another one underpowered?

On another note, we kinda already have all the pets we could need, we have the anti-caster, the tank, the crowd-control, a few dps, hell, we even have a 1 min "trinket" demon on a 20 minute cooldown. The only thing missing is a demon that heals us every once in a while.

On a more lore related note, hunters tame beasts. They are usually simple creatures as man has been taming random beasts for as long as we've been around. Demons, however, are not simple creatures and can't be tamed, they must be enslaved. Look at the demons we have now, if they could every one of them would break away from us, either to go back to the nether or to try and kill us. For all the demons we have(except the felguard due to the power of the demonology tree) we went on a quest to obtain some random artifact that would allow us control over the demon. To all of a sudden be able to perminatly enslave a shivarra or a wrathguard with a flick of your fingers seems out of place. Just in case your saying well we could tame the stupider ones, not a shivarra, go to the wowiki page on demons, there are very few demons that are stupider than a felguard, and we already have most of them.

Personally, I'd just like to see some class quests in the next expansion for all the classes. Let ours end up with a new demon, you could even do 1 for each tree. It just seems to me that having the ability to enslave any demon seems out of place for a warlock, we fight for control of them and they hate us for it. To go up to a random demon and say your mine now seems odd.

Don't get me wrong, if they end up doing it I won't argue, I always wanted one of those giant floating eyes.
#8 Jun 27 2009 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
A beholder, like in Violet Hold? I'd like one of those as well.

Their are a few other demons, like... the green winged ones in the Pools of Aggonar. They have a poison breath attack. Their are also those tall, 4-armed females in a few areas.

Granted we really do have all areas covered, other than healing, with our pets, I'd like to see a bit more variety. Seeing a bunch of demo locks all with the same felguard, is a bit boring. Why not get one with a sword, if we wanted?

On the subject of a healing demon... I once enslaved one of those winged demons... can't recall the name or where exactly, but I died, while I had it enslaved. Right away, something tried to rez me, but I didn't see any players around.
#9 Jun 28 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
While it would definately be a fun addition, I'm not sure I'd like all the nerfing that would certainly follow anything THAT huge. But, if we're just daydreaming, I'm thinking they could have the enslaved demons be pretty powerful and maybe have a de-buff of maybe 50%max health/int/or mana. That could represent the energy the lock would have to expend to control such a powerful demon and keep the security of not having to worry about your demon turning on you. Basically, it's like a dog protecting a mouse from a cat LOL.

On another note, I was actually thinking of an addition for the lock to be able to steal life from his summoned demon. I know we have alot of life draining spells, and we can give demons our life, so why not? It's like playing "musical HP" LOL
#10 Jun 29 2009 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I'd be happy if they gave us a Warlock version of Call Pet.

Having to resummon your pet EVERY SINGLE TIME you die is a pain in the ***, really. Takes 10 seconds to summon, takes a shard, costs a boatload of mana and have no real function anymore since the class isn't balanced around demon availability anymore.

If the demon dies, fine, summon it. If you die and the demon despawns, please give us a Call Minion ability so I don't have to blow a shard, 64% of my base mana and 10 seconds of my group's time.

Five years and I still don't get why they haven't implemented it.

On topic, I'd love to be able to enslave my own demon. I can see why they didn't implement such an ability back then, with few demons being available, but now that the selection is a bit larger, I'd personally love to visit Undercity and enslave Verimathras to be my eternal servant.

Bwahaha... yesss.. yess...

Edited, Jun 29th 2009 4:48pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Jun 29 2009 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
I like the idea of a call pet ability. Takes such a long time to summon, which can easily result in death, even if you use fel domination.

Changes I'd love to see to the warlock:

• Summonable demon with healing powers.
• A "tame demon" ability.
• Doomguard as a summonable demon with no timer. Even if it costs more than 1 soul shard, I'd love this.
• Summon cast time vary per demon and be summoned faster.
• Fel Domination makes summon cast time 1-2 seconds (keep the cool down time).
• Metamorphosis last longer, even if it's added strengths get nerfed.
• Ritual of Doom and Curse of Doom to result in a Dread Lord or other powerful demon to be summoned (limited controlled time).

With the tame demon ability, it would of course have it's restrictions, just like a hunter not being able to tame all beasts.
#12 Jun 29 2009 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
They could make it less hunter-like by not allowing us to pick skills for the demon. Certain demons would just have specific abilities, just like our current demons.

We also wouldn't need to feed them and they'd cost a soul shard to summon, of course.

If we're only able to have 1 tamed at a time and have a fee to untame them, I think the differences would be enough to show that the classes are different.

Another way to make it less hunter like is rather then being able to summon it like one of the normal demons it would work akin to infernal and doomguard it has a long CD and you only get it for a little while. This would also help balance it around some of the more powerful demons you could enslave.
#13 Jun 29 2009 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
Twirdman - Only having it a short time would defeat the purpose of the suggestion of a "tame demon" ability. How is that any different than the current enslave demon?
#14 Jun 29 2009 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
Twirdman - Only having it a short time would defeat the purpose of the suggestion of a "tame demon" ability. How is that any different than the current enslave demon?

Thing I'm saying is you basically tame a demon and then would be able to summon it later on. So in essence you could enslave a demon in say Outlands and then be able to summon it into Ulduar any time you wanted.
#15 Jun 29 2009 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
Twirdman - Oh I see... though I still don't like the limited time control. I'd prefer it to stay with you until killed or unsummoned, like the other demons (not counting infernal and doomguard).
#16 Jun 30 2009 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
Interesting but sooo doubtfull. If Blizz did this they would undoubtedly hit us with a GIANT nerf bat.
#17 Jun 30 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
Changes I'd love to see to the warlock:

• Metamorphosis last longer, even if it's added strengths get nerfed.

I wish they'd make Metamorphosis a stance, like Shadowform or Moonkin form, allowing us to keep it on at all times. A slight model design fix to make the demon form more pleasant to look at (increase wing size and have them fold back when not running and fold out when jumping, add textures instead of the black and purple look, etc.) and nerf the bonuses to balance it out.

Being able to transform into a demon yourself is just amazing and having it as a temporary buff with a cooldown just makes it more like another cooldown, but with sweet eye candy.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Jun 30 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
Blumight wrote:
Interesting but sooo doubtfull. If Blizz did this they would undoubtedly hit us with a GIANT nerf bat.

I've been hit with plenty of nerf bats before, I mean I played before diminishing returns on fear, its not like one more will hurt too much.
#19 Jun 30 2009 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra - That's exactly what I was hoping Metamorphosis would be like, when I first heard about it. A true form for us to change into and stay in for as long as we want. I mean 30 seconds? That's not much time. Granted you could take down a few mobs, but with the melee bonuses it gives, I see almost no locks even bother with it. Heck, I only know of 1 lock who uses Metamorphosis and they're not a great lock, as far as dps.

I also don't care for the Metamorphosis look. Maybe have us look more like dread lords, would be better. A black mass with wings, isn't too great to look at, in my opinion. Would be even nicer if they gave the form different looks based on skin/hair color, like the new druid forms are getting.
#20 Jun 30 2009 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Granted you could take down a few mobs, but with the melee bonuses it gives, I see almost no locks even bother with it. Heck, I only know of 1 lock who uses Metamorphosis and they're not a great lock, as far as dps.

Hmmm.... I remember first reading the tooltip for Morph, I kinda never really considered using it for any sort of melee fighting (maybe it's because, due to being a caster, I don't really know what's considered awsome buffs for melee.); is "Demon Melee" anything worth exploring? I did come up with a fun way to use Morph though:

1. With VW out, run into the middle of mobs/players, change into demon, and use sacrifice.
2. Activate "Immolation Aura" & "Helfire"
3. Resummon VW (3sec cast time from dem. spec)
4. re-sacrifice VW when "Sacrifice" gets to max dmg absorbed and falls

I called this "Demon Bomb" or "Kamikaze Lock", It was alot of fun and allowed me to solo between 5-10 mobs of around my level (if I did 10 mobs, they were probably 2-3lvls below me). Sometimes I'd have to actually use a Healthstone near the end to stay alive and other times I would die and need SS or party rez depending on if I was soloing or not. I remember "HF" ticking for about 600+AOEdmg and "IA" ticking for 4-500+AOEdmg Simultaneously.

Granted this was before the recent change to VW's Sac ability (kind of a nerf for me then) and almost ALWAYS got me killed in PvP BG's; but it was fun to hear the reactions, from party members, when I did it in 5-mans during a wipe and end up with minimal or no casualties. I'm not sure if it's still worth it to try because I re-specced to Aff after the VW nerf.

I know we got off subject a bit, but I just thought I'd mention my experiences on the Morph subject. Actually, maybe instead of Tame demon addition, mix enslave with morph and transform the lock into wichever demon he enslaves (with appropriate balancing nerfs); That might actually be an interesting change.
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